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Office of People & Capability's Workplace Rehabilitation program ensures an early, safe, and graduated return of employees to their pre-injury duties through suitable duties based on medical advice.
Office of People & Capability Safety Health and Wellbeing Workplace Injury Rehabilitation
What is Rehabilitation? • provides an early, graduated and safe return of the employee to pre-injury duties • consists of specifically selected duties / Suitable Duties (SD) • SD are based on medical advice • SD are meaningful and contribute to the work effort • determined in consultation between the IMC (Injury Management Coordinator) , the injured / ill employee and their supervisor
Why is Rehabilitation so important? • Mitigates the potential risk to the safety of the employee and their work mates (safety critical tasks, safe operation of plant and machinery, safe evacuation, etc.) • Mitigates the risk of exacerbation to the injury / illness of the employee • Report all Injuries / illnesses - work and non work related - to your Supervisor / IMC • This facilitates development of a RTWP (Return to Work Plan)
How does it Work? • You will see a doctor and get a • WorkSafe Certificate (work related) • Work Capabilities Form completed (non-work related) • IMC, Supervisor and injured / ill employee will discuss potential suitable duties – based on the medical advice obtained • RTWP developed and signed by participants • RTWP reviewed and updated on a regular basis – usually coincides with medical review
What are the Requirements? • RTWP MUST NOT expire • it is to remain in date at all times • must be closed out on receipt of medical clearance • Duties not on the RTWP MUST NOT be attempted • A RTWP IS NOT a permanent job change • Injured / Ill employees MUST have a CURRENT RTWP at all times – no work to be conducted without a current plan in place
Non-work related Injury / Illness • Non-work related injuries do occur and may result in the employee being unable to conduct all their pre-injury duties • Employee requests to return to work (Supervisor, who contacts IMC) • Prior to returning to work – completed Work Capabilities and Injured Worker Authorisation Form required (medical advice to facilitate RTWP) • Determination of the availability of suitable duties – determined on a case by case basis (injury / illness condition, pre-injury job, available duties) • RTWP will be monitored by Supervisor and IMC and updated by IMC ; with Supervisor and Employee consultation