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HERA-B Results on Heavy Flavor Production in 920 GeV Proton-Nucleus Interactions. Hermann Kolanoski Humboldt Universität zu Berlin a nd DESY Zeuthen for the HERA-B Collaboration. Charmonium production: J/ , ’, c Open charm production: D 0 , D ± , D *
HERA-B Results on Heavy Flavor Production in 920 GeV Proton-Nucleus Interactions Hermann Kolanoski Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and DESY Zeuthen for the HERA-B Collaboration • Charmonium production: J/, ’, c • Open charm production: D0, D±, D* • Hidden and open beauty production: (bb), (ns) • If time allows: pentaquark search Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
The HERA-B Experiment 920 GeV protons p + A X @ s = 41.6 GeV Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
The HERA-B Detector Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
5 MHz Pretriggers: ECAL cluster or hit coincidence in muon detector as trigger seed (custom hardware) 3 MHz First Level Trigger (FLT): Track trigger in hardware using tracking detectors behind magnet, seeding by pretriggers 20 kHz Second Level Trigger (SLT): FLT tracking confirmed, extrapolation to vertex detector, vertex fit (PC farm) 100 Hz The Dilepton Trigger HERA-B detector: data is read out and buffered for 12s(proton bunches cross every 96 ns, 0.5 interactions/BX) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Data samples Data taking is finished in 2003; analysis is in progress • 150 M di-lepton trigger events (300 000 J/ψ) • 210 M minimum bias events • 35 M hard photon trigger events • 60 M “glueball” trigger events Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Topics of di-lepton trigger analysis 1) pt distribution xF distribution A-dependence (polarisation) 2) (2s) production ratio 3) c/J/production ratio 4) bb cross section 5) production 6) (D0 ) J/ e+ e- + - (2s) c bb (1-3s) Most results are preliminary Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Study of Charmonium Suppression J/ e+ p e- scc =s0•Na a ≠ 1 “suppression” Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
J/ Production: di-lepton triggered J/→ ~ 177,000 σ= 44 MeV/c2 J/→ e+e- ~ 108,000 J/ σ= 64 MeV/c2 J/ / ~ 3000 (2S) (2S) ~ 1600 (2S) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
J/y from Minimum Bias data Important for cross section normalisation of di-lepton triggered data Result from both decay channels: HERA-B ~2X higherthan E771 / 789 measurements in this energy region (!?) Effects cross sections from di-lepton triggered data α = 0.955 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
15% of e+e- sample J/y production: pT distribution Carbon Tungsten Preliminary results for ‹pT> (GeV/c) (n=6 fixed): Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Energy dependence of <pT> Phenomenological fit <pT> = A + B √s A=0.813 ± 0.014 GeV/c B=0.0105 ± 0.0004 c-1 <pT> (GeV/c) J/→ e+e- J/→ <pT> (GeV/c) A dependence: W wider than C √s (GeV) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
15% of e+e- sample J/y xF distribution J/→ Standard parametrisation: Carbon Tungsten Does this describe the data? J/→ e+e- HERA-B range -0.35 < xF < 0.15 NegativexF : nuclear medium sees fully formed charmonium states test suppression models Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Comparing XF distributions • C CEM, NRQCD: calculated by R.Vogt for HERA-B energy (pp) J/→ • W CEM NRQCD E789 PYTHIA Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
A dependence: (xF) 2-wire runs (C, W), 10% of data: Preliminary Preliminary Sample I Sample II FNAL E866 extended to xF = –0.3 • Samples have different wire configurations • consistency check of acceptances • Systematic studies ongoing Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Preliminary Conclusion on XF distributions • Our data are not consistent with the formula • (acceptance problems for xF > 0 ?) • data for positive xF 0from other experiments • seem to follow better this formula • Our data for carbon are consistent with the • NRQCD model and Pythia, not with CEM • ( models for pp J/ + X) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
y’ production: xF and pT distributions J/→ Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
’/J/ ratio: xFand pT dependence ’, J/→ xF Ratios of xF and pT distributions are consistent with being flat pT Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Br·σ(ψ’) (%) Preliminary results for Br·σ(J/ψ) Production ratio y’/ J/y √s A Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
c / J/ production ratio observed in radiative decay Background shape from event mixing Analysis of 2002/03 data: • Comb. background by event mixing • Carbon target • In ~10% of +- statistics about 1300 c • Expect N(c) ~ 15k for full sample m (GeV/c2) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
