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Learn about LAN structures, Ethernet, LAN topologies, and how packet sniffers work to enhance network security. Discover the basics of passive eavesdropping and protecting your data.
Introduction • Sniffing is passively eavesdropping on the network. • A way for hackers to gain information on the network. E.g. • Username • Password • Can also be used as an investigating technique.
LAN Structure • Computers and network devices such as printers are interconnected by a shared transmission medium. • Cabling system • Twisted-pair cable • Coaxial cable • Optical fiber
RAM RAM (a) (b) Ethernet Processor ROM Figure 6.10
LAN standards define physical layer protocols • Specify the physical properties of the cabling or wireless system. E.g. • Connectors • Maximum cable lengths • Digital transmission system • Modulation • Line code • Transmission speed
Computer and network devices are connected to the cabling system through • Network interface card (NIC) or • LAN adapter card • NIC card • Coordinates the transfer of information between the computer and the network. • Transfers information in parallel format to and from the RAM of the computer. • Transfers information in serial format to and from the network.
Functions • Parallel-to-serial conversion • Data buffering. • Components • Port that meets the connector and transmission specifications. • ROM containing firmware that allows the NIC to implement the MAC protocol. • NIC is assigned a unique physical address burned into the ROM • First three bytes specify the card vendor • remaining bytes specify a unique number for that vendor.
Contain hardware that allows it to recognize • Its physical address • Broadcast address • Multicast addresses that direct frames to groups of stations. • Can be set to run in “promiscuous” mode where it listens to all transmissions. • Used by system administrator to troubleshoot the network. • Used by hackers to intercept unencrypted passwords and other information.
The original standard specified 10Base5 • Made use of thick (10mm) coaxial cable operating at a data rate of 10Mbps. • Max. segment length of 500 meters. • Use Manchester coding • Require transceiver to attach the NIC card to the coaxial cable. • 10Base2 • Uses thin (5mm) coaxial cable. • Operating at 10Mbps with a maximum segment of 200 meters.
Uses T-shaped BNC junctions • 10Base5 and 10Base2 segments can be combined through the use of a repeater that forwards the signals from one segment to the other.
(a) transceivers (b) Figure 6.55
10BaseT • Use two unshielded twisted pairs of copper wires operating at 10Mbps. • The advantage of twisted pair is low cost and its prevalence in existing office wiring (for telephone) • Connected to a hub. • Star topology. • Use CSMA-CD protocol. • The star topology of 10BaseT provides three approaches to operating the LAN.
First approach • The hub monitors all transmissions from the stations. • When there is only one transmission, the hub repeats the transmission on the other lines. • If there is a collision, the hub sends a jamming signal to all the stations. • This action causes the stations to implement the backoff algorithm. • The stations are said to be in the same collision domain.
Second approach • operating the hub as an Ethernet switch. • Each input port buffers incoming transmissions. • The incoming frames are examined and transferred to the appropriate outgoing ports. • Each incoming line is in its own collision domain, so collisions will not occur if only a single station is attached to a line. • It is possible to have several stations share an input line using another hub.
Third approach • Stations transmit in full-duplex mode. • Each port in the switch has only a single station attached to it. • Introducing a dedicated transmission line for each direction enables transmissions to take place in both directions simultaneously without collisions. • The stations can continue to operate the CSMA-CD algorithm, but they will never encounter collisions.
Single collision domain (a) High-Speed Backplane or Interconnection fabric (b) Figure 6.56
Fast Ethernet • IEEE 802.3u standard was approved in 1995 to provide Ethernet LANs operating at 100Mbps (fast Ethernet). • To maintain compatibility with the old standard, the frame format, interfaces, and procedures have been kept the same. • When the transmission speed is increased from 10Mbps to 100Mbps, the packet transmission time is reduced by a factor of 10.
How sniffers work? • A packet sniffer is a program that eavesdrops on the network traffic. • It captures data as it passes across the network. • Normal Condition • Data is placed in frames for the local area network. • Each frame is addressed to a particular MAC (media access control) address.
Each network interface card (NIC) and network device has a unique MAC address. • Usually MAC address is not allowed to be changed. • NIC only receives packets destined to its specific MAC address, and all other packets are ignored. • Promiscuous mode • When the NIC is in promiscuous mode, it will pass the data from every frame to the protocol stack regardless of the MAC address.
HTTP Request Header contains source and destination port numbers TCP Header Header contains source and destination IP addresses; transport protocol type IP Header Header contains source and destination physical addresses; network protocol type Frame Check Sequence Ethernet Header
Writing a Simple Sniffer Socket() Bind() Promiscuous mode Recvfrom()
Server socket() bind() listen() Client accept() socket() blocks until server receives a connect request from client connect negotiation connect() data write() read() data write() read() close() close() Socket calls for connection-oriented communication (Just to refresh your memory)
Server socket() Client socket() bind() bind() recvfrom() blocks until server sendto() data receives data from client sendto() data recvfrom() close() close() Socket calls for connectionless communication (Just to refresh your memory)
Int socket(int family, int type, int protocol) • Create an endpoint for communication • Family identifies the family by address or protocol • We are only concerned with AF_INET • Type: identifies the semantics of communication • SOCK_STREAM • Sequence of bytes, does not preserve message boundary • SOCK_DGRAM • In blocks of bytes called datagram
SOCK_RAW • Access to internal network interface (superuser) • SOCK_PACKET • To get Ethernet packets (for Linux). • Protocol: identifies protocol (0 - default) • SOCK_STREAM, AF_INET (TCP) • SOCK_DGRAM, AF_INET(UDP) • ETH_P_ALL • Get Ethernet packets.
