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MERCEM300Z Intelligent mercury monitoring

Florian Greiter, Product Management. Comprehensive system for monitoring mercury emissions. High temperature gas sampling system with patented extractive direct measurement. Accurate and reliable results. Low operating expenses.

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MERCEM300Z Intelligent mercury monitoring

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  1. MERCEM300Z Intelligent mercury monitoring Florian Greiter, Produkt Management

  2. MERCEM300Z – Table of contents • System components and measuring principle • Test results and certification • Summary : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  3. MERCEM300Z – Overall system Gas sampling system : Our solution – high temperature Bundle of pipes Control of main valve Electrical connections Heated sample gas line Exhaust air : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  4. MERCEM300Z – Sample gas supply Ejector Sample gas line : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  5. Cell Optics MERCEM300Z – Gas flow diagram Ejector Exhaust gas Ejector air Nozzle Pressure controlfor flow control Cell 1000°C Sample probe CALSIC300 Nozzle Filter Sample gas line Evaporator : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  6. MERCEM300Z – Sample gas supply • MERCEM300Z Ejector principle • Advantages: • No moving parts • Wear-free • Flow control via pressure sensors • High gas flow results in short response time • Benefits Very low operating expenses • Measuring certainty due to control • Longest certified measuring gas line with 35m : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  7. MERCEM300Z - Design High temperature cell : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  8. MERCEM300Z – Hg - Conversion All optical measuring principles are based on the measurement of elemental mercury (Hg0) !  Conversion of mercury compounds (Hg+) to elemental mercury (Hg0) • Wet chemistry: HgCl2 + SnCl2 -> Hg0 + SnCl4 • Thermo converter: approx. 200-400°C • High temperature: from approx. 800°C SICK: ~ 1000°C : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  9. High temperature 1000 °C = HgCl2 = Hg • HgCl2 + High temperature  Hg0 + Cl2 MERCEM300Z – Hg - Conversion • High temperature conversion • Heated quartz cell (1000 °C) • Double walled Sample gas outlet Sample gas inlet : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  10. Optical unit MERCEM300Z – Design : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  11. MERCEM300Z – Measuring principle Hg How to determine the concentration? I0 I Lichtquelle Detector Light source Measuring path Reference signal Measuring signal Absorption spectrum elemental Hg 1000°C Conc ~ I0 / I Atomic absorption spectroscopy Absorption I0 I Wave length / nm : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  12. B MERCEM300Z – Measuring principleZeeman Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie Absorption spectrum Hg0 Detector Polarizer Chronological differentiation of the signals: 2µs Photo elastic modulator (50kHz) s- s+ Light waves of different polarization Light source Hg – light source : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  13. B MERCEM300Z – Measuring principle • Advantages of Zeeman - AAS • Continuous measuring method • No moving parts  No mechanical wear  Long-term stability (Maintenance cycle of light source: ≥ 1 year) • Automatic drift correction for • Light source modifications • Contamination of optical surfaces • Identical influence of cross sensitivity components on measuring and reference signal  Best possible cross sensitivity correction s- s+ Hg - Lichtquelle : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  14. measuring wave lengths MERCEM300Z – Measuring principle • Influence of cross sensitivities; e.g. SO2 : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  15. MERCEM300Z – Measuring principle • Influence of cross sensitivities; e.g. SO2 measuring wave lengths : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  16. measuring wave lengths MERCEM300Z – Measuring principle • Influence of cross sensitivities; e.g. SO2 • Wave length of measuring and reference signal are almost identical  The interference caused by cross sensitivity components stays constant within the wave length interval!  