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From Infix to Postfix: Understanding Compiling Techniques

Learn about the syntax and semantics of programming languages through the process of converting infix notation to postfix. Explore context-free grammars, simple compiler structures, and syntax-directed translation in this informative topic on compiler writing. Understand how parse trees, ambiguous grammars, and syntax-directed definitions play key roles in language processing.

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From Infix to Postfix: Understanding Compiling Techniques

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  1. Topic #2: Infix to Postfix EE 456 – Compiling Techniques Prof. Carl Sable Fall 2003

  2. Why this topic? • Program to convert infix to postfix • A simple, one-pass compiler! • Infix notation is source language • Postfix is intermediate code • No code generation (but could be actions) • A good example that introduces many aspects of writing a compiler

  3. Syntax vs. Semantics • Syntax • Describes what is allowable in a language • Relatively easy to describe (we will use context free grammars) • Semantics • Describes the meaning of a program (or expression) • Very difficult to describe in a formal sense • We are discussing programming languages, but these definitions also apply to natural languages

  4. Structure of Simple Compiler • A lexical analyzer will tokenize the input • A “syntax-directed translator” combines syntax analysis and intermediate code generation

  5. Context-free Grammars • Often used to describe the hierarchical structure of a programming language • Every CFG has four components: • A set of tokens (terminal symbols) • A set of nonterminals • A set of productions (rules) • A start symbol (left side of first rule) Example rule: stmt→if (expr) stmtelsestmt

  6. Productions • Every production consists of left side, an arrow (“can have the form of”), right side • Left side is a always nonterminal; the production is “for” this nonterminal • Right side consists of terminals and/or non-terminals • Convention, nonterminals will be italicized Example rule: stmt→if (expr) stmtelsestmt

  7. Example CFG • List of digits separated by plus or minus signs: • For convenience, nonterminals can be grouped using ‘|’ (“or”) • The tokens of this grammar: + - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • The start symbol: list list→ list + digit list → list – digit list→digit digit→ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 list→ list + digit | list – digit | digit digit→ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

  8. CFG for Expressions expr→ expr + term | expr – term | term term → term * factor | term / factor | factor factor→digit | (expr) digit→ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

  9. Strings • A string of tokens is a sequence of zero or more tokens • The string containing zero tokens is the empty string: ‘ε’ • A grammar “derives” strings • starting with start symbol • repeatedly replacing nonterminals with right side of productions for the nonterminals • The set of strings that can be derived from the start symbol is the “language” for the grammar

  10. Parse Trees • Shows how the start symbol of a grammar can derive a string in the language • A tree with the following properties: • The root is labeled with a start symbol • Each leaf labeled with a token or ε • Each interior node is labeled by a nonterminal • If A is the label for an interior node, and X1,X2,…,Xn (nonterminals or tokens) are the labels of its children, then the following production must exist: A→X1 X2 … Xn

  11. Sample Parse Tree: 9 – 5 + 2

  12. More on Parse Trees • A language can be defined as all strings that can be generated by some parse tree • The process of finding a parse tree for a given string is called “parsing” the string

  13. Ambiguous Grammars • If any string has more than one parse tree, grammar is said to be ambiguous • Need to avoid for compilation, since string can have more than one meaning • List of digits separated by plus or minus signs: • Example merges notion of digit and list into single nonterminal string • Same strings are derivable, but some strings have multiple parse trees (possible meanings) string→ string + string | string – string |0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

  14. Two Parse Trees: 9 – 5 + 2

  15. Precedence and Associativity • Precedence • Determines the order in which different operators are evaluated when they occur in the same expression • Operators of higher precedence are applied before operators of lower precedence • Associativity • Determines the order in which operators of equal precedence are evaluated when they occur in the same expression • Most operators have a left-to-right associativity, but some have right-to-left associativity

  16. Postfix Notation • Formal rules, infix → postfix • If E is variable or constant, E → E • If E is expression of form E1 op E2, where op is binary operator, E1 → E1’, and E2 → E2’, then E → E1’ E2’ op • If E is expression of form (E1) and E1 → E1’, then E → E1’ • Parentheses are not needed!

  17. Syntax-Directed Definitions • CFG to specify syntactic structure of input • Each grammar symbol has associated attributes • Each production has associated semantic rules for computing values of attributes • Grammar and semantic rules together constitute the syntax-directed definition • A parse tree showing the attribute values at each node is called an annotated parse tree

  18. Two Types of Attributes • Synthesized Attributes • Value at a parse-tree node can be determined based on values of attributes of children • Can be evaluated during a single bottom-up traversal of parse tree • Inherited Attributes • More complicated • Will be discussed later in course

  19. Example Syntax-Directed Definition

  20. Depth-First Search • Recursively visit all children before evaluating semantic rules of given node • Suitable if all attributes are synthesized procedure visit (n:node) begin for each child m of n, from left to right do visit(m) evaluate semantic rules at node n end

  21. Annotated Parse Tree: 9 – 5 + 2

  22. Translation Schemes • Adds to a CFG • Includes “semantic actions” embedded within productions • Similar to syntax-directed definition, but order of evaluation is explicit

  23. Example Translation Scheme expr expr + term { print(‘+’) } expr  expr – term { print(‘-’) } expr  term term  0 { print(‘0’) } term  1 { print(‘1’) } … term  9 { print(‘9’) }