Int bind(int sd, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen) • Assign an address to the socket. • sd is the socket descriptor return by the socket call. • name is a pointer to an address structure. • namelen is the size of address structure. • Note: For TCP or UDP connection, usually sockaddr_in structure is used to assign the values. sockaddr is just for casting purpose.
struct sockaddr { sa_family_t sa_family; /* address family */ char sa_data[14]; /* up to 14 bytes of direct address */ }; • sa_familiy = AF_INET • Sa_data = name of the interface • In our sniffer, sockaddr is used to assign the value.
ioctl operation • has traditionally been the system interface. • Used by network programming for • Obtaining interface information. • Set the interface configuration. • Accessing the routing table. • ARP cache. • Here we will use this function to set the network interface to promiscuous mode.
Ioctl(int fd, int request, /*void *arg */); • fd: sockfd • request: type of the request • SIOCGIFFLAGS • Return the interface flags in the ifr_flags member • SIOCSIFFLAGS • Set the interface flags from the ifr_flags member • arg: address of an ifr record
Recvfrom(sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf) …) • Get the next available packet. • Here is the code for a simple sniffer (from Chapter 9 of “Hack proofing your network”)
Sniffer can then examine the data and pick off interesting information. • Header information. • Username and password. • Common application protocols that are interested by hackers. • telnet (port 23) • ftp (port 21) • Pop (port 110) • Imap (port 143) • NNTP (port 119) • Rexec (port 512)
rlogin (port 513) • X11 (port 6000+) • Magic cookie • NFS files Handles • Windows NT authentication • SMTP (Port 25) • HTTP (Port 80) • It can also watch TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, RARP.
What a sniffer can do? • Determine the local gateway of an unknown network via passive sniffing. • Become a simple password sniffer • Parsing each application protocol and saving interesting formation. • Output all requested URLs sniffed from HTTP traffic and analyze them offline. • Send URLs sniffed from a client to your local Netscape browser for display.
Intercept packets from a target host by forging ARP replies. • Flood the local network with random MAC addresses • Cause some switches to fail open in repeating mode.
Detection of Quiet Sniffers • Properties • Collect data only • Does not respond to any of the information • Does not generate its own traffic • Requires physical checking • Ethernet connections • Check the configuration of network card e.g. ifconfig -a
Detection of Malicious sniffer • DNS Test • Create numerous fake TCP connections. • Expecting a poorly written sniffer to • pick up on those connections. • Resolve the IP addresses of the nonexistent hosts. • When a reverse DNS lookup occurs, a sniffer detection tool sniffs the lookup request to see if the target is the nonexistent host.
Ping Test • Construct an ICMP echo request • Set the IP address to that of the suspected host. • Deliberately choose a mismatched MAC address. • Most systems will ignore this packet since its hardware address is wrong. • In some systems, if the NIC is in promiscuous mode, the sniffer will grab this packet as a legitimate packet and respond accordingly. • If the suspected host replies to our request, we know that it is in promiscuous mode. • Clever attackers are of course aware of this and update their sniffers to filter out these packets.
ICMP Ping Latency Test • Ping the suspected host and take the round trip time. • Create a lot of fake TCP connections. • We expect the sniffer to be processing those packets and the latency will increase. • Ping the suspected host again to see if the round trip time is increased.
ARP Test • Send out an ARP request to the suspect host with all valid information except a bogus destination MAC address. • A machine that is not in promiscuous mode would never see the packet. • If a machine is in promiscuous mode, the ARP request would be seen and the kernel would process it and reply.
Sniffer Countermeasures • The best countermeasure for a sniffer is not to allow the hacker to have access to your systems. • Use switches instead of hubs. • With a hub, all traffic is shown to each system on the LAN. • In a switched environment, frames are shown only to the interface where the MAC address actually resides.
To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Hub T1 MAC address aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa T2 MAC address bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb T3 MAC address cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc Accept the frame Ignore the frame Ignore the frame
To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Hub T1 MAC address aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Hacker MAC address bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb T3 MAC address cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc Accept the frame When the NIC is run in promiscuous mode, the frame will be accepted. Ignore the frame
To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa To aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Switch T1 MAC address aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa Hacker MAC address bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb T3 MAC address cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc Accept the frame No frame is received No frame is received
However, some new sniffers have the capability to sniff on switched networks. • The best way to avoid damage by sniffers is not to pass usernames and passwords over the network in form of clear text. • Encryption is the key idea. • Use SSH instead of telnet. • Use HTTPS instead of HTTP • Use SCP and SFTP for file transfer.
Advanced Sniffing Techniques • Is switch really safe? • Switches keep an internal list of the MAC addresses of the hosts that are on its ports. • Traffics is sent to a port, only if the destination hosts is recorded as being present on that port. • Attackers have created new methods to get around these technology advancements.
ARP Spoofing • It is possible to overwrite the ARP cache on many operating systems. • It is possible to associate the MAC address with the default gateway’s IP address. • Cause all outgoing traffic from the target host to be transmitted to the hacker’s host. • Hacker can also forge ARP replies. • Dsniff sniffer by Dug Song includes a program named “arpredirect” for exactly this purpose.
ARP Flooding • A switch must keep a table of all MAC addresses appear on each port. • If a large number of addresses appear on a single port, some switches begin to send all traffic to that port. • Dsniff sniffer includes a program named “macof” that facilitates the flooding of a switch with random MAC addresses
Routing Games • Change the routing table of the host you wish to monitor • All traffic on a network will pass through your host • Sending a fake route advertisement message via the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). • Declaring yourself as the default gateway. • Enable IP forwarding, and the default gateway is set to the real network. • All outbound traffic from the host will pass through your host and onto the real network gateway. • Cannot receive return traffic.