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Mid-term Quality Evaluation Report: UZDOC 2.0 Conclusions & Key Issues

This report highlights the internal quality assurance activities, evaluations, and key conclusions of the UZDOC 2.0 project from October 15, 2016, to March 15, 2018. It assesses the impact of reforms in Uzbek doctoral education on project deliverables and outlines the progress made in implementing milestones and events. The report also discusses necessary modifications to the work plan given changing legislation, focusing on the establishment of a virtual network of doctoral education centers. Key decisions, such as designing a new joint doctoral program and consortium agreements, need to be finalized. The report emphasizes the importance of collaboration among Uzbek HEIs and foreign institutions for successful doctoral education. The goal of developing a model joint doctoral program is essential and will be further refined at consortium meetings and the ULCB gatherings in Uzbekistan.

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Mid-term Quality Evaluation Report: UZDOC 2.0 Conclusions & Key Issues

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  1. Mid-termQualityEvaluationReport of UZDOC2.0Conclusions and keyissuesto be decided Prof. Eva Orosz Onbehalf of ELTE-Team Consortium meeting Tashkent Financial Institute, October 1, 2018

  2. Objectives of internal quality assurance (IQA) To contribute with the specific tools of QA to the timely progress and implementation of the work plan, to achieve the specific objectives (SO 1-4), the milestones (M1-M14) and the deliverables (D) IQA is a responsibility shared by all partners. • ELTE functionsas the work package coordinator; supported byKARSU

  3. Activities of internal quality assurance • Internal QA Plan developed and circulated among the UZDOC-partners • Template of Evaluation Questionnaireto be filledinbyUzbekparticipantsdeveloped • Evaluation Questionnaires (EQs) were filled at the job-shadowing (Turin) and QA Workshop, Seminar and Training (Tashkent) • (A): EQs were processed and reports produced • Outline waspreparedforthe(Self-)Evaluation Reportsto be prepared by the responsible organizations • (B): Internal Evaluation by responsible organizations made (POLITO) /under preparation (UGR) • Evaluation reports of events(combining (A), (B) and ELTE comments) prepared (orunder preparation) • Mid-termInternal Quality Assurance Report (October 15, 2016 – March 15, 2018) has beenprepared

  4. Evaluation of the UZDOC 2.0 events by Uzbek participants(Professional content of the events as a whole)

  5. Internal Quality Assurance Evaluation Report (October 15, 2016 – March 15, 2018) Key elements • Effects of new reform (February 2017) and ongoing changes in Uzbek doctoral education on the deliverables of the project • Snapshot of the current status of implementation of milestones and deliverables • Summary of evaluation reportsof the events organised so far

  6. Main conclusions Most of the project activities envisaged for the report-period have been successfully implemented Uzbek participants found these activities useful from the point of view of their activity Due to new reform and changing legislation in Uzbek doctoral education, some elements of the work plan requires modification. The plan for the establishment of Joint Doctoral Centre has been replaced by the goal of a virtual network of (regional) centres for doctoral education. The goal of elaboration of a JointDoctoralProgrammeby the end of the projectalsorequires reconsideration

  7. Main conclusions

  8. To be decided: howtoaccomplishtheremaining part of WP 2. D: 2.5. Performed exercise in designing a model of a new jointdoctoral programme (JDP) To be decided: Option(A): todevelopaJDP inchemistry Option(B): todevelop a consortiumagreementforcooperationbetween 2 or more Uzbek UZDOC Partnersin a specifieddoctoralprogramme Option(C): toelaboraterecommendationsfor • cooperation among UzbekHEIs concerning doctoral education;and • cooperationwithforeignHEIsconcerningco-tutelleprogramme • Simulation exercise in the designing of a model of JDP was performed at the Quality Assurance Consultation workshop (Tashkent, 5 – 6, February 2018) Responsible HEI: ELTE • D2.5 envisages the elaboration of a modelJDP by the end of the project ResponsibleHEIs: UGR+ Uzbekpartners • This goal requires reconsideration due to changing legislation and due to the fact that the JDC will not be established.

  9. Description of WP 2. D: 2.5.inthe Project Plan A goalof thisdeliverable is toputintopracticethenewapproachesand toolsforassuringthequality of doctoral Education […] byperformingan exercisein designing a modelof a new, jointdoctoralprogramme. Thissimulation of a jointdoctoralprogrammewillincludeallUzbekHEI project partners. Membersof thenewlyestablished JDC willparticipateintheactivity, furtherdevelopingtheirskills and expertiseinthearea of doctoraleducation and learninghowtocreate a newdoctoralprogramme.

  10. Description of WP 2. D: 2.5.inthe Project Plan Fine-tuning and adjustments of theprogrammedevelopedthroughexercisewilltakeplaceduringtheconsortiummeetingsand the ULCB meetingsinUzbekistan. The draft of theprogrammewill be made availableonthe web pages of the project, soeveryproject partner willhave an open accesstoitforcomments, modification and uggestions. Deliverableis expectedto be finishedbythe end of the project, and will be presentedas part of theFinaleventinMonth35.

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