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Learn about the ROX Triangle of Doom, a powerful data model and query syntax for working with objects, relations, and SQL. Explore features such as selecting, filtering, mapping, and aggregating data, as well as LINQ queries and monads.
The ROX TriangleOf Doom XML Objects Relations
SQL = data model + query syntax Select Name, Age From CustomersWhere City = "Seattle" Table of rows
XQuery/XPath = data model + query syntax From $C In CustomersWhere $C/City = "Seattle"Return<CustName={$C/Name}> { $C/Age }</Cust> Set of nodes
Objects = data model + query syntax Foreach C In Customers If C.City="Seattle"R.Add(New With {C.Name, C.Age})End IfNext Collection of objects
LINQ = Queries Over Arbitrary Collections of Arbitrary Values
T (T Bool) T Filtering 2 2 0 3 X Mod 2 = 0 0 3 6 5 6 5 1 1 4 4
Mapping T (T S) S 2 4 X * 2 0 3 0 6 6 5 12 10 1 2 4 8
Aggregating T (S, (S,T) S) S 2 Sum 0 3 6 5 21 1 4 T ((T,T) T) T
Observation Many ways to skin a cat several different choices for "basis" functions. Need other operations Sorting, grouping, … Independent of collection type Independent of element type S, TIndependent of function type (mostly)
Monads ! A container type ℳ<T> A function type ST A constructor ℳ<T> Unit<T>(T src) ℳ<T> SelectMany<S,T> (ℳ<S> src, Sℳ<T> f) A composer
Monads ! IEnumerable<T> IQueryable<T> ℳ<T> Func<S,T>Expr<Func<S,T>> ST ℳ<T> Unit<T>(T src) ℳ<T> SelectMany<S,T> (ℳ<S> src, Sℳ<T> f) Standard Query Pattern(generics not expressive enough)
LINQ Project == monad comprehensions in C# & VB VB 9 C# 3.0 … StandardQueryOperators DLinq(relational) XLinq(xml) LINQ Framework
C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 9 Facilitate LINQ Using general purpose language constructs Without changing the CLR
Features • Local Type Inference • Object & Collection Initializers • Anonymous Types • Lambda Expressions • Query Comprehensions • Extension Methods • Expression Trees • Simplified Properties • Partial Methods • Deep XML Support (VB) • Nullable Types (VB) Enables Language Extensions via libraries
Local Type Inference No unification Dim X As String Dim X = "Hello OOPSLA" X = New Button() Dim B As Object = New Button()B.Foo() Cannot assign to non-convertible type ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opt-in Late Binding
Object Initializers Class Line S As Point E As PointEnd Class Class Point X AsInteger Y AsIntegerEnd ClassDim L = New Line With { .S = New Point With { X := 0, Y := 1 }, .E = New Point With { X := 47, Y := 11 } }
Extension Methods Dim Contacts = _ Customers.Where(P).Select(R) Module MyExtensions<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _ Function Where(Of T)( _ [Me] As IEnumerable(Of T), _ P As Func(Of T, Boolean)) _As IEnumerable(Of T) … End Module Just CA
Lambda Expressions Dim F As Func(OfInteger, Boolean) =_Function(X) X > 10 Dim H = Function(X) X > 10 G As Func(Of Integer, Boolean)
LINQ on Objects standard rich collection library with deep language support
Lazy evaluation! IEnumerable<double>xs; try { xs = from x innew []{ 0,1,2 }select x/x; } catch(Exception e) { … } var bomb = xs.First();
Joins var xs = new[] {1,2,3,4,5}; var ys = new[] {11,12,13,14,15}; var zs = xs.Join(ys,x => x%2 == 0, y=> y%2 == 0, (x,y) => new {x,y}); foreach(var z in zs){ Console.WriteLine("x={0}, y={1}",z.x, z.y); } var rs = xs.GroupJoin(ys,x => x%2 == 0, y => y%2 == 0, (a,b) => new {x=a, ys=b}); foreach(var r in rs){ Console.WriteLine("x={0}",r.x); foreach(var y in r.ys) Console.WriteLine("y={0}",y); } }
Expression trees Expression<Func<int,int>> f = x => x+1; Console.WriteLine(f); Func<int,int> g = f.Compile(); Console.WriteLine(g(3));
IQueryable Parallel implementation of all IEnumerable extensions, however, they take Expression trees as arguments static IQueryable<T> Where<T>( this IQueryable<T> src, Expression<Func<T, bool>> p); Standard implementation builds expression tree representing itself
IQueryable interface IQueryable : IEnumerable { Type ElementType { get; } Expression Expression { get; } IQueryProvider Provider { get; } } interface IQueryable<T> : IEnumerable<T>, IQueryable, IEnumerable {}
IQueryable static IQuerable<T> AsQueryable<T> (this IEnumerable<T> scr); Default implementation of IQueryable
var xs = new [] {1,2,3, 4, 5, 6 }; IQueryable<int> ys = xs.AsQueryable(); var zs = ys.Where(x => x > 2); var e = zs.Expression; Console.WriteLine(e); foreach(var z in zs) { Console.WriteLine(z); } System.Int32[].Where(x => GT(x, 2))
IQueryProvider interface IQueryProvider { IQueryable CreateQuery (Expression e); IQueryable<T> CreateQuery<T> (Expression e); object Execute(Expression e); T Execute<T> (Expression e); }