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Sistan Hub: Connecting Public Statistics Through Component-Based Solution

Explore how ISTAT's Sistan Hub project in Italy connects and visualizes multiple SDMX sources, promoting open data and supporting the National Digital Agenda. Learn about legislative frameworks, main aims, and the role of ISTAT within Sistan. Discover the transition from the "Data Browser" to "Data Explorer" and the structure of Sistan, involving various statistical offices and public bodies. Gain insights into the project's state of the art, governance, quality assurance, and adherence to international standards like SDMX and DCAT.

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Sistan Hub: Connecting Public Statistics Through Component-Based Solution

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  1. .Stat Suite Showcase Component-based “Hub of Public Statistics – connecting and visualizing multiple SDMX sources by ISTAT” Francesco Rizzo – ISTAT, Italy Paris, 17 June 2019

  2. Content • Italian National Statistical System (Sistan) • Istat role within Sistan • Open Data and the National Digital Agenda • Sistan Hub project: • legislative framework • main aims • architecture • An open source toolkit for facilitating the project • Each organization can find a suitable solution • Project state of art • From the hub “Data Browser” to “Data Explorer”

  3. National Statistical System: Sistan Structure • National Institute of Statistics – Istat (Central and regional offices) • Statistical offices of central (*) and local government administrations • Other public bodies and organisations dealing with statistical information Main actors • Provide Italian and international bodies with official statistics information • Ensure uniform policy, homogeneous organisation and rationalised information flows at central and local levels (National Statistical Law) Mission (*) included ONAs: Other National Agencies

  4. Istat role within Sistan • Istat drafts the National Statistical Programme and carries out the main surveys as envisaged in the Programme • Istat directs, coordinates, promotes, provides technical assistance and training to bodies and offices belonging to Sistan • Istat sets nomenclatures, standards and methodologies binding for Sistan bodies • Istat publishes and disseminates data, analyses and studies produced by itself or by other Sistan bodies that are not able to do that directly

  5. Open Data and the National Digital Agenda • The Digital Agenda for Europe is conceived as one of the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy adopted by the Commission. Published in May 2010, it sets out to define the key enabling role that the use of ICTs will have to play if Europe wants to succeed in its ambitions for 2020 • The “Agency for the digital Italy” (Agid) is a reference authority within the European Union for the development at national level of the Digital Agenda through the promotion of guidelines and development of specific projects • Guidelines on Open Data (*) • Management of Open Data catalogues (CKAN with API 3 and RDF with DCAT-AP_IT) • (*) Lineeguidanazionali per la valorizzazione del patrimonio informative pubblico (pag. 30 SDMX as reference standard)

  6. The Italian Hub for the public statistics: legislative framework • Regolamento (UE) 2015/759 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 29 aprile 2015 che modifica il regolamento (CE) n. 223/2009, relativo alle statistiche europee; • Legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241 e s.m.i. “Nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi”, in particolare l’art. 15 in materia di “Accordi tra pubbliche amministrazioni”; • Legge 6 novembre 2012, n. 190 s.m.i. “Disposizioni per la prevenzione e la repressione della corruzione e dell'illegalità nella pubblica amministrazione”; • Decreto legislativo 6 settembre 1989, n. 322, e successive modificazioni e integrazioni, “Norme sul Sistema statistico nazionale e sulla riorganizzazione dell’Istituto nazionale di statistica”; • Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 7 settembre 2010, n. 166, “Regolamento recante il riordino dell'Istituto nazionale di statistica”; • Decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196, e successive modifiche e integrazioni, “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”; • “Codice di deontologia e di buona condotta per i trattamenti di dati personali a scopi statistici e di ricerca scientifica effettuati nell’ambito del Sistema statistico nazionale” (All. A.3 del Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali - d.lgs. 30 giugno 2003, n. 196); • Direttiva n. 10 del Comitato di indirizzo e coordinamento dell'informazione statistica (COMSTAT), con la quale è stato adottato il Codice italiano delle statistiche ufficiali il quale stabilisce i principi e i criteri da adottare per assicurare elevati standard di qualità delle statistiche ufficiali; • Resolution of the Committee for the coordination and monitoring of the statistical information COMSTAT (NSS steering committee)

  7. SISTAN Hub project – main aims • Improve data quality within the NSS • Support the “semantic interoperability” as detailed by the Digital Agenda at European and National level • Facilitate open (statistical)data at national level • Facilitate the standardization and modernization of the dissemination information systems in the Public Administration • International standards (SDMX, RDF(*), DCAT(*), etc.) • metadata-drive processes • data warehousing • Sharing best practices developed at international and national level • (*) RDF Datacube, DCAT_AP_IT

  8. The components of the project • Governance: who publish what • Quality (guided by the European Code of Practice / Quality Assurance Framework) • Principle 13: Timeliness and Punctuality • Principle 14: Coherence and Comparability • Principle 15: Accessibility and Clarity • Metadata harmonization • IT architecture • Distributed databases • Single access point for end users (Hub)

  9. SISTAN Hub project – architecture

  10. An open source toolkit for facilitating the project • An integrated and modular set of applications developed on the basis of pilot phase experience • Loosely Coupled Architecture • integrated with the Eurostat SDMX-RI (reuse of some modules of the SDMX-RI) • Optimized to be used with the OECD SIS-CC Data Explorer (as Hub application)

  11. Each organization can find a suitable solution Meta Repository Meta Web GUI SDMX DDB Meta Repository I.STAT SDMX-RI WS SDMX RI HUB Data Manager ISTAT Meta Manager Meta Repository Meta Repository SDMX -RI WS SDMX RI SDMX DDB Legacy DDB CSV or SDMX files Data Manager Cloud Wrapping Engineering or Re-engineering

  12. Project state of art • Experimental phase: ended successfully in 2017 • To verify the feasibility • To identify the fundamental “access” functionalities: • a central theme-tree, categorising datasets available in different peripheral nodes (sources) • switch among different nodes • Pilot/production phase: running • To involve more organisations • To evolve the software (hub and nodes) • new version of the Istat toolkit to support better data producers • SIS-CC Data Explorer as Hub application

  13. From the hub “Data Browser” to “Data Explorer”

  14. Thank you

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