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Explore the involvement of Czech universities and research institutes in High Energy Physics experiments besides ATLAS, focusing on Marek Taševský’s significant contributions during RECFA visits to various experiments.
HERA TEVATRON KEKB Czech participation in HEPexperiments (except ATLAS) CERN CERN CERN CERN Marek Taševský Institute of Physics, Academy of sciences RECFA visit to Czech republic Prague 27/03/2015
Universities and institutes in HEP experiments except ATLAS Plzeň: UWB = University of West Bohemia Liberec: TU = Technical University POLAND GERMANY ~ 70 Postdocs ~ 35 students (may overlap across experiments) LIBEREC Olomouc: Palacký University PRAHA PLZEŇ Supported by Dominantly: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Partly: Grant Agency of CR OLOMOUC BRNO SLOVAKIA AUSTRIA Praha: CU = Charles University CTU = Czech Technical University IP ASCR = Institute of Physics, Academy of sciences of Czech rep. INP ASCR = Institute of Nuclear Physics in Řež, Academy of sciences of Czech rep. Brno: ISI ASCR = Institute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of sciences of Czech rep. M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
H1 experiment R&D: 1) almost all read-out electrodes for EM and HAD Calorimeters (~9000) produced and tested in Czech rep. CU Prague IP ASCR FB2H FB1H CB3H CB2H CB1H OF2H OF1H FB1E FB2E BBE IF2H IF1E D: 2) Testing of scintil. fibers and help in production of EM SpaCal (Spaghetti Calorimeter) D: 3) Electronics for Backward Silicon Tracker & Forward Silicon Tracker [repeater boards, supply boards, amplifier boards] M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
H1 Experiment 2010-2015: 6 papers Total : 10 papers Principal authorship in H1 publications: Proton structure Diffraction Proud of having contributed to this fantastic endeavor! • Hard component in LRG Photoproduction (1994) • Thrust jet analysis in DIS in LRG (1997) • Dijets in diffr. Photoproductionwith LRG (2010) • Diffractive FLD (2012) • Dijets in DIS events with FPS (2012) • Dijets in diffr. DIS, LRG (2014) • Dijets in diffr. DIS & Photopr. using VFPS (2015) • Diffractive D* (2015?) T. Laštovička convenor of ELAN WG Diffractive longitudinal Structure function Factorization breaking : diffractive dijets in photoproduction Virtual photons Dijets at low Q2 R. Polifka convenor of Diffractive WG A. Valkárová – Executive Board M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
DØ Experiment 2010-2015: 7 papers Total : 9 papers Principal authorship in DØ publications: (in many other contributed significantly) Czech group a part of the Jet energy scale WG for many years. The legacy of the Czech group: JES for RunII squeezed to 1.5-2.0% (huge work, several years) • Kupčo • convenor • of JES WG CU Prague CTU Prague IP ASCR “Jet energyscaledetermination in the DØ experiment”, NIMA • “Inclusive jets from RunII” • “Dijet azimuthal decorrelations” • “3-jet mass cross sections” Jet physics Total syst. unc. beats the total CTEQ6.5M PDF unc.!! M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
DØ Experiment Top quark production “Measurement of mt in all-jet events” “Meas. of ttbar x-section in high-mult jet events” “Pt dependence of ttbar cross sections” “Precision measurement of mt in l+j channel” “Polarization of top quark in l+j channel” Around 2000: DØstrong demands on computing capacities → the computer center in Institute of Physics in Prague has been created. Since then it became a powerful and reliable Tier-2 grid center. Czech foot-print also on the Tevatron Top Combinations Boulevard Talk by J.Chudoba M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
Belle & Belle II Experiment CU Prague Joined in 2008 • Main features and aims: • e+e- accel. KEKB in Tsukuba, E=8.0/3.5 GeV • to precisely measure differences between • particles and antiparticles in the B system, • hence the CP violation • 2000-2010: Belle experiment recorded • the largest existing B-meson sample (1/ab) • Belle and BaBar helped in confirming • Kobayashi-Maskawa model (discovery of • CP invariance in B0 and D systems and • measured CKM parameters with 10% uncert) • Upgrade of SuperKEKB to produce Y(4S) • resonance and to provide lumi of 50/ab. • Upgrade of Belle → Belle II will help to • - provide more stringent tests of SM • - test various BSM theories • - explain matter/anti-matter asymmetry • Contribution and visibility of the Czech group significant. • Participates in : • Physics analysis of Belle data • 2) Development and Design of the vertex detector VXD • 3) Physics program for Belle II • 4) Software development (detector simulation, • Test beam data analysis) Z. Doležal – chair of Belle II Institutional Board M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
