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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. PARAPHRASES BY LINES. Prologue. 1-4: two equal families in Verona are always fighting 5-8: young lovers die and the fight ends 9-12: only their children’s death can fix the fight 13-14: the story will fill in the rest, if you’ll be patient & listen.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet PARAPHRASES BY LINES
Prologue • 1-4: two equal families in Verona are always fighting • 5-8: young lovers die and the fight ends • 9-12: only their children’s death can fix the fight • 13-14: the story will fill in the rest, if you’ll be patient & listen
Act 1, Scene 1 • 1-17: crude jokes about taking advantage of the Montague’s women • 18-30: Even though the fight doesn’t actually involve them, they get themselves involved anyway • 30-37: ALWAYS FIGHTING! • 38-52: bite thumbs = middle finger • 59-64: Benvolio trying to keep the peace • 65-67: Tybalt ONLY wants a brawl • 76-80: adults are acting like children • 85-90: three fights so far THIS WEEK • 91-93: any more fighting = those people will be sentenced to death
Act 1, Scene 1 • 99-110: Benvolio tried to break it up, but Tybalt was too heated • 113-118: saw Romeo in the early hours of the morning • 119-125: He didn’t want to talk. • 126-150: Romeo was upset about something, but he doesn’t want to talk about it • 160-165: Romeo is in love & can’t be with the girl • 171-178: He’s turned upside down = life is full of opposites • 185-190: Love is madness! • 203-219: The girl wants nothing to do with him/any men • 220-233: Benvolio wants him to “play the field”
Act 1, Scene 2 • 1-6: Capulet is slightly concerned about the fights; Paris only cares for his own purpose • 7-11: Juliet is 13; will be ready to marry in 2 years • 13-19: Dad wants her to love the man she’ll marry • 20-33: wants Paris to woo her and win her heart • 38-44: servant can’t read to send out the party invites! • 45-56: Benvolio tries to “heal” Romeo’s wounds • 80-83: anyone can come UNLESS you’re a Montague • 84-103: Romeo is going, no matter what! Rosaline will be there!
Act 1, Scene 3 • 7-10: She needs Nurse to stay - can’t talk to Juliet • 16-48: Nurse thinking back on Juliet’s childhood– shows how she’s raised Juliet • 63-66: Juliet doesn’t want to marry…EVER. • 79-94: Juliet will meet Paris… • 97-99: …but she won’t try very hard to like him
Act 1, Scene 4 • 14-16: Romeo is questioning going to the party – he can’t dance • 27-45: Mercutio convinces Romeo to go. • 48-52: Romeo doesn’t want to go because he had a bad dream about it • 53-95: Mercutio is storytelling about a dream he had • 96-103: dreams don’t mean anything – he’s making a point to Romeo • 106-111: strange feeling about tonight’s events (foreshadow)
Act 1, Scene 5 • 15-32: Capulet is very energetic! • 41-43: sees Juliet! • 45-54: Romeo sees Juliet = LOVE! He changes his mind awfully quick… • 55-59: Tybalt recognizes Romeo – out for blood! • 65-74: Capulet says to leave Romeo alone unless he causes trouble • 75-81: Tybalt – hot headed; Capulet = reasonable • 93-96: Romeo completely forgot about Rosaline already! • 101-107: smooth moves, Romeo! ;) • 112-119: knows who she is – his enemy “owns” him • 133-141: loves her enemy – already wants to marry him!
Act 2, Chorus • 1-4: Rosaline doesn’t matter anymore • 5-8: loves Juliet now – must ask for her hand in marriage • 9-12: it might not work out • 13-14: passion = power
Act 2, Scene 1 • 6-21: parents/friends think Romeo is missing, caught, or running after Rosaline • 41-42: won’t find him if he doesn’t want to be found
Scene 2 Paraphrases 2-6 12-25 33-35 38-48 49-57 66-69 85-97 98-106 107-111 116-120 142-148 183
Act 2, Scene 2 • 2-6: day begins when he sees Juliet! • 12-25: She is absolutely PERFECT. • 33-35: They should refuse to be who they are for each other. • 38-49: name is only a name – it matters who you are, not what your name is • 49-57: He’ll stop being a Montague for her; he hates who he is! • 66-69: Love can attempt anything. • 85-97: She’s embarrassed and worried he’s lying. • 98-106: tells him she loves him more than anything she’s ever loved • 107-111: swearing by the moon, but the moon is inconsistent
Act 2, Scene 2 • 116-120: thinks they should slow down a little bit (ya think?!) • 142-148: Romeo sends Juliet time & place to marry – she’ll do it! • 183: FORESHADOW!
