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Explore the roots of anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism in Church history, examining the impact of misinterpretations and the debt followers of Jesus owe to the Jewish people. Learn about historical examples and the importance of confronting these issues.
Romans 11:1a “So I ask you, has God rejected his people? Absolutely not!” (CEB) Paul’s frustration recorded in Romans 9-11 indicates that already in the church at Rome a form of anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism was being put forward by some Gentile followers of Jesus.
MY GOALS in the 1st part of this teaching? -Never –publicly or privately - read a New Testament critique of any Jewish person or group without confronting the history of mis-interpretation -Never a Negative Word or Thought about Jewish People from anyone in New Covenant Fellowship – Ever! -Understand Why Jewish People often do not trust us
ONE MIGHT THINK… -That since almost every person in our Bible and writer of our Bible was Jewish, Christians would have always honored “the Jews.” (Also every initial herald of Jesus to those Roman Gentile followers of Jesus to whom Paul wrote was Jewish.) -But, beginning early in church history it was not so.
INSTEAD… -Instead, texts written as in-family critiques by Jewish people of specific Jewish people began to be used to fuel anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism. -Then, every in-family prophetic text in the Old Testament and every in-family critique of specific leaders in the New Testamentcame to be read as God preparing to reject the Jewish people. -None of those texts can be read as “innocent” any more. Each is loaded with 1900 years of Christian anti-Semitic Interpretation.
It Became Worse and Worse Thru Centuries: • “JESUS WEPT” – John 11:35 • JESUS IS STILL WEEPING – because Church History toward Jesus’ Jewish people is atrocious
Becoming Much Worse, EARLY – a few examples: • 2nd century with the so-called “church fathers” who were both anti-Judaism and anti-Semitic – eg.Tertullian • by the 5th century -the most popular preacher in Christendom, John Chrysostom was preaching that you would go to hell for sharing in a Jewish Seder - Augustine, most influential theologian, was teaching that Jews only existed as God’s foil to show that they were cursed.
Then it GREW WORSE for CENTURIES –#1 Christians Used Their Influence to: • expel Jews from their Empires • charge “toleration taxes” just for allowing Jews to exist in some lands • Inquisition in Spain focused on Jewish torture • Forced Baptisms • Horrible false stories about Jewish habits and beliefs and abuse of Gentile children - few of 100’s of examples -
Then it GREW WORSE for CENTURIES – #2 Christians Used Their Influence to: • Martin Luther’s encouragement to Duke of Saxony to expel Jews and then his horrible pamphlet – “On the Jews and their lies” • The Nazi Holocaust – Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) participated in by many “Christians” and included reprinting Luther’s pamphlet and widely distributing it. • Holocaust was Accommodated or Ignored by most Catholic and Protestant Christians world-wide while it was occurring.
Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism Continues in Churches Today - a few of many egs #1 • the editorial captions in my NIV Bible on the Gospel of John that “the Unbelieving Jews” – while not a single heading acknowledging John’s many statements “many Jews believed in Jesus.” • Caricature of Pharisees and Jews by Conservatives as foolish and stubborn and rejected by God (We are so much better!), and by Liberals as legalistic and narrow minded and confronted by any-thing-goes rebellious Jesus (He and We are so much better.) – Amy-Jill Levine
Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism Continues in Churches Today - a few of many egs #2 Howard Schultz (Starbucks) on “60 Minutes” – Scot Pelley: “You are Jewish. Can a Jewish person be elected President in the USA?” Clear Implication--many “Christians” would never vote for a Jew. (Another implication: Jesus could never be elected in the USA?)
MY REAL TOPIC? (unfortunately, could not do this part without the 1st part as context) WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE -we are deeply indebted-
WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE! #2 GOD’S PURPOSE IN HISTORY • God’s Forever Human Family (corporate) • Humans in the Image of God (individual) • Covenants with Humans to Move this Purpose Forward • God’s Exclusive Purpose Combined with God’s Inclusive Heart (far beyond covenant people)
WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE! #3a WORDSFOR GOD TO SPEAK TO US • Gracious Forgiveness as an essential means to the goal of real relationships. (Not a tit-for-tat business deal.) • Thankfulness as an attitude and action even when we are having to trust God with a situation that is very bad--God will never waste it. • Covenant as a binding on God • Messiah (Anointed Ones/Christ) Anointed by God to Serve Other Humans as God’s Agents
WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE! #3b PATTERNSFOR GOD TO SPEAK TO US • Wilderness - Promised Land • Life as a Path/Walk/Journey/Road • Seder/Passover/Communion – “Remembering as Enactingboth Cost of Failures and Celebration of Liberation – Exodus as Liberation from Slavery • God Honors Pattern of Tears- Turning – Trusting (Lament, Repent, Believe) • Suffering Servant as often God’s Way
WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE! #4 OUR BIBLE • Jews wrote most of the Old Testament • Jews preserved the Old Testament texts at great costs • Jews wrote most of the New Testament
WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE! #5 JESUS • Genealogies in Matthew and Luke • Jesus’ Very Jewish life of Parent’s Faith, Synagogue, Scripture, Temple, Passover, Fringes on Robe (Luke 8), Prayer, Fasting, etc. • Hebrews 6:13-20 -- the Messiah had to be Jewish or God would have proven to be a liar to Abraham and Sarah, Moses, David, the Jewish people . (Romans 9-11 makes same point about God’s “faithfulness.”)
WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE! #6a CENTURIES of FAITH IN ACTION Few Examples: • Example of “Suffering Servants” Trusting God in Spite of Centuries of Persecution • Example of Trusting God in everyday life patterns • Trusting God and Praying Shema - Even as “Christians” turned the gas valves and drove the trains to Ovens • Leadership and Support in Many Social Justice Movements to Help the Oppressed and Abused of the Modern World
WHAT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OWE THE JEWISH PEOPLE! #6b FAITH IN ACTION CONTINUES Great Resources in Spirituality – a few modern examples: • Rachel Naomi Remen (My Grandfather’s Blessings) • Abraham Joshua Heschel (God in Search of Man) • Jacob Jocz (The Jewish People and Jesus Christ)
CAVEAT • Christians/Church have often been atrocious toward many others too. African Americans, Native Americans, Muslims, LBGT+ to name a few of many. • Many reasons for TEARS, TURNING, TRUSTING • Yet, there is a special debt - connection and shared history with the Jewish people.
OUR CHALLENGE AS NCF relating to Jewish People and to Judaism • Both God and Jesus want Jesus’ Followers to show: - TEARS (Lament) -TURNING (Repent) away from old to new -TRUST (Faith God is at work) in relating to Jewish People and to Judaism • Pray for New Spirit Led Ways to Do So
1 Corinthians 11:23-25 (CEB) Passover Words and Pattern On the night on which he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread. 24 After giving thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this to remember me.” 25 He did the same thing with the cup, after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my life-blood. Every time you drink it, do this to remember me.”