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Generation to Generation Chromosomes: Tiny structures with in the nuclei of cells that carry information about heredity traits. ~Cells in the body contain 46 chromosomes: 23 pairs. ~At the foundation of chromosomes is the chemical compound- DNA.
Generation to Generation Chromosomes: Tiny structures with in the nuclei of cells that carry information about heredity traits. ~Cells in the body contain 46 chromosomes: 23 pairs. ~At the foundation of chromosomes is the chemical compound- DNA. ~Specific information about heredity are carried w/in sections of chromosomes called Genes.
Genes: Segments of DNA molecules are paired. ~Dominant Genes: genes that generally show up in the offspring whenever they are present. ~Recessive Genes: Usually show up only when dominant genes are not present. (Example: Blue eyes are recessive, Brown eyes are dominant. If mom has blue eyes, and dad has brown eyes, most likely the child will have brown eyes.)
Genes & Gender ~A zygote has 46 chromosomes- 23 each parent. ~Males have xy, y is the shorter chromosome. ~Female has xx, both are the same. ~Ova and sperm have only 1 chromosome ~Ova have only x ~Sperm have x or y *The sex of the child is determined by the type of sperm that finds the egg (Ova).
Genetic Disorders Sickle Cell Anemia: Disease occurs when a child inherits the hemoglobin (Oxygen-carrying part of blood) gene from both parents. The red blood cells develop a sickle shape and clump together obstructing blood flow and oxygen to the tissues. ~Symptoms- severe joint and abdominal pain, weakness & kidney disease. Tay-Sachs Disease: Causes destruction of nervous system, blindness, and death during early childhood. Cystic Fibrosis: Makes breathing and digestion difficult, its caused by abnormal genes, one from each parent. Down Syndrome: Caused by a chromosomal abnormality known as Trisony-21,( the presence of three copies of the 21st chromosome). As a result, the affected person has an extra 47th chromosome in all body cells. Risk = 1 in 75 at the age of 40
Identifying Disorders • Ultrasound: Sound waves are used to project light images on a screen. This determines if fetus is in the correct position and how many fetus are in uterus. • Test can determine structural defects such as heart malformations, cleft lip or palate.
Amniocentesis: A syringe is inserted through the pregnant woman’s abdominal wall into the amniotic fluid surrounding the developing fetus. ~Performed 16-20 weeks after fertilization.
Chorionic Villi Sampling: A small piece of membrane is removed from the Chorion ( a layer of tissue that develops into the placenta). Takes place around the 8th week of fertilization. • This is done earlier then amniocentesis. • Only done if Genetic Disorders are suspected or inherited. • Checks for Genetic Disorders