Act 2, Scene 3 • 1-30: dark imagery to compare to Romeo’s light imagery • 39-42: Romeo is visiting early – something’s up! • 57-64: He wants the Friar to marry them. • 70-80: tears from Rosaline aren’t gone yet – Romeo is too hasty • 82: Romeo LUSTS, he doesn’t love • 83: FORESHADOW • 87-92: Friar will help – thinks it will help end the feud
Act 2, Scene 4 • 37-45: referencing other great loves • 70-75: a goose = referring to him as feminine • 81-82: right back at ya! • 83-87: Romeo is himself again - found love back! • 105-134: making fun of Nurse’s looks • 150-159: Juliet sent the Nurse to talk to Romeo about their plans. • 168-171: meeting at the Friar’s that afternoon to be married • 187-195: telling Romeo that Juliet will soon be set to marry Paris
Act 2, Scene 5 • 1-17: Juliet is worried and nervous something went wrong • 25-30: Nurse is tired from walking so much – won’t get to the point • 38-45: Nurse thinks Romeo is manly enough • 68-77: finally tells Juliet the news!
Act 2, Scene 6 • 3-8: He’s nervous it’ll go wrong & they’ll be separated • 24-34: confessing vows to love each other • 35-37: needs to marry them quickly!
Act 3 Paraphrases - bracket off first Scene 1 • 1-4 • 15-29 • 53-60 • 61-69 • 70-80 • 81-87 • 88-106 • 107-118 • 119-128 • 129 Scene 1 • 150-153 • 167-173 • 174-179 • 180-195 Scene 2 • 1-31 • 43-60 • 61-68 • 69-70 • 85-90 • 97-106 • 107-126 • 130-137 • 138-143 Scene 3 • 10-11 • 12-23 • 29-51 • 54-70 • 84-90 • 99-102 • 108-121 • 122-144 • 145-158
Act 3 Paraphrases - bracket off first Scene 4 • 1-18 • 19-36 Scene 5 • 1-35 • 43-47 • 51-53 • 54-59 • 69-80 • 88-93 • 94-96 • 108-124 • 140-141 • 142-146 Scene 5 • 150-169 • 177-197 • 198-203 • 215-227 • 237-244
Act 3, Scene 1 • 1-4: heat is going to bring out tempers! • 15-29: Mercutio is mocking Benvolio for never fighting • 53-60: Tybalt seeking revenge on Romeo for being at the party • 61-69: Romeo saying he loves Tybalt – they’re family! • 70-80: Mercutio & Tybalt get ready... • 81-87: Romeo is in between Tybalt & Mercutio • 88-106: Mercutio is hurt, curses both houses for fighting so much • 107-118 Mercutio is dead! (relative of Prince)
Act 3, Scene 1, continued • 119-128: Romeo & Tybalt fight over Mercutio’s death • 129: Romeo kills Tybalt. • 150-153: Tybalt killed Mercutio, so Romeo killed Tybalt out of revenge. • 153-167: Tybalt started it, and Romeo tried to stop it. • 167-173: Tybalt was too hot-headed. • 174-179: Lady Capulet doesn’t believe Benvolio because he’s a Montague • 180-195: Romeo broke the law, so he must be punished accordingly.
Act 3, Scene 2 • 1-31: Juliet can’t wait for night to come – she’ll be with Romeo! • 43-60: Nurse isn’t being clear – Juliet thinks Romeo is dead • 61-68: now she thinks Romeo AND Tybalt are dead • 69-70: Nurse finally clear is up. • 85-90: Nurse says you can’t trust anyone (and she needs a drink). • 97-106: If Romeo hadn’t killed Tybalt, Tybalt would’ve killed Romeo (lose-lose situation) • 107-126: Romeo being banished is 10x worse than Tybalt’s death • 130-137: She’ll die a virgin, because her & Romeo will never share a bed! • 138-143: Nurse promises to bring Romeo to Juliet.
Act 3, Scene 3 • 10-11: not death, but banishment as a punishment for Romeo • 12-23: banishment is worse than death – there is no life outside of Verona • 29-51: Life is here, with Juliet – Romeo wants a quick death instead • 54-70: Friar trying to speak reasonably to Romeo • 84-90: both kids are a wreck • 99-102: Juliet doesn’t know whether to be upset about Romeo’s banishment or Tybalt’s death • 108-121: Friar tells Romeo to man up! • 122-144: Juliet still loves you & you’re alive = Be happy! • 145-158: tells Romeo to go to Juliet
Act 3, Scene 4 • 1-18: Capulet tells Paris that Juliet cannot think straight right now… • 19-36: …BUT, he’s going to speak on her behalf – she’ll marry Paris in THREE DAYS.
