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A Modern Creation Story

Discover the scientific theory behind the creation of the universe in "The Big Bang: A Modern Creation Story." Explore the processes that led to the formation of stars, planets, life on Earth, and major extinctions. Compare this theory to other creation stories and contemplate its believability alongside religious narratives.

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A Modern Creation Story

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Modern Creation Story The BIG Bang!

  2. A Modern Creation Story! • There are many different ideas about how the world began. Scientists try to create a picture of the processes which brought the universe into existence. This process is still taking place today – we live on an ever changing planet! • Remember that science tries to answer how the earth was made – it does not say why it was made!

  3. Many scientists believe that between 6,000 and 15,000 million years ago the universe was full of matter and energy.

  4. A massive nuclear explosion caused particles to be thrown outwards into the empty universe. • As these particles settled down they formed stars, planets and black holes.

  5. In the beginning Earth was a hot mass of molten rock. • As the surface cooled over millions of years, a crust formed the continents of land.

  6. Steam fell back to Earth as rain, which filled the seas. • The Sun gave enough heat and light to allow life to begin.

  7. Life on Earth! • Life on Earth began in the water. Plant life was the first, followed by simple one cell creatures. • Over millions of years these developed and grew into many different creatures. • Some adapted well to their environment and survived, others like the dinosaurs died out.

  8. Why did the dinosaurs die out? • Some scientists say a large meteor from space or a disease wiped them out. • Others say climate change affected them – it became too hot or cold for them to survive. • This has caused several major extinctions during the last 400 million years – one of the hazards of living on a dynamic Earth!

  9. Some would say the Big Bang was the biggest explosion ever and was the event that created everything we know and was the moment when everything was brought into existence. • Some say even time began for us at the moment of the Big Bang because there was nothing before it.

  10. Things to do! • Write down all the stages involved in the Big Bang creation process, numbering them as you go. • Can you spot any similarities or differences with any other creation stories you have looked at? • Do you think this theory is more believable than other creation stories, explain your answer. • Do you think that the Big Bang and other religious stories can be believed together?

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