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1st TECHNICAL MEETING FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENT INDICATORS OF THE SDGs. Localizing Human Settlement Indicators at the regional levels; an Appropriate Strategy Feedback from ECA. Fatouma SISSOKO African Centre for Statistics, ECA. Naivasha , Kenya, 13 th - 17 th February 2017.

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  1. 1st TECHNICAL MEETING FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENT INDICATORS OF THE SDGs Localizing Human Settlement Indicators at the regional levels; an Appropriate Strategy Feedback from ECA Fatouma SISSOKO African Centre for Statistics, ECA Naivasha, Kenya, 13th- 17th February 2017

  2. 1 - Background2 - Regional Consultation on 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 in Africa3 - Convergence at Goals level4 - Mapping at targets level5 - Continental indicators framework 6 - The New Urban Agenda: the Common African Position towards Habitat III (CAPH3),7 - The 2020 Census Round:8 - Challenges in development of regional and continental indicators9 - Way forward

  3. 1. Background • African countries have committed to implement SDGs and adopted all the targets that are relevant in 2030 AGENDA. They have also committed to Implement the African Union AGENDA 2063 and the New Urban AGENDA • The Localization of these Agendas Indicators started with global and regional processes, while regional statistical stakeholders undertook extensive consultations to align the global development agendas to the regional one. ECA has been part of task forces for: • SDGs (defining indicators etc) , • Agenda 2063 (developing indicators), • The preparation of the Common African Position towards Habitat III (CAPH3), and • 2020 Census programmedevelopment

  4. 2. Regional Consultation on 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 in Africa • AUC, ECA and AfDBorganized meetings with African countries members of the IAEG-SDGs to discussed the SDG indicators and came up with a common set of indicators. The indicators were categorized as global, regional and national indicators and were submitted to the IAEG-SDGs at its second meetingheldin Bangkok in October 2015 . (Verde, Senegal, Algeria, Cameroon, Tanzania, Uganda, Botswana) • September 2015 – Workshop of IAEG-SDG member countries and ASSD, AUC and ECA developed indicators for Agenda 2063 ten-year implementation plan • September 2015 – AUC, ECA and ASSD met and matched targets from Agenda 2063 plan to SDG targets (two-thirds of SDG targets overlap with targets from Agenda 2063 implementation plan)

  5. 3 . Convergence at goals level

  6. 3. Convergence at goals level Overlapping of Agenda 2063 Goals • 17 of the 2063 Goals have overlaps in SDGs • Three goals in Agenda 2063 do not overlap with any of the SDGs • Goal 9: Key Continental Financial and Monetary Institutions established and functional • Goal 14: A Stable and Peaceful Afric • Goal 15: A Fully Functional and Operational African Peace and Security Architecture • Goal 2 of Agenda 2063 exactly matches Goal 4 of SDGs All the remaining 16 Agenda 2063 Goals overlap with at least two SDGs • On the other hand, all Agenda 2030 Goals overlap with at least one Agenda 2063 Goals

  7. 4. Mapping at targets level

  8. 4. Mapping at targets level (cont’d) Results of targets mapping of the two Agendas • Matching was done at the target level starting with Agenda 2063 national targets and then identifying the corresponding Agenda 2030 target(s) • It was found that the targets from both agendas do not exactly match but overlap • One Agenda 2063 national target could overlap with one or more Agenda 2030 targets and there can be Agenda 2063 national target which does not overlap with any of the Agenda 2030 targets • The targets for Agenda 2063 are national while the Agenda 2030 targets are universal.