c production: results Published result of 2000 ( Phys. Lett. B561(2003) 61 ) 10% of 2002/03 data R(c) = 0.21±0.05 Systematic studies ongoing Electron channel gives compatible result ECMS (GeV) HERA-B point agrees with NRQCD but NRQCD underestimates R at low Ecms Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Open Charm • Search for FCNC in the decay BR(D0→+-) • see: Phys Lett B 569 (2004) 173 (hep-ex/0405059) • Open charm signals in minimum bias data • Production Cross Sections for D0, D+, D*+ • Production Ratios D+/D0 and D*+/D0 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
D0K+ D*+ D0 + K+ + D+K+ + Events: 189 ± 20M [MeV/c2]: 1863 ± 3 [MeV/c2]: 25 ± 3 Events: 98 ±12M [MeV/c2]: 1866 ± 2 [MeV/c2]: 15 ± 2 Events: 43 ± 8M [MeV/c2]: 145.9 ± 0.2 [MeV/c2]: 0.89 ± 0.15 Open charm signals in minimum bias data • Production Cross Sections for D0, D+, D*+ • Production Ratios D+/D0 and D*+/D0 Assuming Aα dependence with α = 1 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Open Charm Production Preliminary Preliminary PYTHIA underestimates D+/D0 ratio Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Lorenco and Woehri Lorenco and Woehri Open charm production: models D0 D Pythia requires K-factors ~1.5 and ~ 4.5 to describe D0 and D+ data if mc=1.5 GeV Smaller mc require smaller K factors but predict smaller increase of at higher E Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Beauty Production Detached vertex analysis RD: =5314 m pA bb + X J/ + X’ e+ e- , +- Cross sections normalised to prompt J/ HERA-B used E771/E789 data: (pN J/ X) = (357 8 27) nb/nucleon (with = 0.955 0.005 and energy rescaling) pA Y(ns) + X e+ e- , +- Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Open beauty production Analysis of 2002/03 data: • Full e+e- and +- statistics • Carbon + Tungsten targets • J/ acceptance: -0.35 < xF < 0.15 (90% of bb cross section) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
here still with 35% of data Open beauty production Relative to prompt J/ to minimize uncertainties from efficiencies, luminosity … Preliminary results with full statistics bb/J/ = 0.027 0.004 0.005 Syst. error mainly from B(bJ/) Normalizing to J/from E771 and E789 (pN J/ X) = (357 8 27) nb/N bb= 9.8 1.4 2.0 nb/N (preliminary, normalized to FNAL data) 2000 data: Eur. Phys.J. C26(2003) 345: Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Hidden beauty production Drell-Yan Drell-Yan Comb. BG Comb. BG M(e+e-) (GeV/c2) M(+-) (GeV/c2) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Hidden beauty production Normalized to FNAL prompt J/ • All C and W data used (150 M evts) • Modified Craigie applied to allow for nuclear suppression: =0.990.05 Not used in fit √s (GeV) Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Pentaquark Search:Experimental situation • According to a recent count*: • 12 reports of a narrow resonance (NR) • in nK+ or pK0s near 1530MeV/c2(+). • 8 reports this year of negative results on searches for +. • H1 reports a NR decaying into D*p (0c) • but Zeus reports non-observation. • NA49 reports a NR decaying into -- (--). The existence of pentaquarks is not established. If they exist, the production mechanism is unclear. *J. Pochodzalla, hep-ex/0406077 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
HERA-B Searched for: See hep-ex/0408048 for more details • +(1540) p K0s p +- • --(1862) - - 0 - - p - - - • At mid-rapidity in pA collisions at 920 GeV, using a large, clean (pileup 10%) minimum bias sample: 200 million interactions(A = C, Ti, W) - (1520) • Well reconstructed • cascade and reference states: • Good particle ID • Good vertex resolution Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
pK0s mass, Upper Limit pK0s mass (GeV/c2) for -0.3< rapidity < 0.3 event mixing mass=3.9 MeV/c2 @+ UL(95%): Carbon sensitivity 1.4 1.475 1.55 1.625 1.7 All data (with N A0.7): Bd/dy|y=0 < 3.7 b/N (95% c.l.)@ 1530GeV/c2 < 24 b/N (95% c.l.)@ 1540GeV/c2 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
+ mass? Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Counts / 3 MeV/c2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Mass GeV/c2 Mass Distribution HERA-B (p + C) NA49 -- 20 10 -+ Counts / 7.5 MeV/c2 +- 10 6 ++ 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 Mass GeV/c2 C. Alt et al. PRL 92, 042003 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
NA49 Combined Plot, UL(95%) HERA-B Counts / 3 MeV/c2 Rapidity: -0.7 < y < 0.7 mass = 6.6 GeV/c2@ 1862 MeV/c2 -- B d/dy b/C Assuming N A0.7, (95% c.l.): Bd/dy|y=0 < 2.5 b/N for m(--) =1862 GeV/c2 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004
Summary HERA-B collected 300k J/ and 200M min.bias events on different nuclei Preliminary results (based typically on 10-30% of statistics) are presented on: J/ cross section, xF and pT distributions in a new negative xF range J/ A dependence demonstrate a flat behavior in this region Fraction of c and (2S) yields relative to J/ D0, D+ and D*+ cross sections and relative yields Open and hidden beauty cross sections HERA-B does not observe the pentaquark states +(1540) and --(1862) Final results on these and other topics are expected in 2005 Hermann Kolanoski HU Berlin - HERA-B Results - SQM2004