  24. Equivalent Translation Scheme expr term rest rest  + term { print(‘+’) } rest rest  - term { print(‘-’) } rest rest  ε term  0 { print(‘0’) } term  1 { print(‘1’) } … term  9 { print(‘9’) }

  25. Parsing • Parsing is the process of determining if a string of tokens can be generated by a grammar • For any CFG, there is a parser that takes at most O(n^3) time • For most programming languages that arise in practice, linear time parsers exist

  26. Top-down Parsing • Recursively apply the following steps: • At node n with nonterminal A, select a production for A • Construct children at n for symbols on right side of selected production • Find next node for which subtree needs to be constructed • Top-down parsing uses a “lookahead” symbol • Selecting production may involve trial-and-error and backtracking

  27. Predictive Parsing • Recursive-descent parsing is a recursive, top-down approach to parsing • A procedure is associated with each nonterminal of the grammar • Predictive parsing • Special case of recursive-descent parsing • The lookahead symbol unambiguously determines the procedure for each nonterminal

  28. Procedures for Nonterminals • Production with right side α used if lookahead is in FIRST(α) • FIRST(α) is set of all symbols that can be first symbol of α • If lookahead symbol is not in FIRST set for any production, can use production with right side of ε • If two or more possibilities, can not use this method • If no possibilities, an error is declared • Nonterminals on right side of selected production are recursively expanded

  29. Left Recursion • Left-recursive productions can cause recursive-descent parsers to loop forever • Example: example example + term • Can eliminate left recursion A  β R R  α R | ε A  A α | β

  30. Eliminating Left Recursion expr expr + term { print(‘+’) } expr  expr – term { print(‘-’) } expr  term term  0 { print(‘0’) } term  1 { print(‘1’) } … term  9 { print(‘9’) } expr term rest rest  + term { print(‘+’) } rest rest  - term { print(‘-’) } rest rest  ε term  0 { print(‘0’) } term  1 { print(‘1’) } … term  9 { print(‘9’) }

  31. Infix to Prefix Code: Part 1 #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> int lookahead; void expr(void); void rest(void); void term(void); void match(int); void error(void); int main(void) { lookahead = getchar(); expr(); putchar('\n'); /* adds trailing newline character */ } …

  32. Infix to Prefix Code: Part 2 … void expr(void) { term(); rest(); } void term(void) { if (isdigit(lookahead)) { putchar(lookahead); match(lookahead); } else error(); } …

  33. Infix to Prefix Code: Part 3 … void rest(void) { if (lookahead == '+') { match('+'); term(); putchar('+'); rest(); } else if (lookahead == '-') { match('-'); term(); putchar('-'); rest(); } } …

  34. Infix to Prefix Code: Part 4 … void match(int t) { if (lookahead == t) lookahead = getchar(); else error(); } void error(void) { printf("syntax error\n"); /* print error message */ exit(1); /* then halt */ }

  35. Code Optimization 1 void rest(void) { REST: if (lookahead == '+') { match('+'); term(); putchar('+'); goto REST; } else if (lookahead == '-') { match('-'); term(); putchar('-'); goto REST; } }

  36. Code Optimization 2 void expr(void) { term(); while (1) { if (lookahead == '+') { match('+'); term(); putchar('+'); } else if (lookahead == '-') { match('-'); term(); putchar('-'); } else break; } }

  37. Improvements Remaining • Want to ignore whitespace • Allow numbers • Allow identifiers • Allow additional operators (multiplications and division) • Allow multiple expressions (separated by semicolons)

  38. Lexical Analyzer • Eliminates whitespace (and comments) • Reads numbers (not just single digits) • Reads identifiers and keywords

  39. Implementing the Lexical Analyzer

  40. Allowable Tokens • expected tokens: +, -, *, /, DIV, MOD, (, ), ID, NUM, DONE • ID represents an identifier, NUM represents a number, DONE represents EOF

  41. Tokens and Attributes

  42. A Simple Symbol Table • Each record of symbol table contains a token type and a string (lexeme or keyword) • Symbol table has fixed size • All lexemes in array of fixed size • Will be able to insert and search for tokens: • insert(s, t): creates entry with string s and token t, returns index into symbol table • lookup(s): searches for entry with string s, returns index if found, 0 otherwise • Keywords (div and mod) will be inserted into symbol table, they can not be used as identifiers

  43. Updated Translation Scheme start listeof list  expr; list | ε expr expr + term { print(‘+’) } | expr – term { print(‘-’) } | term term  term * factor { print(‘*’) } | term / factor { print(‘/’) } | termdivfactor { print(‘DIV’) } | termmodfactor { print(‘MOD’) } | factor factor  (expr) | id { print(id.lexeme) } | num { print(num.value) }

  44. After Eliminating Left Recursion start listeof list  expr; list | ε expr term moreterms moreterms  + term { print(‘+’) } moreterms | - term { print(‘-’) } moreterms | ε term  factor morefactors morefactors  * factor { print(‘*’) } morefactors | / factor { print(‘/’) } morefactors | divfactor { print(‘DIV’) } morefactors | modfactor { print(‘MOD’) } morefactors | ε factor  (expr) | id { print(id.lexeme) } | num { print(num.value) }

  45. Final Code • About 250 lines of C • Pretty sloppy, otherwise would be longer

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