Cinderella By Maryam Ali
Once upon a time there lived a beautiful and very clever girl called Cinderella. Now Cinderella was was very intelligent. One day her mother died she had a heart attack. And her mother had left nothing for Cinderella. After a hole year of pain and sorrow her father finally going to get married. Her stepmother had two daughters of her own they were cruel and fat they did not have the courage to tell the truth, all they ever did was blaming everything on poor, defenceleve Cinderella .
One day while Cinderella was cleaning the house a knock on the small cottage door It was the royal messenger from the royal kingdom. The letter said “You are invited to a ball because the prince is hoping to get married so whoever the prince loves they will be his bride. Lots of love the King and The Queen”. Cinderella asked can I come please the step daughters just laughed no you have got nothing at all for you to wear” Suddenly the step mother had a sly look across her face you can come only if you do all the house work.
Cinderella sat on the garden bench and started crying she had cried so hard that her tears became so red. Suddenly there was a puff of smoke then out of nowhere there came a lovely fairy godmother. She told Cinderella to go and get her a few lizards and 4 mice Cinderella did what she was told. Her fairy godmother gave her a beautiful dress and lovely pure class slipper.
The fairy god mother said "you must be home by midnight for then my magic will wear off. Cinderella said do not worry I will listen to you because you are my fairy godmother and you are saying it very kindly.
Cinderella eventually got to the ball when she stepped in to the palace Everyone looked at her even Cinderella's stepsisters could not recognise .The prince danced with her all night long.Suddenly the clock struck twelve o'clock midnight. "I must go I am so sorry" Said poor Cinderella looking right into his eyes." But why" said the prince but Cinderella did not say anything because she did not want to reveal who she really was on the outside.
So she ran down the palace steps, but her glass slipper fell on one of the first step she was al the way right down the last step. Out of nowhere the carriage became a pumpkin and the four horses became the four mice just like we read earlier in the story. But Cinderella was back in rags again. By the tme the stepsisters and there ugly fat mean and selfish old stepmother .Cinderella was looking at the lovely floweres.
The prince said"whoever foot into this shoe will sorely be my bride" The prince and his royal duke searched high and low up and down. When finally he came to Cinderella house. The step mothers daughters were so exited that they both tried it on at the same time than the duke tripped and the glass slipper went flying and it crashed in two dozens of pieces. " May I have a tried ' Said Cinderella. Sorry said the duke it broken 'Maybe this will help 'Cinderella said the duke was so surprised.
Will you marry me" asked the prince "Of course it would be a honour and it is much better than being bossed around".replied Cinderella. So the very next day Cinderella and her new husband were getting married the two step sisters were her new maid. and they all lived happily ever after.
THE END I HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT author:Maryam illustration: Miss wild