Belle II Experiment • Vertex detector VXD • Marlin/Mokka simulations of the layout • DEPFET pixels development and testing • (laser, minimatrices) • gated mode essential for Belle II tested here for • the 1st time (reduces noise induced during injection) • Beam tests: simulation, analysis Imp.par. z0 Belle: 20mm • Software development • Silicon detector Digitization • Background simulation and mixing • Alignment • Tested at the DESY beam test Single particle observation in DEPFET Belle II: <10mm • Computing • CESNET GRID farm used for • MC production O(10%) • Job management SW development • (code refactoring) Analyses of 2010 data Time-dependent Angular CP-violation Analysis of B→ D* ρ Decay - Measure sin(2β + γ) - Scalar → vector vector CZ M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
COMPASS Experiment COMPASS = Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy Most important features: • Muon or hadron secondary beams 2. Solid state NH3 ,6LiD target 3. Powerful tracking system – 350 planes 4. PiD – Muon Walls, Calorimeters, RICH CU Prague CTU Prague ISI ASCR Brno TU Liberec • Very active role of the Czech group. • Fully responsible and leading activities • in three areas: • Polarized target • RICH detector for particle identification • Data Management: • Central Data Recording • Data Acquisition • Grid M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
COMPASS Experiment: Polarized target • Superconducting solenoid: 2.5 T • 16 trim coils • Field homogeneity: 10-4 • Dipole field: 0.5 T • Temperature: ~ 50 mK (frozen) • Materials: NH3, 6LiD • Dilution factor: ~ 0.4 • Performance: • Polarization: > 50%, > 90% • Field reversal: 8h, 24h 2014: Low-temperature polarized target for a first ever pion-induced Drell-Yan experiment with polarized target Two 60 cm oppositely polarized cells The largest polarized target in the world Beam PID using CEDAR (Cerenkov Differential counter with Achromatic Ring focus): h+ beam: p (75%), pi+(24%) h- beam: pi-(97%), K-(2.5%), p-(1%) Possibility to study the beam and target dependence of the Drell-Yan production M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
3 m 6 m vessel photon detectors: CsI MWPC mirror wall 5 m radiator: C4F10 COMPASS Experiment: RICH detector Photon detectors (PD) : MWPCs with CsI photocathodes (5.3 m2), 84,000 analog read-out channels • Design and realization: • multichannel PMs • (with Hamamatsu) [RD17] • PMs sensitive to UV • Optical focusing system • for CR transfer to PM • Photon feedback system Angular acceptance: ± 250 mrad horizontal ± 200 mrad vertical VUV mirror wall, 21 m2, 116 unique mirrors Identificationofπ, K andprotons Cherenkov thresholds: π / K / p ≈ 3 / 9 / 17 GeV 2σπ/K separation at 43 GeV Developed and produced by Czech comp. IMMA. Enabled to realize optics systems in astroparticle experiments HESS and SPHERE GEM principle ECONOMIC & ROBUST Manufactured by standard PCB techniques of precise drilling and Cu etching. Need for new technology (fight with ion bombardment and photon feedback): testing the new ThGEM and hybrid ThGEM+Micromegas (to replace CsI MWPC) M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
COMPASS Experiment: DAQ 2013-2014: New DAQ system developed, tested and installed 2014: DAQ system in full use! • new DAQ architecture based on FPGA replaces multiprocessor environment • hardware event building • reduced number of components, increased reliability M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
CMS Experiment ECAL Czech group significantly contributed in R&D, tests, final choice of PbW04 crystals and development of fabrication technology. Example of R&D: calibration and performance tests of Very-Front-End electronics Helped in realization, preparation and currently in operating ECAL. Among founding institutes: CU Prague CTU Prague ICM Prague INP Rez ISI ASCR Brno Currently (CU Prague) • - Operating the detector • Upgrade of HCAL • DAQ and Data management M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
