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eMolecules Project: a technology-based research and writing assignment

eMolecules Project: a technology-based research and writing assignment. Barbara A. Gage and Scott A. Sinex Prince George’s Community College. Presented at the 228th American Chemical Society National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on August 26, 2004.

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eMolecules Project: a technology-based research and writing assignment

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  1. eMolecules Project: a technology-based research and writing assignment Barbara A. Gage and Scott A. Sinex Prince George’s Community College Presented at the 228th American Chemical Society National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on August 26, 2004

  2. What are some of the challenges for chemistry instructors today? • Work for student concept attainment • Introduce students to the chemical literature • Provide opportunities for students to practice/develop technology skills • Make assignments meaningful and engaging

  3. Evolution of eMolecules… • Began as a successful class project (“Pet Molecule”) in general chemistry I and survey organic and biochemistry course • Reborn as a response to college-wide call for improvement of writing skills, focus on discipline tools and resources, concern about plagiarism, and infusion of technology into all courses

  4. Project Goals • Investigating scientific sources, both online and through scientific library resources • Developing a variety of technology skills • Reinforcing ethics of citation for all sources, particularly Internet information

  5. Project Goals • Showcasing student work to enhance pride in accomplishment • Encouraging writing and editing • Creating a resource for other curricular projects

  6. eMolecules Project: Templates • Templates for web pages are formatted for consistency and completed by students using web page design software. • Templates include elements and molecules of interest in inorganic and organic chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, astronomical and atmospheric chemistry, and forensic and pharmaceutical science.

  7. eMolecules Project: Templates • Templates contain structural information in the form of molecular formulas, structural formulas, and models that can be displayed and manipulated using Chime (plug-in for browsers). • Basic data (mp, solubility) as well as information on uses and hazards are included and vary with the template

  8. eMolecules Project • Main project page • Guidelines for project • Blank template for nutrients • Sample of data format document • Sample student page

  9. eMolecule Project • Students are assigned/select a substance in one of the template categories and complete the template. • After editing by the instructor the student revises the template and resubmits it.

  10. eMolecule Project • The corrected page is sent to the editors-in-chief and an assessment is made about whether it will be posted. • Selected pages are posted to the site and serve as resource materials for other students.

  11. eMolecules Project

  12. eMolecules Project Templates are still in development although the first class was assigned the project in Spring 2004 using elements. All templates, data format sheets, and a set of guidelines for instructors using the project should be completed by Spring 2005.

  13. eMolecules Project Main page: http://academic.pgcc.edu/psc/eMol Information: Barbara Gage bgage@pgcc.edu academic.pgcc.edu/~bgage Scott Sinex ssinex@pgcc.edu academic.pgcc.edu/~ssinex

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