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The Path to Peace: Becoming Peacemakers Through Christ's Love

Discover how to be a peacemaker in a world of conflict and sin by following Christ's teachings. Learn biblical principles on reconciliation, forgiveness, and unity within families and communities. Explore the transformative power of Christ's peace initiative and the importance of pursuing peace in all relationships.

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The Path to Peace: Becoming Peacemakers Through Christ's Love

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  1. Songs For Today 223- Peace, Perfect Peace 97- O to Be Like Thee 167- We Saw Thee Not 500- Give Me the Bible 311- While We Pray and While We Plead 63- I Need Thee Every Hour

  2. Peacemakers Are Blessed

  3. We Live in a World of War We live in a world of hatred, strife, and war with mayhem and murder happening everyday. Many desire that there be world peace today but the Bible says, “There is a time for war and a time for peace” (Eccl. 3:8) When there is peace, it is only temporary. "In the last 3,421 years of recorded history only 268 have seen no war." (Will & Ariel Durant, “The Lessons of History”, p. 81, 1968)

  4. Can there be peace on earth? How can Jesus teach “Blessed are the peacemakers” if there won’t be peace on earth? Many misunderstand His words. He was not discussing an absence of war or conflict in this world but the problem of sin. After Eve decided to disobey God’s word through the deceptions of the devil, sin and enmity came into the world (Gen. 3:15).

  5. Because of Sin, We Have Not Known the Path of Peace As long as Satan is alive, he will be working in the sons of disobedience who yield to his temptations (Eph. 2:2; 1 Peter 5:8). We are all guilty of sin (Rom. 3:10ff) and there is no peace for the wicked (Isa. 48:22). In this lesson, we will discuss from the Bible how we can become peacemakers and the applications that we can make with our family, brethren, and all people.

  6. God sent His Son as a Peace Initiative to Remove the Enmity Jesus Christ is the prophesied Prince of Peace. (Isa. 9:6) The Prince of Peace’s Government would endure forever while the kingdoms of earth would all pass away (Isa. 9:7; Dan. 2:44). What a paradox that the Prince of peace would shed His blood to reconcile to God his own people who wanted him unmercifully killed in the City of Peace- Jerusalem (Col. 1:20-22).

  7. Through the Cross, We Have Peace with God and brethren Christ is our Peace through whom we receive the forgiveness of sins. We are now reconciled in one body to God through the cross and are no longer enemies but friends now having brothers and sisters in Christ (Eph. 2:14-17). We can preach the gospel of peace to others and do much more eternal good than those who receive the Nobel Peace Prize! (Romans 10:14ff)

  8. But Christians Cannot Have Peace with… …false teachers. (Luke 6:26) Those who do, participate in their evil deeds (2 John 9-11). …false doctrines. We are to cast down everything raised up against God’s word (2 Cor. 10:3-6). …family members if we love them more than the Lord (Matt. 10:34-37). …the world because that makes you an enemy of God (James 4:4).

  9. Christians are to Pursue Peace By pursuing peace we build one another up. (Rom. 14:19; 1 Peter 3:11) When others say hurtful words against us, we are quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath using gentle words when we respond. (Proverbs 15:1; James 1:19) We will pray for our enemies and those who persecute us (Matt. 5:43ff). Try to be at peace with all men (Rom. 12:18).

  10. But what if you fail and offend? If you are the offender and remember that you have done something against your brother, tell them you are sorry before offering your worship to God (Matt. 5:22-24). Good homes and churches will practice this on a regular basis so that there will be peace and unity in the truth (James 5:16; Eph. 4:3). When the offender continually makes excuses or shifts the blame to the spouse or brethren you may have divorces and split churches.

  11. What if your brother sins against you? Instead of telling the rest of the church first, talk to them alone and rebuke them so they will repent of their sins (Matt. 18:15; Lk. 17:3-4). We then take two or three as witnesses and if there is a failure to repent, then tell it to the church (Matthew 18:16-18). If we fail to take the proper measures, we have proven ourselves to be strifemakers, not the peacemakers that Jesus said are blessed.

  12. Being a Peacemaker will demonstrate… …that you are poor in spirit (humble) …that you truly mourn over your sins …that you are meek (strength under control of God’s will, not your own) …that you hunger and thirst for righteousness (you want to do right regardless the cost) …that you are merciful (willing to forgive) …that you are pure in heart (single minded devotion)

  13. Jesus was the Perfect Peacemaker He had the wisdom and conviction to always say the right thing at the right time with the right heart in rebuking sin (Pr. 25:11). On the other hand, while he was on the cross he silently endured unimaginable pain. "Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth"; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously”(1 Peter 2:22-23).

  14. Are you a peacemaker? When you are criticized (rightly or wrongly), do you blow up or prayerfully give the appropriate answer with a soft voice? Are you able to turn the other cheek? (not return evil for evil but remember that vengeance belongs to God) Matt. 5:37; Rom. 12:19 Are you willing to be defrauded by your brethren and not hold a grudge against them? (1 Cor. 6:7)

  15. Jesus Endured Agony to Make Peace for You Isaiah 53:5, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.” Jesus endured through all the times you bruised Him, you beat Him, & you nailed Him to the cross with your sins, and He was willing to forgive them all.

  16. Conclusion Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” Jesus didn’t come to make world peace, and we cannot have peace at any price (compromise to have fellowship with false teachers, false doctrines, our family, or the world). God’s wisdom is first pure then peaceable. (James 3:17)

  17. Conclusion We must have peace with God first before we can be at peace with one another. Are you at peace with God? If not you can have your sins washed away in the blood of the Lamb by being baptized. Are you at peace with your brethren? If you are the offender, make it right with them, if you are the offended, be reconciled.

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