TOTEM Experiment TOTEM = Total cross section, Elastic scattering and diffraction Dissociation Measurement CU Prague IP ASCR UWB Pilsen Differential distribution for elastics: dip and bump structure confirmed Total pp cross section: several methods. Leader in the field. Impressive eta-coverage of the multiplicity measurements M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
TOTEM Experiment: RP production All vacuum parts in Roman pots produced by Vakuum Praha company Existing RP220 (vertical + horizontal RPs) RP147 relocated to 203-214m (vertical + horizontal RPs) CT-PPS [CMS-Totem Precision Proton Spectrometer] Add: 1) Precision proton tracking (3D-Si) Add: 2) Fast timing (Cerenkov) to reduce pile-up background Concentrate on Central Exclusive Production [jets, W,Z, resonances] TDR: CERN-LHCC-2014-021 Upgraded Roman Pot Spectrometer (scheduled for Run II) MoU signed by CMS and Totem in 2013 Exclusive Higgs? Vakuum Praha delivering RPs also for the upgrade Vakuum Praha produced RPs also for ALFA (ATLAS subdetector) and may do so for AFP (ATLAS forward proton upgrade). BIG expertise. M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
TOTEM Experiment: Czech contribution Responsibilities and key contributions: 1) Alignment method : J. Kašpar 2) Designs of L1 triggers 3) Data analysis: IP ASCR, Prague 4) Theory and phenomenology: IP ASCR, Prague 5) Cooling system: CTU Prague, V. Vacek 6) Roman Pots produced in Prague Acknowledged contribution to phenomenology of elastic scattering (IP ASCR, Prague): dσ/dt at very small |t| does not behave as exp{Bt} with constant B → standard West-Yennie interference formula cannot be used for separation of Coulomb and Nuclear amplitudes→ analysis performed with Kundrát - Lokajíček complete amplitude formula. M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
MoEDAL Experiment MoEDAL = Monopole and Exotics Detector at the LHC • 7th and smallest experiment at LHC • Detection of magnetic monopoles, dyons, Q-balls • and other highly ionizing (pseudo-)stable massive • particles • Located in the LHCb cavern (around VELO subdet.) • Passive Nuclear track-etch det. + Trapping det. • + TimePix (TPX) det. CTU Prague • Czech group fully responsible for the TPX detector system: • Used for monitoring the radiation and background from neutrons and • energetic fragments • Installed on the walls of the VELO cavern of the LHCb detector • R&D + production + installation + operation • Development of DAQ and sim+reco+analysis software Background tracks around VELO vertex M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
NA62 Experiment NA62 = measurements of Kaon and pion rare decays • Extracting 74 GeV K+ beams from 400 GeV p-beams • Main goal: measure • measure CKM coeff. Vtd with uncertainty < 10% • Other program: Lepton flavor violation, C-parity viol. • Dark photons, Axions, Chiral pert. Theory • Principles: High intensity, Fast timing, Low-mass tracking, • Hermetic veto for photons and muons, Particle ID CU Prague 92% of K-decays kinematically constrained • Czech group contributes in areas of: • Calibration of LKr calorimeter • Data reconstruction and analysis • Theory interpretations • Main interests: • Extremely rare decays: K+-> pi+nunu • Forbiddens and Exotics in the pi0 decays • (synergy between theory and experimental groups) • [theory studies about pi0->e+e-] M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
OSQAR Experiment OSQAR = Optical Search for QED vacuum magnetic Birefringence, Axions and photon Regeneration • Powerful laser (P=18W) + 2 LHC dipoles (B=9T) + precise optomechanics • Physics case: • 1) Search for axions via photon regeneration • 2) Vacuum magnetic birefringence (for the first time) [refr.index n-1~ 10^-22 in B=9.5T] • 3) Search for chameleons via photon regeneration Doing particle physics in laboratory (sub-eV energies) [at CERN] Shining through the wall Opti cal barrier Polarizer Afterglow of the light Axion = solution to strong CP problem & Non-SUSY Dark Matter candidate Laser A CCD Detector g g Detection: Photon- Axion coupling x x B = 9 T counting laser beam Preliminary 2014 run S ource of scalar or Photon regeneration pseudo - scalar particles region Czech group fully responsible for the optical system: 1) R&D and testing of all advanced opto-mechanical techniques performed in CR (recently development of Fabry-Perots resonance cavities to enhance the photon yields by 10^3) [n-1 ~ 10^-14 at the moment] 2) Operating all three subexperiments at CERN + Data analysis Axion mass TU Liberec CTU Prague CU Prague M. Šulc, TU Liberec M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
