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Helénistické období. Hellenic. Makedonie. Makedonie- země na sever od Řecka Moc- šlechta a král Filipp II. ( 359-336 př.n.l.) využil oslabení Sparty, Athén a Théb makedonský nástup proti Řecku r.338 bitva u Chairóneie – ovládl celé Řecko
Helénistické období Hellenic
Makedonie Makedonie- země na sever od Řecka Moc- šlechta a král Filipp II. ( 359-336 př.n.l.) využil oslabení Sparty, Athén a Théb makedonský nástup proti Řecku r.338 bitva u Chairóneie – ovládl celé Řecko Nechal řeckým státům formálně autonomii, ve skutečnosti je (kromě Sparty) ovládl Chtěl pokračovat ve výboji proti Persii, ale zavražděn vlastní šlechtou
Alexander Veliký-356 – 323 př.n.l Syn Filippa II., trůn ve 20 letech Vzdělaný (jeho učitel- řecký filozof Aristoteles) + geniální vojevůdce Naplnil otcův sen- dobyl Perskou říši Porazil perského krále Dareia III. ve dvou bitvách:
u Issu (získal královu pokladnici a zajal jeho matku a ženu) • r.331 u Gaugamel – • Dareios na útěku zavražděn vlastními lidmi • Alexander se stal perským králem Alexander u Issu
Bukefalos Legendární kůň Alexandra Alexander ho zkrotil ve 13 letech Obrátil ho tak, aby se kůň nelekal vlastního stínu
Dosáhl hranic Indie, ale vyčerpané vojsko ho donutilo k návratu 323 př.n.l. zemřel náhle v Babylónu (podezření na otravu nikdy nedokázáno ani vyvráceno)- snad malárie Legitimní dědici říše- bratr a malý syn- zavražděni Říše se rozpadla – desetiletí bojů a válek mezi Alexandrovými generály a přáteli (+ jejich syny a vnuky) – tzv.diadochové
Z bojů vzešly nové státní útvary Z nich nejmocnější tři helénistické říše: Ptolemaiovská Egypt Seleukovská Sýrie Antigonovská Makedonie
Helénismus Období od Alexandrových výbojů do r.30 př.n.l. (=dobytí Egypta Římem) Vzájemné působení řecké a perské kultury, prolínání hospodářských a politických systémů Alexander tuto „helénizaci“ (=pořečťování) podporoval hlavně sňatky Řeků/ Makedonců s místními ženami (sám se oženil s Dareiovou dcerou Stateirou) Zakládání měst Alexandrií (nejvýznamnější v Egyptě- slavné Múseions velkou knihovnou)
Helénistické státy postupně přecházely pod nadvládu Říma Poslední ptolemaiovský Egypt po bitvě u Aktia r.30 př.n.l. (sebevražda egyptské královny Kleopatry) Tím končí dějiny antického Řecka Středem nového vývoje Evropy se stává Řím
Before the Common Era give birth eventually tutor sb. military compaign succeed in banish plot obtain defeat outnumber capture declare sb. a king conquer achieve a goal commerce weary headnorth in order to command dismiss sb. appease sb. become ill conquest might have been poisoned collapse blend thrive due to
The ancient kingdom of northern Greece was called Macedonia. This powerful empire was ruled by Alexander’s father, King Philip II. In 356 BCE (BCE stands for Before Christ or Before the Common Era)King Philip’s wife Queen Olympia gave birth to a son and named him Alexander. Eventually Alexander would be known as Alexander the Great. In 343 BCE, when Alexander was thirteen years old, his father hired the famous philosopher Aristotle to tutor him. Aristotle was a master teacher and in his classes Alexander and his friends learned about science and politics. Aristotle also taught them drama, literature, poetry, and, of course, philosophy. At the age of sixteen Alexander completed his education and became a soldier. His first military campaign was against the Thracians, and in 338 BCE, Alexander helped his father in an important battle to defeat the Athenian and Theban armies. Once Alexander’s father had succeeded in uniting all the Greek city-states with the exception of Sparta into the Corinthian league, Philip’s relationship with Alexander came apart. Olympia and Alexander were banished.
During the festival following the wedding of Alexander’s sister, King Philip was murdered by a Macedonian noble. Many people suspected that Alexander and his mother had plotted to have Philip killed, but no one knew for certain. Only nineteen years old at the time, Alexander quickly obtained the support of the army. After making sure that Macedonia’s northern borders were secure, Alexander prepared to do battle with the Persian Empire, a large kingdom to the east of Greece. At the age of 22, in 334 BCE, Alexander left for his Asiatic campaign. He and his armies faced and quickly defeated Persian King Darius III’s army near the Grancius River. They rested for the winter at the southern coast of Asia Minor. Ready for battle once again, they defeated the Persian troops in the summer of 333 BCE. Even though Alexander’s troops were outnumbered, he created formations and strategies that defeated the Persians. In November he captured King Darius and declared himself the King of Persia.
Next it was Alexander’s goal to conquer Egypt. He easily achieved this goal and in 331 he created the city of Alexandria, named after him, of course, which became an important Greek cultural and commerce center. Later that year, he defeated the Persians again at the Battle of Gaugamela. Now Alexander was “King of Babylon and Asia.” Next he set his sights on eastern Iran, where he formed colonies under Macedonian rule. After capturing Iranian Prince Oxyartes, he married the prince’s daughter, Rhoxana. India was next in 328 BCE. Alexander marched eastward to the Ganges river but his troops were weary. They missed their wives and children and wanted to go back to Macedonia. Then Alexander and his armies headed north along the Persian Gulf. Many of them died. In 324 BCE they reached the city of Susa, now in Iran. In order to unify Persia and Macedonia, he commanded that Macedonians marry princesses from Persia. He recruited thousands of Persian soldiers and dismissed Macedonian soldiers. This made his loyal soldiers very angry. He tried to appease them by killing 13 Persian military leaders
At the age of 32, Alexander became ill and died in Babylon, Persia, now part of Iraq, while he was planning the conquests of Carthage and Rome. He might have died of malaria, but many historians believe he might have been poisoned. His wife gave birth to his son a few months later. Alexander’s empire collapsed after his death but over time the cultures of Greece and the Orient blended and thrived due to Alexander’s empire.