Act 3, Scene 5 • 1-35: arguing over day & night – they want to stay together • 43-47: Romeo jumped off the balcony. • 51-53: wondering if they’ll ever see each other again • 54-59: FORESHADOW • 69-80: Juliet is talking of Romeo; Lady Capulet is talking of Tybalt • 88-93: Lady Capulet wants to send a hit man after Romeo! • 94-96: She won’t be satisfied until she beholds Romeo – her heart is dead. ☹
Act 3, Scene 5, continued • 108-124: Uh-oh! She’s set up to be married…and is already married! • 140-141: thanks, but no thanks. • 142-146: Capulet is mad that she’s not being thankful. • 150-169: name calling @ Juliet – he doesn’t care what she thinks anymore about love • 177-197: He works hard to please her, and now she’s ungrateful. • 198-203: Juliet would rather die than marry Paris (obvi). • 215-227: Nurse advises her to marry Paris, since Romeo is forever banished now. • 237-244: seeking Friar’s advice – thinking of killing herself
Act 4 Paraphrases - bracket off first Scene 1: 1-5 6-15 27-28 30-31 50-67 68-88 89-90 91-103 104-106 107-120 Scene 2 13-14 17-27 28-32 Scene 3 7-12 14-23 24-27 28-54 55-58 Scene 4 All Scene 5 1-11 12-16 25 34-40 75-78 84-90
Act 4, Scene 1 • 1-5: trying to stall the marriage because Juliet is already married • 6-15: maybe the wedding will take her mind off of Tybalt’s death. • 27-28: doesn’t want to talk about him behind his back, so she’ll talk about him to his face (#sassyJuliet) • 30-31: Juliet says Paris’ face would look better if he were crying (#sassyJuliet) • 50-67: wants to get Friar to help her out of Paris’ marriage • 68-88: He may have a plan if she’s willing to do anything.
Act 4, Scene 1, continued • 89-90: go home & consent to marry Paris • 91-103: take this drink Wednesday night – it’ll put you in a death-like sleep for 42 hours • 104-106: She’ll wake as pleasant as ever. • 107-120: On wedding day, she’ll be “dead” and Friar will tell Romeo about the whole plan.
Act 4, Scene 2 • 13-14: referring to his daughter as a prostitute • 17-27: she agrees to marry Paris & has already told him the news • 28-32: Capulet thinks Friar Laurence is a miracle worker.
Act 4, Scene 3 • 7-12: convincing Mom & Nurse to go so she can take the drink • 14-23: What is it doesn’t work?! • 24-27: What if it’s poison?! • 28-54: What if I wake up before Romeo gets there?! Or if he never gets the message?! • 55-58: “seeing” Tybalt before she “dies”
Act 4, Scene 4 • All: preparing for the wedding!
Act 4, Scene 5 • 1-11: making sexual marriage jokes – trying to wake Juliet • 12-16: Juliet’s dead! (#justkidding) • 25: at first, he thinks it’s a joke. • 34-40: She’ll go to church – for funeral mass • 75-78: “Dies married young” – refers to how she is already married • 84-90: change all wedding things to funeral arrangements
Act 5, Scene 1 • 1-5: his head is light – can’t wait to see Juliet • 6-7: FORESHADOW! • 17-23: Balthasar saw Juliet being taken to the tomb. • 29-31: had expected word from the Friar – was supposed to get it! • 34: has already decided to die = IMPULSIVE! • 35-37: finds apothecary (medicine man) for poison • 66-67: not allowed to sell it • 75: He needs the money, but he’s skeptical to sell to a teenager.
Act 5, Scene 2 • 1-16: Nobody was able to deliver the letter to Romeo. • 22-29: doesn’t want Romeo to act out OR Juliet to wake up alone
Act 5, Scene 3 • 22-44: going to pay his respects to Juliet; his servant will let him know if someone comes • 49-57: wants revenge on Romeo for “killing” Juliet • 64-65: Romeo is there against his own life, not anyone else’s • 73-74: R0meo killed Paris • 109-119: He wants Juliet to be the last thing he sees. • 120: Romeo dies! • 149-151: Juliet wakes – looking for Romeo • 161-168: tries to get poison from Romeo by kissing his still warm lips • 170: Juliet stabs herself & dies.
Act 5, Scene 3, continued • 175-176: confused – she was supposed to be dead already • 210-212: Lady Montague died from sadness over Romeo being exiled • 229-269: Friar’s whole story – he sums it all up. • 286-295: Prince believes Friar – tells the families it’s entirely their fault! • 296-304: Capulet & Montague embrace/apologize • 305-310: a sad & terrible peace – they won’t be punished any more than this