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Solanco School District 2016-17 Budget Overview

Explore the 2016-17 preliminary final budget for Solanco School District, detailing revenues, expenditure functions, state revenue trends, pension details, and financial strategies for the upcoming year. Discover key financial considerations and the district's budgeting approach for sustainable growth.

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Solanco School District 2016-17 Budget Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Solanco School District 2016-17 Preliminary Final Budget May 2, 2016 Regularly scheduled Board meeting 7:30 PM - Central Office

  2. May 2, 2016 Preliminary Final Budget

  3. May 2, 2016 Revenues: Preliminary Final Budget

  4. Revenue Source Shares

  5. Expenditure FunctionsInstruction and Support

  6. Expenditure FunctionsStudent Activities and Finance Uses

  7. Expenditures by Object

  8. Benefit Object Composite (26.1%)

  9. Total State Revenue - Last Five Years

  10. Selective State Changes from January preliminary

  11. 2016 -17 State Total as Budgeted Projected Increase in Total State funds to Solanco....is approximately $200K less than the mandated 16.2 % pension increase...with credit due...they are paying their share... The 2016-17 budget started in that negative position and all other funds must lift from there. Also...State will ‘defer’ social security payments in May and June --- until July and August --- and we will be instructed to ‘accrue’ those funds back to fiscal year 15 -16 (about $120K in cash).

  12. Five functions: 80% of Spending;Share 1100 Function

  13. Share 1200 Function

  14. Share 2600, 2700, 2300’s

  15. Athletics & Extra-curricular

  16. Long-term share trend:Salary -- 40.8%

  17. Long-term share trend:Benefits -- 26.1% to Total Exp

  18. Long-term share trend:Benefits -- 64% to Payroll

  19. Long-term share trend:Salary & Benefits to Total Exp

  20. Pension Detail

  21. Increases were cumulative...& will ‘stay’ with us for two decades....unless the GA can find other funding solutions

  22. Perhaps after 7 years----?

  23. Property Tax Assessment Base

  24. January Tax Assessment Estimate---vs Actual YTD

  25. Solanco Vs the County

  26. Earned income Tax --- Positive trend

  27. 2016-17 Other items/considerations • Total Enrollment remains stable to slight decline; charter enrollment remains stable to slight decline • Staffing expectations anticipate retirement impact, non-replacements, re-assigned resources, internal position changes, needed new hires. • Several significant health care strategies remain in the forefront to slow medical trend impact • Plan changes, HDHCP (2K/4K), Aetna Jan 1, Rx Jul 1 • General fund budget teams with food service, health trust, and Capital Reserve to deliver all services and leverage capital requirements

  28. Two to Three Year Budget strategy to allow for growth into the future with ability to adjust and react to environmental changes inclusive of opportunities...potential for 15-16 Pension draw down to be delayed to 16-17....

  29. Next Steps • Approve Preliminary Final 2016-17 Budget for advertising • Targeted Final Budget adoption is June 6, 2016 (need 30 days) • May and June board meetings; approvals for various equipment purchases and project implementations • Await final 15-16 State budget numbers...wait for state 16-17?

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