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Description of a meridian filaments group belonging to C24

Explore a study on three meridian filaments observed in the solar chromosphere, analyzing their dynamics, tilt angles, and neighborhood activity. Data from H_alpha, magnetograms, and coronal observations were utilized. The group's analysis provides insights into the formation and evolution of these solar features, including active region associations and magnetic field topology. Discover how the filaments' behaviors reflect the solar cycle and influence the surrounding solar activity, contributing to a deeper understanding of the Sun's dynamics.

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Description of a meridian filaments group belonging to C24

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  1. Description of a meridian filaments group belonging to C24 Diana R. Constantin Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest BUDAPEST, 3-7 September 2012

  2. Introduction • The importance of the filaments study: The solar filaments are magnetic fields tracers - they forming on the neutral line (NL) the line that separates zones with different polarities . These chromosphere solar features tell us something about the chromosphere magnetic field topology . • In this work we study a group of three meridian filaments (the main member of this group being a meridian sigmoid) observed in northern hemisphere between 27 April and 8 May 2011 The meridian filaments are associated with the meridian flow and they are relatively rare events as the sigmoids. A S-shape solar filament is called sigmoid. The term “sigmoids” was originally applied to both H_alpha filaments and coronal brightenings (Sigmoids loops which are frequently associated to the sigmoid filaments as in present work).

  3. Data • H_alpha full disk – Kanzelhöhe, BBSO • Magnetograms – SOLIS , SDO (HMI) • Maps – BASS2000, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD) • Coronal observations – SoHo (LASCO/C2) – STEREO A/B – HINODE, SDO(AIA)

  4. The group’s analysis The H_alpha images for the group’s members: f1, f2 and f3 f3 f2 f1 CM

  5. f1 • In H_alfa successive images f1 is a sigmoid filament which passes the solar equator through its lower component; this sigmoid there was also with a Carrington rotation before 28 April 11 2 May 11 (CM crossing) 4 May 11

  6. f1 • The filament type: f1 is an active region filament formed into AR 11201 Sigmoid loops are visible on 8 May 11 in EUV, STEREO A

  7. f1Results The f1 dynamics is given by the variations of the differential rotation w, tilt angle u and length L(28 April – 6 May 11) and the sigmoid’s feet movement: the graphics relieve main days in the dynamics of the f1 as on 29-30 April (stereoB AR11203 ), 1May, 3 May (CME in AR_201) and 4 May 11 (occurred AR11206). *The tilt angle u (computed for the symmetryaxis of sigmoid ) shows that f1is in a good approx. a meridian sigmoid *u<0 respect northern hemisphere rule

  8. f2 • appears in northern hemisphere at ~+100 latitude • is a between active regions filament associated by AR 11203 and 11201 • its dynamics and the thermal disappearance of its tail (between 1May and 6 May) are influenced by occurring of the AR 11206 (on 3-4 May 11) 30 April 11 1 May 11(f2 passed CM on 3 May 11) 6 May 11

  9. f3 • It appears in northern hemisphere at ~+ 30o latitude • It is a meridian filament of 10o length with during life of a few days order • It is an active region filament (such as f1) forming into the AR 11205 (flare on 3 May) H_alpha, magnetogram and XRT images on 7 May 11 (f3 crossing MC) the solar equator

  10. Conclusions The variations of the tilt angle and the differential rotation reflect dynamics of the filaments and their neighborhood activity. The filaments f1 sand f3 are the active region filaments as fellow: f1evoluev into the ARs 201 and f3 into AR205. About f2 is a between active regions filament associated with the ARs 203 and 201 The dynamics of the f2’s tail was influenced by the appearance of the AR206, the magnetic reconnections leading to a thermal sudden disappearance or to a helicity ascending movement with its rarefietion (1-6 May 11). The f1 sigmoid is found in 2 successive Carrington rotations. In actual CR f1appears associated with sigmoid loops in EUV. Its tilt angle is u>0 in concordance with the northern hemisphere rule. This sigmoid is form on the solar equator thus explaining its length (~230) and stability more over 14 days. Also, the Sun is before its maxim (2012 yr) that means the solar ARs haven’t reach to the equatorial latitudes yet. In opposite, f2 and f3 are not very long (~100) and stable filaments they forming on upper latitudes. This C24’s filaments group is composed by 3 meridian filaments which form in the same neighborhoodand show a graduate appearances namely from low latitude on solar equator for f1, ~+150 latitude for f2 and ~ +200 for f3. Their rising and developing announces maxim of the solar cycle C24. Reference1. A. Pevtsov, Sinuous coronal loops at the Sun, NSO, NM(2009)2. D.Constantin, -A vertical Sigmoid, Bucharest (2010)3. C.Dumitrache , On the evolution of filaments, Solar Physics, 173, 281(1997)www. SolarMonitor.org

  11. Thank you ! the special events 2011:flare M2.5 on 7 June, flare X6.9 on 9 Aug ARARAT- 2010

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