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Rationale for 14-19 Initiative

14-19: OPPORTUNITY AND EXCELLENCE The Government’s Response on the 14-19 Green Paper Ian Williams QCA Principal Officer Design and Technology. Rationale for 14-19 Initiative. To increase participation in education and training to improve standards of attainment

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Rationale for 14-19 Initiative

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  1. 14-19: OPPORTUNITY AND EXCELLENCEThe Government’s Response on the 14-19 Green Paper Ian WilliamsQCA Principal Officer Design and Technology

  2. Rationale for 14-19 Initiative • To increase participation in education and training • to improve standards of attainment • to create a 14-19 phase of education and training with greater coherence between institutions • to create greater flexibility so that institutions can better meet the individual needs of every learner • to offer a range of learning programmes mixing general and specialist qualifications • to encourage greater collaboration between institutions

  3. National Developments 14-19 • Inquiry into A level standards, December 2002 • Success for All – vision for the future, November 2002 • 14-19: Opportunity and excellence, January 2003

  4. Success for All The (learning and skills) sector must ensure that 14-19 learners have greater choice and higher standards, with a wide range of academic and vocational programmes providing clear opportunities to progress to higher education and skilled employment. Secretary of State’s foreword

  5. Teaching and Learning Strategy • consistent with KS3 and Skills for Life strategies, 14-19 agenda • identification of best practice in teaching and learning, teacher support and training, kite-marking of learning materials • regional network of co-ordinators and advanced practitioners • initial priority areas - construction, business, science • e-learning strategy, including extension of Curriculum Online • a coherent approach for all working with 11-19 year olds • an 11-19 teaching and learning framework

  6. 14-19: Opportunity and Excellence The key to higher achievement is to put the needs of students at the centre of 14-19 provision. They need a coherent and motivating curriculum, delivered in a wide range of institutions, recognised by a coherent qualifications system. We owe it to our young people to put this in place. Secretary of State’s foreword

  7. Next Steps: Curriculum Proposals • Increased flexibility at key stage 4 • English, mathematics and science remain compulsory • PE, citizenship, RE, sex education and careers education are compulsory • ICT to remain compulsory for now • all students learn about work and enterprise • all students entitled to study the arts, D&T, the humanities and MFL • entitlement post 16 to literacy, numeracy and IT to level 2

  8. Work for QCA on 14-19 Curriculum • revision of science programme of study to create a small core applicable to all and leading to a range of qualifications • development of statutory framework for work-related learning, including enterprise • development of non-statutory specification for four entitlement areas of arts, d&t, humanities and mfl • review of ICT programme of study to determine whether changes are needed to increase the numbers gaining qualifications, and to consider the need for separate specification

  9. Schools should provide a D&T experience in AT LEAST TWO of the following areas: • Product Design (including Textiles Technology, Resistant Materials Technology, Graphic Products) or Manufacturing. • Food Technology (including specialist areas in due course). • Systems and Control, Electronic Products, ECT or Engineering.

  10. 14-19 Curriculum Work (continued) • scope for greater co-ordination and cross-curricular delivery of citizenship, RE, careers and sex education • guidance on PE to emphasise physical fitness, health and well-being • guidance on pace • phase out disapplication

  11. Proposed Timeline for Changes to Key Stage 4 Statutory Requirements 2002 • no change to disapplication purposes • simplified disapplication arrangements 2003 • revised purposes for disapplication to reflectplanned changes • advice to Ministers by 17 April • statutory consultation May - July • information to schools autumn 2003 2004 • new statutory requirements implemented

  12. Curriculum Guidance • Developing provision for C2K – QCA Sept. 2002 • C2K in action on www.qca.org.uk/ca/14-19/16-19/introduction.asp • 14-19 case studies being added to gifted and talented website www.nc.uk.net/gt/ • 14-19 guidance/case studies on www.qca.org.uk/ca/14-19/approaches.asp • Pathfinders information on www.dfes.gov.uk/14-19

  13. Forthcoming 14-19 Guidance • New QCA 14-19 website due for launch in spring, including • pace and progression • maximising learning from work-related experiences • extended work-related programmes • post-16 Curriculum Online • information on qualifications

  14. Opportunity and Excellence in the 14-19 Phase Key Qualifications Developments

  15. General Issues Qualifications are not the whole 14-19 curriculum but are the key driver of curriculum change • Funding of schools and colleges • Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets • School and college performance tables • Progression into higher education, training and employment

  16. General Issues (continued) • Determine curriculum content and approaches to teaching, learning and assessment • Are a powerful tool for supporting innovation • And therefore must be fit for purpose

  17. Aims of the innovative approaches to D&T and its assessment project: • To research into interpretation of the National Curriculum Importance of design and technology statement. • To develop strategies and suggest methodologies that will encourage a range of approaches to curriculum delivery and assessment processes.

