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Thematic Timeline #4 Meiji Restoration. By: Noga Baruch Srishti Mishra. Chronology 1868-1912. 1858- Matthew C. Perry comes to Japan trying to convince it to open their borders; mainly to convince the shogunate to allow trade.
Thematic Timeline #4Meiji Restoration By: Noga Baruch Srishti Mishra
Chronology 1868-1912 1858- Matthew C. Perry comes to Japan trying to convince it to open their borders; mainly to convince the shogunate to allow trade. 1859-1868- Civil war; Shogun was blamed for allowing an American to set on Japanese soil. They impeached the shogun and put Emperor Meiji in power. A class of advisors gain the real Power 1867- imported foreign/modern guns 1868- introduction of Western methods into mining. fired samurai class from military power and began establishing an all male draft system. 1869- government invests in building a railroad; lighthouse was built 1870s- government built factories and businesses to help Japan. Japan hires mainly British engineers and other European experts to educate Japan 1870 - laying telegraph line. Also, invented jinrikisha, man-drawn carriage on bicycle Wheels. Finally, they hired French miners to teach them mining techniques. 1871 - Royal Mint in Osaka 1872 - Railroad between Tokyo and Yokohama, silk mill at Tomioka. Hired a french engineer to lead creating reeling factories which was powered by a steam engine. 1873 - Ministry of Public Works, Imperial College of Engineering 1875- first modern iron manufacturing Japan. They hired an engineer from Britain to teach locals about British technology. 1876 - Beer brewery in Sapporo 1878 - Port design Emperor Meiji jinrikisha Meiji period gun
1879 - Woollen mill at Senju 1880 - Royal Printing Office; new furnaces that are steam-powered blowers started being manufactured. Also, Government import and spinning machinery to compete with British and Indian 1881 - Cotton Mill in Aichi 1894- started manufacturing small arms and cannons , other weapons as well which they used to win the Chino-Japanese war 1882 - Crucible steelmaking and powder making at the navy plant 1888- Tokyo Electric Co. opens 1889- Kyoto uses hydroelectricity 1890- Japanese army was modeled after Germany, and its navy after Britain’s. Also, the first iron gunboat was completed. 7 major cities were now electrically lit. 1891- Japan’s first hydroelectric station and first electrolytic refinery were built. The hydroelectricity powered the ores, while refinery pured the copper 1899- Japan produces standard western electric telephones in Nippon Electric Co. 1900- the National Railway was complete; It spread from Tokyo to Kobe. Ships are now larger and built of steel. Also, guns were longer and as a result had better range. 1901- Yawata Iron Works opens; Coal tar distillation(Tokyo Gas Co.) 1902- Japan designs a marine tubular boiler for every warship. 1903 Calcium Carbide(Fujiyama & Noguchi) 1904- Russo- Japanese war. Locomotive tyre (Sumitomo steel) Meiji Empress and Steam Ship, 1881 Japanese national railway Telephone Torigata
1906 -Steam turbine(Mitsubishi Shipbuilding) 1907- Power loom(Toyoda-shiki) 1909 -Cast steel anker(Kobe steel). Oil engine(Ikegai & Sanyo). Calcium cyanamide(Nihon Chisso). Chlorate electrolysis(Nihon Chemical) 1911- Microscope(Terada - the forerunner of Oympus Co.). Celluloid(Sakai & Nihon Celluloid Rayon). Vitamin B(Sankyo) 1912- wireless telephone Torigata &c. Ministry of Communication Map of Japan First microscope Matthew C. Perry Mining is a major economic income
Comparison • The Meiji restoration began with an overthrow of the Shogunate because of the fear that Japan will immerse itself with the west; same plan for Tokugawa Shogunate in the first place. • Both Meiji’s and Shogunate’s uses of technology were directed at mining gold, copper, and silver • Both used textile manufacturing as main source of income • Both were not very centralized because of individual economic power Tokugawa Shogunate
Analysis of Comparison • The schools of thought were similar as far as the legitimacy of reforming • Though the time periods varied, both the Meiji Restoration and the Feudal Period relied heavily on the natural resources especially metals • Textile Manufacturing = primary source of income • Economic centralization was an issue because both the Meiji Restoration as well as the Feudal Period focused mainly on individualized power
Contrast • In feudal Japan, merchants were the lowest class though in Meiji period they were higher status. • Meiji period immersed itself with the outside world while feudal Japan segregated itself • Feudal japan had no banking or stock-market systems though Meiji did • Feudalism’s only source of transportation was walking, though Meiji’s was railroads and the jinrikisha • Feudal Japan had no navy though Meiji’s did • Meiji were much more advanced technologically since they were no longer isolated. • Meiji was capitalistic while tokugawa shogunate was feudalistic
Analysis of Contrast • The social hierarchy changed from being based on the military/financial status to the importance of one’s career to the government • Meiji Japan engrossed themselves with Western ideology while Feudal Japan preferred being isolated to avoid adopting Western ideology • Meiji Japan was able to take advantage of Pacific Ocean because of the use of a navy as well as the technological advancement of steamships • Meiji had more of a capitalistic economy, while Feudal Japan
Technological Advancements of the Feudal Period • Technology advanced in the following areas: Pottery Architecture Weaponry Ceramic Jars “Pulled” their tools to cut wood rather than to “push” Yariganna- cut and scratch on the surface of pillar and floor that the carpenters substituted plane for large knife Swords Dyeing tougher steel inside of harder blade Embroidery Textiles Figured fabrics
Role in Today’s World • Due to the extraordinary event of industrialization, Japan as well as other East Asian countries such as China and Thailand are ahead in the rest of the world as far as technology goes • The rising exchange rate of yen during the ‘80s caused Japan to make labor intensive products abroad because it was more of an expert-oriented industry • Japan is able to transfer vast amounts technology to countries such as America as wells as Europe, which in return has created a foundation for their swift industrialization
“Snapshots” of the Three Time Periods Tokugawa Shogunate Meiji Restoration Technology in Modern-day Japan
Assignments • Noga Baruch: - Chronology (Slides 1-3) - Pictures/Maps -Comparison and Contrast (Slides 5 and 7) -P. I. R. A. T. E. S. (Slide 9) - “Snapshots” (Slide 12) • Srishti Mishra: - P.I.R.A.T.E.S (Slide 9) -Technological Advancements Chart (10) -Role in Today’s World (Slide 11) -Analyses of both Comparison and Contrast (Slides 6 and 8) - “Snapshots” (Slide 12)
Work Cited • http://www.ied.co.jp/isan/sangyo-isan/JS7-history.htm#_Toc442163083 • http://www.ied.co.jp/isan/sangyo-isan/JS7-history.htm#_Toc442163102 • http://unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu01se/uu01se0s.htm