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Welcome Back to School!. Mrs. Rowland Grade 2. Contact Information. My name is Mrs. Rowland. If you need to reach me, send a note with your child. (Write “See note” in the planner to make sure I get it.) Email at: srowland@wssd.k12.pa.us.
Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Rowland Grade 2
Contact Information • My name is Mrs. Rowland. • If you need to reach me, send a note with your child. (Write “See note” in the planner to make sure I get it.) • Email at: srowland@wssd.k12.pa.us
Connect to Seesaw to receive important updates and reminders. • Your child will post to Seesaw to share learning with you. • Seesaw is private. You’ll only see posts created by your child and Mrs. Rowland.
Academic Information • Reading, spelling, phonics, grammar, and writing will be taught using Benchmark Literacy. • Small group reading instruction will be based on Developmental Reading Assessments and Acadience (formerly DIBELS) testing. • Science will incorporate FOSS into many lessons. • Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley enVisionis used to teach math. • My website is: https://www.wssd.k12.pa.us/MrsRowland.aspx
Homework • Students should read aloud for at least 15 minutes from an approved WEB book Monday through Thursday beginning in Sept. Please record the title and minutes on the Book It sheet daily. • Math assignments from the student edition will be given most nights. You may print from home if an assignment is lost or left at school. • Study guides will be sent home before Science and Social Studies tests. • Second grade students should expect 30-45 minutes of homework per evening Mon.-Thurs.
Parent Expectations • Please make sure to check homework and initial assignment books daily. • Write a note for any exception to normal routine. (bus, doctor, etc.) • Read the handbook with your child. • Attend conferences in Nov & Spring.
Chest Items (small toys, puzzles,ハハハ ハ bookmarks, pencils,ハetc. $1 or less each)5. ハOld Board Games or Card Games (for inside recess)6. ハSeasonal or Smelly Stickersハ Wish List • Ziploc Bags (quart or gallon) • Chlorox Wipes/Baby Wipes • Blank Drawing Paper (for inside recess) • Treasure Chest Items (small toys, puzzles, bookmarks, pencils,etc. $1 or less each) • Old Board Games or Card Games (for inside recess) • Seasonal or Smelly Stickers • Tissues (lots and lots!)
Supplies • Please send in a pencil box, set of inexpensive headphones, box of tissues and two gallon size plastic bags for WEB and I Pick books. Extra pencils are a good idea too! • Students will be provided with two pencils, an eraser, one box of crayons, one black Expo marker, a glue stick, a binder, and a pair of scissors. • Please DO NOT send mechanical pencils, markers, pencil sharpeners without a lid, or any item that will distract your child or others.
Book Orders • Each month your child will receive Scholastic book order forms. These orders may be paid for by writing a check made out to Scholastic Book Club.No cash please. You also have the option to order on-line and use your credit card. Our class code is: GL4QF.
Special Events/Highlights • Our Spring field trip will be to the Oakes Museum at Messiah College. • We will take swimming lessons at the Red Land Natatorium in the spring.
Other Important Information • Please make sure to return the information pages sent home the first day of school ASAP. • All medication must be delivered to the school nurse by an adult. (This includes cough drops.) • We do not have snack time, but birthday treats brought in may be served at lunch (11:15). We have 21 students in our class. Please be aware of nut allergies if sending a treat. • Children may use a water bottle instead of using a drinking fountain. • Children are encouraged to wash hands before lunch and after using the restroom.