  18. To enskill school teachers in the use of appropriate assessment tools and processes with special reference to how creativity and innovation is fostered. • To make provision for increased teacher confidence in developing innovative and challenging work.

  19. Objectives of the innovative approaches to D&T and its assessment project • To exemplify the interpretation of GCSE assessment criteria so as to properly reflect the National Curriculum Importance of design and technology statement. • To explore how these criteria might bear upon the potential long term development of the Attainment Target level descriptions.

  20. To develop assessment procedures for GCSE, empowering teachers with the skills and confidence to derive reliable judgements of quality. • To develop and pilot new tools for assessment that support teachers to make judgements of quality. • To develop these new tools in a manner that requires and supports the assessment of student performance incorporating new and future technologies.

  21. Fitness for Purpose Credibility depends on the fine balance between: • Manageability (can the system cope?) • Dependability (can users trust the results?) • Validity (do the qualifications support curriculum intentions?)

  22. Advanced Level: Stabilisation and Modest Expansion A level • Ensure that the current system works (Tomlinson Inquiry) • Make improvements where necessary (re-sit and cashing in rules) • Plan for longer term change (14-19 working group) • Introduce critical thinking A level (2005)

  23. Advanced Level: stabilisation and modest expansion (continued) Vocational A level • Introduce AS/A2 elements • Re-launch in September 2005 (rather than 2004) • Test out approaches to assessment and vocationality (during 2004)

  24. Advanced Level: Stabilisation and Modest Expansion (continued) Advanced Extension Awards (AEAs) • Develop new awards for use in Summer 2005 in areas such as D&T, business, art and design, music, computing • Pilot an AEA in a vocational subject

  25. GCSE – Evolution rather than Abolition The Government response to the Green Paper states that: “During consultation, some argued that the GCSE qualification should be scrapped. But many others accepted our argument in the Green Paper that the GCSE serves several important functions, and that it is more prudent to think in terms of its evolution rather than its abolition.”

  26. GCSEs in Vocational Subjects • Extend range by September 2004 in areas such as performing arts and construction • Explore opportunities for smaller qualifications

  27. ‘Hybrid’ GCSEs • Based around core and optional general and applied units • Science and geography pilots available from September 2003 • Pilot ‘hybrid’ model in D&T to be developed • Investigate ‘evolution’ of GCSE

  28. 33% ‘Theory’ 67% Internal Assessment Context with questions that offer access to students with interests in D&T Engineering Manufacturing Made Product ‘Portfolio’ or Design Diary Report Collaborative Activity Responses

  29. Evolution of GCSE? • Broaden the base by integrating ‘general’ and ‘applied’ study and assessment within a single coherent qualification • Test out innovative forms of assessment • Explore ways of reporting achievement at levels 1 and 2 of the National Qualifications Framework in a positive fashion • Reduce the overall burden of assessment • Retain rigour required for public credibility • Build an emerging credit and unitisation developments

  30. Evolution of GCSE? (continued) • Reintegrate some subjects into GCSE framework • Develop a single, coherent family of qualifications (including GCSEs in vocational subjects, ‘hybrid’ GCSEs and traditional GCSEs) supporting progression 14-19

  31. Longer-Term Reform To: • provide a much stronger vocational offer, with a stronger underpinning of general education • allow for more manageable assessment, which recognises all a young person’s achievements • broaden choice and stretch students, with a unified framework of qualifications Working group, chaired by Mike Tomlinson to consider these issues, report in 12 and 18 months


  33. Design and technology is important because it: • extends students’ general education by developing their confidence and capabilities as it encourages them to apply their knowledge, understanding, and cultural experience; • prepares students to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies including computer aided design, computer aided manufacture, new and smart materials;

  34. is flexible enough to give teachers the scope to build their teaching around it in ways which will encourage students to think and intervene creatively to improve the quality of life; • encourages reflection and evaluation of present and past design and technology.

  35. Design and technology involves students in:developing, planning and communicating ideas that match knowledge and understanding of materials and components with processes

  36. D&T involves students in evaluating processes and products

  37. D&T involves students in the discriminating and informed use of products

  38. D&T involves students in product analysis, focused practical tasks and design and make assignments including activities related to industrial practices

  39. D&T involves students in the application of systems and control

  40. D&T involves students in developing and defining cultural experience as they are inspired to look for needs, wants and opportunities

  41. D&T involves students in using computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacture (CAM)

  42. D&T involves students in combining practical skills with an understanding of aesthetics

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