  9. Overlapping of Agenda 2063 National Targets to Agenda 2030 SDG11 Targets

  10. 5. Continental indicators framework • 2030 Agenda • ECA is currently working on the identification of indicators that will be used for regional monitoring and reporting of the SDGsAgenda 2030. This has been done by taking into consideration the global SDG indicators • African Centre for Statistics (ACS) of ECA proposed 76 indicators for monitoring of Agenda 2030 at the continental level • ECA substantive divisions were requested to provide their selection from global list of SDG indicators that are relevant in their area of work for regional monitoring and reporting • 199 indicators have been proposed by the divisions for measuring and reporting SDGs at Africa level; Of the 199 indicators 71 are Tier I; 52 Tier II; 72 Tier III • Consultation will be undertaken within ECA on the consolidated list of indicators

  11. 5. Continental indicators framework

  12. 6. Continental indicators framework • Agenda 2063 • The list of indicators has been finalized during the November 2016,. • The meeting agreed to have 81 indicators for Agenda 2063 monitoring • In total 6 meetings were organized to come up with the list.

  13. 5. Continental indicators framework Proposed continental indicators framework Agenda 2030 indicators Agenda 2063 indicators Core Core Set of indicators for Integrated Monitoring in Africa

  14. 6- The New Urban Agenda: the Common African Position towards Habitat III (CAPH3), • The African Programme on Urbanization Data and Statistics: adopted- StatsCOM-Africa in Nov 2016, .Aims to • Improve the production of comprehensive, comparable and reliable data for evidence-based policies and strategies to promote sustainable cities and human settlements • Strengthen the capacity of national statistical systems to collect, compile and analyse urban statistics through a coordinated regional approach. • To this end, ECA has undertaken A comprehensive assessment of national urban statistics to Identify key gaps and opportunities; • Entry points: • A working group on urban statistics under the Stat-Com to guide the implementation of the urban statistics programme; • Develop a handbook on urban statistics based on the review of national urban statistics • Urban statistics capacity-building to enhance national production and harmonization of urban statistics, and enable regional comparability; • An urban statistics network to facilitate exchange and learning between national and regional statistical experts, institutions and related stakeholders.

  15. 5. The New Urban Agenda: the Common African Position towards Habitat III (CAPH3), • Development of a Regional Implementation Framework for the New Urban Agenda towards Africa’s Structural Transformation- Goes beyond the Human Settlement Indicators and is looking at the multidimensional indicators of Urbanization i.e. Demographic, Social (living conditions), Economic and Sustainable= • Led by AUC and the Subcommittee on Urban Development and Human Settlements • Technically supported by ECA. • This regional Implementation Framework for NUA is: • Guided by Common African Position on Habitat III, • In line with SDG 11 as well as the 10 year implementation framework of Agenda 2063 • A harmonized approach towards monitoring & reporting on progress towards NUA, Common African Position towards Habitat III, First Ten Year Implementation Plan of the Agenda 2063 and to inform the report of the UN Secretary General to the General Assembly every 4years. • Leveraging the partnerships in support of the implementation of the NUA in Africa

  16. 7. 2020 Population and housing Census: • Leverage opportunities presented by 2020 Round Census to: • • Dialogues on census programme in Africa at national and regional level. • • EGMs organized on review of core indicators and non-core indicators of Third Revision of the Principles and Recommendations of the Africa Addendum of the Population and Housing Census presented opportunity for integration of key urban indicators with the objective to: • Strengthen the urban development indicators in the 2020 Round census • Strengthen standardization of urban definitions and concepts prescribed in the Third Revision of the Addendum • Strengthen disaggregation of urban/rural in census data collection and analyses • Strengthen collection and covrageof slum populations, including population living in ecologically fragile areas such coastal zones, etc.

  17. 8 .Challenges in development of regional and continental indicators • Complex exercise • Agenda 2063 up to 2063 and SDG up to 2030 • Large number of indicators • Capacity challenges (technical and financial) • Increased demand for technical assistance

  18. 9 .WAY FORWARD • ECA will prepared the final list of continental indicators by integrating the indicators for the two agendas • ECA will circulate the continental list to AUC and AfDB for comments • The final list of agreed continental indicators will be presented the CoDGs/ StatCom-Africa meeting • The list endorsed by the CoDGs / StatCom-Africa meeting will be presented to the Conference of Ministers of Finance and Economic Planning • The List of indicators will also be presented to the meeting of Heads of States of African countries before being used for continental monitoring and reporting • ECA is assisting countries to ntegrate SDGs into their National Development Plan. In this respect, an assessment manual was developed

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