Thus the cross sensitivity is immediately compensated. : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  17. MERCEM300Z – Measuring principle • Influence of cross sensitivities (results from type approval) Component Concentration Cross sensitivities on Hg SO2 1000 mg/m³ - 0.065 µg/m³ H2O 30 Vol% 0.060 µg/m³ HCl 200 mg/m³ no CS NO 300 mg/m³ no CS NO2 30 mg/m³ 0.090 µg/m³ O2 21 Vol-% - 0.120 µg/m³ All other tested cross sensitivities are below ± 0.05 µg/m³ = <0.5% certification range : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  18. MERCEM300Z – Measuring principle • MERCEM300Z measuring principle: Zeemann AAS • Advantages: • Continuous measurement • No moving parts • Automatic drift correction • Best possible cross sensitivity correction • Benefits • Easy design – Easy access, no black box  Very low operating expenses : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  19. MERCEM300Z – Patented extractive direct measurement • MERCEM300Z: Patented extractive direct measurement • Measurement within heated cell of about 1.000 °C • Advantages • No Hg – recombination • No memory effects • Continuous monitoring of total Hg • Benefits • Reliable monitoring of total Hg independent from plant conditions • Measuring certainty : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  20. MERCEM300Z – Internal adjustment Optical unit : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  21. MERCEM300Z – Internal adjustment • MERCEM300Z Integrated Adjustment Cell • Generation of a defined long-term stable Hg - signal with adjustment cell (patent pending) • Advantages • No test gas required • Automatic drift control • Full adjustment of optical bench • Benefits • Measuring certainty • Saves operational expenses due to drift control without test gas : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  22. MERCEM300Z – Test gas generator Vaporizer Sample gas line CALSIC300 : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  23. MERCEM300Z – Test gas generator • CALSIC300 (option) • Vaporization of liquid HgCl2-solution of known concentration • Realization as automated span gas function • Three predefined span concentrations possible • Automatic injection before sampling filter unit : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  24. MERCEM300Z – CALSIC300 • MERCEM300Z – CALSIC300 • Advantages • Adjustment of overall system • Fully automated QAL3 function included • Check of conversion rate included • Benefits • Measuring certainty due to check of overall system • Saves operational costs: • No additional costs for test equipment, e.g. test gas, Hovacal …. • No additional costs for technician : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  25. High Middle Low MERCEM300Z – Adjustment during field test Adjustment cell : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  26. MERCEM300Z – Cabinet • MERCEM300Z System housing • Advantages • Standardized setup • Easy to maintain • Full air conditioning (-20 to +50°C) • Protection grade IP55 • Dimensions: H W D 1800mm x 1050mm x 745mm • Weight: approx. 250 kg • Benefits • Convenient and fast access for easy service • Stable measuring results in harsh and/or difficult ambient conditions : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  27. MERCEM300Z - Design High temperature cell Ejector Optical unit Electronics CALSIC300 : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  28. MERCEM300Z – Table of contents • System components and measuring principle • Test results and certification • Summary : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  29. MERCEM300Z – Certification : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  30. MERCEM300Z – Certification : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  31. MERCEM300Z – Type approval • Type approval according to EN15267 • Approved measuring ranges: 0-10/45/100/1000 µg/m³ • Lowest approved measuring range for mercury analyzer: 0 – 10 µg/m³ • Highest approved measuring range for mercury analyzer: 0 – 1000 µg/m³ • Unique maintenance interval: 6 months! • Unique type approved system which is certified to monitor mercury at all relevant plant types (waste incineration, power plants and cement plants) • Successful implementation of system at 3 plants where no other mercury monitoring system could be calibrated • Cement plant (Germany) • Lime plant (Rheinkalk) Germany • Sinter metal plant : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  32. MERCEM300Z – Type approval : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  33. Raw gas monitoring: waste incineration plant • Raw gas monitoring at a waste incineration plant • Hg- Concentrations between 500 µg – 4000 µg • No change in system setup • Uninterrupted operation since 4 months Adjustment with internal CALSIC300 : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  34. MERCEM300Z – Table of contents • System components and measuring principle • Test results and certification • Summary : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  35. MERCEM300Z – Summary MERCEM300Z : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  36. MERCEM300Z – Summary MERCEM300Z : Florian Greiter, Product Management

  37. MERCEM300Z – Questions ? MERCEM300Z Innovative mercury monitoring : Florian Greiter, Product Management

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