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SPION: Privacy in Online Social Networks

Explore the private, public, and anonymous aspects of online conversations and the implications on privacy. Learn about SPION's encrypted content, access control, and educational tools to enhance privacy in social networks.

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SPION: Privacy in Online Social Networks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presented by Bettina Berendt, K.U. Leuven

  2. Presented by Bettina Berendt, K.U. Leuven or: PRIVate but not dePRIVed !

  3. SPION motivating example

  4. The conversation Ooh, you were really drunk.

  5. Ooh, you were really drunk. The online social network

  6. Purposes / side effects when this conversation takes place

  7. Purposes / side effects when this conversation takes place

  8. Purposes / side effects when this conversation takes place

  9. Purposes / side effects when this conversation takes place

  10. Private, public, anonymous, …

  11. Summing up: Privacy is not only about your mother/employer not seeing your drinking photos

  12. Solution 1: Just don't do it.

  13. Solution 1: Just don't do it. dePRIVed ...

  14. SPION solution aspects

  15. SPION solution aspects Encrypted content, unobservable communication

  16. SPION solution aspects Encrypted content, unobservable communication

  17. SPION solution aspects Encrypted content, unobservable communication

  18. SPION solution aspects Selectivity by access control

  19. SPION solution aspects Selectivity by access control

  20. SPION solution aspects Selectivity by access controlone problem: transitive access control Friends-of-friends can see my conversations Friends can see my conversations

  21. SPION solution aspects Consequences of actionsidentification of information flow

  22. SPION solution aspects ALCOHOLIC Consequences of actionsprofiling, surveillance & social sorting

  23. SPION solution aspects Consequences of actionsfeedback & awareness tools

  24. SPION solution aspects Consequences of actionseducational materials and communication design

  25. SPION solution aspects Consequences of actionscognitive biases and nudging interventions time

  26. SPION solution aspects Legal aspects ? ? time

  27. SPION solution aspects What can we learn from offline communities?Social identities, social requirements

  28. informational self-determination (focus on control) “the right to be let alone“ (focus on protection) • Freedom from unreasonable constraints on the construction of one's identity • Practice of public / private divides (focus on autonomy) Remark:3 notions of privacy (& their combinations) Informational self-determination (focus on control)

  29. SPION user group

  30. User group Belgian Privacy commission Sociaal pedagogisch werk Pedagogische begeleidingsdienst Flemish Department of Education Sirris Beuc European Schoolnet Constant Netlog Kinder- en jongerentelefoon Gezinsbond Childfocus OWASP Belgacom Ksa-Ksj-Vksj Chiro

  31. SPION team

  32. SPION solution aspects encrypted content, unobservable communication selectivity by access control offline communities: social identities, social requirements identification of information flows legal aspects profiling feedback & awareness tools educational materials and communication design cognitive biases and nudging interventions

  33. SPION team Ero Balsa Seda Gürses Claudia Diaz Bart Preneel Dave Clarke Frank Piessens Rula Sayaf Bram Lievens Jo Pierson Ralf De Wolf Bettina Berendt Bo Gao Jos Dumortier Eva Lievens Brendan Van Alsenoy Tammy Schellens Martin Valcke Ellen Vanderhoven Alessandro Acquisti Fred Stutzman

  34. SPION thanks you!

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