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Elevate! Promoting, empowering, and supporting female staff and students at Leeds College of Music. Join the revolution and address the gender disparity in leadership roles through initiatives like mentorship programs, promotions, and academic support.
ELEVATE! Promoting, empowering and supporting staff at leeds college of music Patsy Gilbert Head of the School of Performance
the PRS for Music membership (writers and music creators) is currently only 16% women. Up from 13% in 2010 • in its 18-year history the Mercury Prize has been awarded to only five women • just 4.1% of works performed at the 2010 BBC Proms were composed by women • prsfoundation.org
Non-Academic Staff: 47% Female/53% Male Academic Staff: 21% Female/79% Male Students: 29% Female/71% Male Pay difference: 16% median - 11% mean - Entirely due to the distribution of leadership roles 2017-18 restructure
Female leaders panel events Promotion of peer mentoring Photography exhibition Academic Promotion Dedicated library collection Observing boards and committees.
THANK YOU JOIN THE REVOLUTION! p.gilbert@lcm.ac.uk @PGTipss