AEGIS Experiment AEGIS = Antihydrogen Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy CTU Prague Weak Equivalence Principle (universality of free fall) tested with very high precision on matter, never on antimatter. Principal goal = test WEP on antihydrogen atoms (tests with charged antiparticles hopeless), i.e. the direct measurement of the Earth’s gravitational acceleration on antihydrogen. Antiprotons from Antiproton Decelerator + pulse of laser-excited positronium atoms → pulse of horizontally travelling antihydrogen atoms → pass through a moire deflectometer → measure a tiny vertical drop induced by gravity (gratings split the beam; annihilation with matter: Si strips measure ToF, photographic emulsions measure annihilation points) • Czech group: • simulation program for modelling the dynamics of antihydrogen in generally oriented • electric and magnetic fields and response to the passage through detector M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
DIRAC Experiment DIRAC = DImeson Relativistic Atom Complex CTU Prague IP Prague Detection aparatus: two-arm magnetic spectrometer Task: 1) precision determination of 2-particle relative momentum (better than 0.5 MeV for particles with ~GeV momenta) 2) PID: π-/π+, K+/K-, p. Bg: e+/e-,µ+/µ- • Running 2000 – 2012 Physics goals: 1) measure the [π-π+] atom lifetime of about 3 fs (ground state) with 10% uncertainty 2) first observe [π−K+] & [π+K−] atoms 3) then measure the [πK] atom lifetimes Recent published (2011) [data 2001-2003]: τ = 3.15 × 10–15s, 9% unc. Czech group contributions: Hardware: responsibility for Horizontal hodoscopes production of mirrors for Heavy Gas Cerenkov detector (Czech company IMMA – see COMPASS mirrors) 2. Data control: estimate of various efficiencies, detector performances and calibrations 3. Data analysis: corrections due to finite size of production region, yields of p, p-, K, K+K- correlation function M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
Future Circular Collider at CERN • Forming an international collaboration to study: • pp-collider (FCC-hh) defining infrastructure requirements • e+e- collider (FCC-ee) as potential intermediate step • p-e (FCC-he) option • 80-100 km infrastructure in Geneva area ~16 T 100 TeVpp in 100 km ~20 T 100 TeVpp in 80 km Czech HEP community considers CERN as its future. Institutes follow closely the development and are willing to sign MoU soon. • In line with European Strategy for Particle Physics 2013 At the moment one fellow to work on detector design (start June 2015) 1) Kick-off meeting : University Geneva, 12-15.2.2014 2) Preparatory International Collaboration Board meeting : CERN, 9-10.9.2014 3) First Annual FCC meeting : Washington, 23-27.3.2015 M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
Summary • Czech HEP community visible in numberofexperiments • Large diversity of physics programs • Around the globe (Europe, USA, Japan) • Long tradition of the Czech presence in HEP experiments (BIS, LUDMILA, RISK, BCDMS, UA4/2, NA57, WA94, WA97, H1, DELPHI, OPAL, D0, …) • H1 and D0 finished but still a few PhD theses being completed these days • A massive orientation to CERN: CMS, TOTEM, COMPASS, MOEDAL, NA62, OSQAR, AEGIS, DIRAC • In each of these experiments, the Czech contribution is significant and recognized • Often multi-task commitment and responsibility within one experiment • Hardware – Software - Analysis • Several positions in managements • Czech HEP community feels and sees the future in CERN. Therefore it supports FCC and closely watches the development. Czech institutes are about to sign MoU soon. • The community hopes for a continuous and adequate support (as it has been so far). M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit
Special thanks For help in providing information: Alice Valkárová Alexander Kupčo Karel Soustružník Miroslav Finger Vojtěch Kundrát Petr Beneš Karol Kampf Miroslav Šulc Jan Smolík M. Tasevsky, RECFA visit