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FRONTIER RESEARCH. SUZANA KARABAIĆ Ideas NCP Hrvatski institut za tehnologiju 13.12.2007. Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Ideje –istraživanja na granici sadašnjih spoznaja Kroz ovaj specifični program stimulirat će se vrhunska znanstvena istraživanja koja će povećati
FRONTIER RESEARCH SUZANA KARABAIĆ Ideas NCP Hrvatski institut za tehnologiju 13.12.2007. Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Ideje –istraživanja na • granici sadašnjih spoznaja • Kroz ovaj specifični program • stimulirat će se vrhunska znanstvena • istraživanja koja će povećati • konkurentnost Europe u odnosu na • SAD, Japan i Kinu podupirući • najtalentiranije znanstvenike • odnosno njihove „visokorizične“ • projekte koji pomiču granice • u istraživanju.
ZAŠTO “IDEAS” • Europe offersinsufficient opportunities foryoung investigators to developindependent careersand make the transition from working under a supervisor to being independent research leaders in their own right. • it encourageshighly talented researchersat an early stage of their career toseek advancement elsewhere,either in other professions or asresearchers outside Europe.
Tko provodi program? EUROPEAN RESEARCH COUNCIL The first pan-European funding agency for frontier research Scientific Council (ScC): chair: prof Fotis Kafatos + 21 member MISIJA: osnovano da podrži najbolja istraživanja u svim poljima znanosti kroz otvoreno i direktno natjecanje najtalentiranijih znanstvenika za dobivanje financijske potpore (Granta).
What is “frontier research” and what are its benefits? Today the distinction between “basic” and “applied” research has become blurred,due to the fact that emerging areas of science and technology often cover substantialelements of both. As a result, the term “frontier research” was coined for ERC activities aimed at advancing understanding beyond the “frontier” of knowledge.
The aims to bring about a wide range of benefits: • The ERC’s competitive funding will be able to channelfunds into the most original ideas and promising opportunities, with a degree of flexibility not always possible in national funding schemes • The ERC Grant schemes will attract the best researchers, irrespective of their country of origin, to work in Europe • The ERC will stimulate research organisations to do more in support of young and starting researchers • On the economic side, the ERC will help nurture science-based industry and create a greater impetus for the establishment of research-based spin-offs • From a societal perspective, the ERC could provide a mechanism for investing rapidly in research on new and emerging issues confronting society
The European Research Council: Bringing great ideas to life ERC Mission “By challenging the most original minds to develop breakthroughs at the frontiers ofscience, the ERC hopes to foster those unpredictable discoveries that can changethe course of human understanding, thus opening up new avenues for technologicalprogress and solving enduring social and environmental problems.”
The European Research Council: Independent, autonomous, science-driven The Scientific Council: Provides independent scientific governance The Dedicated Implementation Structure (Executive Agency): Implements and manages ERC operations The ERC Board: Monitors implementation and prospects future actions The Secretary General: Ensures liaison and integration The European Union: Provides financial means and assures ERC’s integrity
Za koje istraživače? Za najtalentiranije istraživače bilo koje nacionalnosti: A) da postanu neovisni istraživački lideri i da osnuju svoj prvi istraživački tim B) Za iskusne neovisne istraživače uz vlastiti tim Gdje se provodi istraživanje? U bilo kojoj europskoj državi: članici EU ili pridruženoj zemlji (tu se ubraja i Hrvatska). NEMA DEFINIRANIH TEMA !!!
GRANTS The ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants (ERC Starting Grants) support researchers (Principal Investigators) at the stage at which they arestarting or leading their first research teamor, depending on the field, establishing their independent research programme The ERC Advanced Investigator Grants (ERC Advanced Grants) • Encourage and support excellent, innovative investigator-initiated research projects by leading advanced investigators inMS/AC • Target the population of researchers who have already established themselves as beingindependent research leaders in their own right
GRANTS - subjects • PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR • any nationality • 2. Additional TEAM MEMBERS (≠ network, “research cosortium”) • national or transnational character • 3. APLICANT LEGAL ENTITY • in MS/AC
Physical Sciences & Engineering: 39% • Life Sciences: 34% • SocialSciences & Humanities: 14% • Interdisciplinary domain: 13% IDEAS BUDGET Ca 7.5 billion EUR (15% FP7 budget)
Two-step application procedure • 1st stage – Outline Proposal: max. 8 pages (3+4+1) • 2nd stage – Full Proposal: max. 16 pages (4+10+2) • Proposal Components • a) CV + self-evaluation + funding ID • b) Project • c) scientific environment and resources • Electronic Submission only (via EPSS) • Pre-registration (via EPSS) Applying for St. Grants
Evaluation criteria • Potential of applicant • Quality of project • Research environment (Stage 2) Process • Evaluation – Stage 1 • - Stage 2 • Peer review evaluation - Panels
NOVI NATJEČAJI • ERC ADVANCED GRANTS (ERC-2007-AdG) • natječaj izašao 30.11. 2007., a rok za prijavu • proljeće 2008. • jednostupanjska prijava projekta, ali dvostupanjska • evaluacija • ERC STARTING GRANTS (ERC-2008-StG) • - novi natječaj: ljeto 2008.
Pomoć uIdeas NCP = National Contact Point (suzana.karabaic@mzos.hr) suzana.karabaic@hit.hr