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Chapter 1. Introduction

Introduction to linear programming, different formulations and applications such as Cutting Stock Problem, Processor Scheduling, separable piecewise linear objective functions, and more. Includes history, standard form, and optimization techniques.

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Chapter 1. Introduction

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  1. Chapter 1. Introduction • Ex : Diet Problem Daily requirements : energy(2000kcal), protein(55g), calcium(800mg)

  2. Formulation: Subject to

  3. 선형계획법 문제 (LP problem)  목적함수(objective function) 우변상수(right hand side) Subject to • 제약식 (constraints) • 비음제약식(nonnegativity constraints). (없을 경우도 있음, unrestricted or free variable)

  4. Unusual formulations • Cutting stock problem : Rolls of papers with width W to be cut into small pieces(finals). bi pieces of width wi, i =1, 2, …, m need to be produced. How to cut the rolls to meet demands while minimizing wastes? Subject to n denotes the total number of possible patterns which can be a very large number. aij = k if the number of i-th piece produced in the j-th pattern is k. (Chapter 13 참조)

  5. ex) raws W=100 in., need 97 finals of width 45 in. 610 finals of width 36 in. 395 finals of width 31 in. 211 finals of width 14 in. Min x1 +x2 + x3 + + x37 • Note: • number of patterns grows fast as problem becomes large (generate columns when needed) • round down fractional optimal solution to LP to obtain integer solution • extension to 2-dimensional cutting stock (nesting problem), 3-D packing

  6. Minimization of piecewise linear convex function  Subject to Subject to c3’x+d3 f c2’x+d2 c1’x+d1 x

  7. ex)parallel processor scheduling problem There are m processors and n jobs to be processed on any one of the processors. aij: processing time of job j on processor i. Assign jobs to processors so that overall finish time (makespan) is minimized. Formulation as an integer programming problem minimize s. t.  minimize z s. t.

  8. Linear programming relaxation of an integer programming problem is obtained by dropping the integrality requirement on the variables and considering only the linear constraints. • The optimal value of the linear programming relaxation provides a lower bound (for the minimization problem) on the optimal value of the integer programming problem. Hence it can be used importantly in the algorithm for integer programming problem. • Note that cannot be formulated as a linear programming problem. (maximizing a convex function)

  9. Special case of piecewise linear objective function : separable piecewise linear objective function. function f: Rn R is separable if f(x) = f1(x1) + f2(x2) + … + fn(xn) If obj. fn. is nonlinear, but separable -> may approximate it by piecewise linear fn. (need some caution) c1 < c2 < c3 < c4 fi(xi) c4 c3 slope: ci c2 c1 xi a1 a2 a3 0 x1i x4i x3i x2i

  10. Express xi in the constraints as xi x1i + x2i + x3i + x4i , where 0  x1i  a1, 0  x2i  a2 - a1 , 0  x3i  a3 - a2, 0  x4i In the objective function : min c1x1i + c2x2i + c3x3i + c4x4i Since we solve min problem, it is guaranteed that if we get xki > 0 in an optimal solution --> xji , j < k have values at their upper bounds.

  11. 용어 • Feasible solution (가능해) : LP 의 제약식을 모두 만족하는 x Rn • Optimal solution (최적해) : LP의 가능해중에서 목적함수값을 최대화하는 해. • Optimal value (최적값) : 최적해의 목적함수 값 • Infeasible LP : 가능해를 갖지 않는 LP • Unbounded : 어떠한 유한한 값 M 에 대해서도 M보다 큰 목적함수 값을 주는 가능해가 있는 LP 의 경우 unbounded 라고 부른다. ex: 어떤 LP 이던지 다음의 3가지중 하나의 경우에 해당됨 • 유한한 최적값을 갖는 최적해가 존재 (여러 개의 최적해가 존재 가능) • Infeasible • Unbounded

  12. 역사 • Solving systems of linear inequalities : Fourier, 1826, not efficient (Chapter 16) • Simplex method : G. B. Dantzig, 1947 • Ellipsoid method : L. G. Khachian, 1979 First polynomial time algorithm (theoretically efficient algorithm) for LP, practically not efficient • Interior point method : L. Karmarkar, 1984 polynomial time algorithm, many variations, practically good performance • Theory of LP provides important foundation for many other disciplines like integer programming, networks and graphs, nonlinear programming, etc .

  13. Standard form Any LP problem can be expressed as the standard form • Minimization problem : solve max (-c)’x, then take negative of the optimal objective value. Optimal solution is the same • Equality constraint : ai’x=bi ai’x  bi,, (-ai)’x(-bi) • Unrestricted variable xj substitute xj byin the objective function and in the constraints where (Simplex method find solution with at most one of is positive) • Some people use min(max) c’x, Ax = b, x 0 as standard form. subject to

  14. ex) • Formulation for absolute values (Assume cj  0 for variables involving absolute values) Subject to Subject to

  15. express free xj = xj+ - xj-, xj+ 0, xj- 0 xj = xj+ + xj- , xj+ 0, xj- 0 want xj = xj+ , if xj 0 = xj- , if xj < 0 + xj- need xj+ xj- = 0 in an optimal solution, i.e. at most one is positive. If cj > 0, this is guaranteed to hold in an optimal solution. • Alternative formulation: subject to

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