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B RITISH. C OLUMBIA. Ministry of Energy and Mines. BCGS. The MapPlace - An Internet-based Mineral Exploration Tool. www.em.gov.bc.ca/MapPlace. BCGS. The MapPlace. Web Site Features & Design Available Data & Maps Examples. Larry Jones Don MacIntyre Pat Desjardins Ward Kilby

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  1. BRITISH COLUMBIA Ministry of Energy and Mines BCGS The MapPlace -An Internet-based Mineral Exploration Tool www.em.gov.bc.ca/MapPlace

  2. BCGS The MapPlace Web Site Features & Design Available Data & Maps Examples Larry Jones Don MacIntyre Pat Desjardins Ward Kilby acknowledged as early developer of MapPlace

  3. BCGS

  4. BCGS What is The MapPlace ? An Internet-based system providing access to vast amounts of geospatial data Users can interactively view, search and download datasets Create, copy and print maps and reports

  5. MapGuide Netscape, Microsoft .MWF Author Web Browser .MLF RasterImage MapGuideViewer CORDLINK HTMLDocument .MWF MapGuide Server (cordlink.gsc.mrcan.gc.ca/cordlink1/) HTTP:\\ NGSC/CGPD MINFILE/ARIS MapGuide Server ColdFusion Servers (ntserv.gis.nrcan.gc.ca/cgpd/) (www.em.gov.bc.ca/geology) MMSD MINERAL TITLES MapGuide Server ColdFusion Server (mmsd1.mms.nrcan.gc.ca/maps) (www.em.gov.bc.ca/MiDa/) .HTML MapPlace Microsoft's Internet Info Server Raster Web Server (www.em.gov.bc.ca/MapPlace) .MWF CGI Gateway Interface .CFM MapGuideServer OLE DB CGI Gateway Raster DataFiles Cold Fusion Access SDF DataFiles SQL RDBMS BCGS Internet

  6. BCGS What Data is Available ? Metallic & industrial mineral potential ranking Bedrock & surficial geology Regional silt & water geochemistry (RGS) Mineral occurrences (MINFILE) & COALFILE Assessment reports (ARIS) Mineral & Petroleum Tenure/PNG Wells

  7. BCGS Base Data Available Administrative boundaries, gazetteer, grids Topographic features, such as roads, rivers, and contours Raster images - digital elevation model (DEM) shaded relief, satellite (LandSat), aeromagnetics & othophotos

  8. Data Object Type No. of Objects / Coverage Reports, Downloads and Web Links Bedrock Geology Polygon, Line 60,000; 180,570 legend reports & download Mineral Potential Polygon 788 data report & download Aggregate Point, Polygon 725 pts / 3 areas table download COAL Reports, Boreholes, Trenches, Bulk Samples Point, PDF files 827 reports; reports & downloads 8350 boreholes; 3324 trenches; 459 bulk samples MINFILE Point 12,091 reports, downloads, links ARIS Point, PDF files 25,941 reports, downloads, links RGS Point, Polygon 44,428 complete data download Mineral Tenure Polygon 41,862 report & links Crown Grants Raster image 100% TIFF file downloads Petroleum Tenure & Wells Point, Polygon 11,917 titles; reports & downloads 14,405 wells Topography: Contours, Roads, Rail, Rivers, Lakes, Aquifers Points, Polygon, Line very large; 7000 TRIM maps; 1122 aquifers Geographic Locations (Map Grids, Gazetteer) Point, Polygon 41,500 BCGS Administration Areas (First Nations, Parks, Forestry) Polygon multiple Raster Images DEM, LandSat, Aeromagnetics, Gravity, Orthophotos

  9. BCGS Geology BCGS 1:250,000 scale compilation legend reports & download maps in GIS format GSC 1:1 M & 1:5 M scale geology of Canada served from MapGuide site in Ottawa Terranes, Mineral Potential, Indexes

  10. 1:5,000,000 1:1,000,000 1:250,000 Geology Terranes

  11. BCGS Geologywith1:250,000ContourLines

  12. BCGS Point Databases MINFILE - mineral occurrence locations linked to reports, downloads & MINFILE\www searches ARIS - exploration assessment report index linked to reports, downloads, ARIS searches & PDF reports COALFILE - reports, boreholes, trenches, bulk samples linked to reports, downloads & PDF reports RGS - regional geochemistry surveys linked to spreadsheet downloads Others – PNG wells, claim posts, aggregate pits, gazetteer, mining & smelting operations

  13. BCGS MINFILEwithLandSat&ReportLink

  14. BCGS ARISwithOrtho-photo&Link to PDF Report

  15. BCGS Map report of COALFILE data on DEM

  16. BCGS Regional Geochemisty Surveys (RGS)on DEM

  17. BCGS MineralTenurewithAeromag&Link toReport

  18. BCGS MapPlace Tools & Menu Vector, Raster, Point display URL & database linkages from map objects Hardcopy and digital output Zoom, copy, bookmarks, view reports Buffer generation, multiple projections, distances Object selection by buffer, polygon, radius Client input capabilities Extensive help & tutorials

  19. BCGS 21 Theme Maps Available BCGS Geology Map Exploration Assistant Mineral Titles Map World Map Canada Map USA Map Jennings River Geology Barkerville Geology Lillooet LRMP Map Guichon Batholith Vernon Geology Map Aggregate Potential Map Terrain Map Index Regional Geophysics Map Relief and Radar Map Southeast BC Geophysics Petroleum Titles and Wells Coal Map BC Geology Map Index GSC & GSB Geology Indexes Mineral Statistics Maps

  20. BCGS Available Maps The BCGSGeology Map has access to most of the available geospatial datasets. The Exploration Assistant allows you to actively search and display elements of 4 main databases. The Mineral Titles Map displays mineral, placer and Coal tenures, with a lower window linked to Titles database. Crown Grant rasters are downloadable on this map.

  21. BCGS Investigate The MapPlace

  22. BCGS Exploration Assistantquery tools (JavaScript, ColdFusion) Gazetteer to find location Discovery Potential: where Mineral Resource Assessment program predicted new deposits MINFILE by commodity or deposit type or name Regional Geochemistry by provincial or map sheet statistical threshold Geology by age, lithology and terrane Mineral Titles by claim name and anniversary date

  23. Copy to othergraphic package ExplorationAssistant Zoom-to search tool Report for selected object Pan JavaScript frame providessearch capabilities Print... Page Setup Pop-Up Menu use the right mouse button Pan Reload Copy Zoom Bookmarks Select Select Map Objects Select within polygon View Select Radius About Select Polygon Select Clear Size of map window BCGS Cursor Position Viewing Scale

  24. BCGS Display and download data from 38 geochemical elements

  25. BCGS Display geology by age, lithology & terrane

  26. BCGS Mineral Title MapTenureon TRIM features

  27. BCGS Crown Grant Raster Index Layerlinks to Raster Maps for viewing or download

  28. Selected Theme Maps Jennings RiverDetailed Geology delivers SHP files Guichon Batholith

  29. Selected Theme Maps Vernon GeologyStructures Mapping Stations, Ages Aggregate Potential

  30. SEBC Geophysics Selected Theme Maps GSC Geophysics Gravity, Aeromagnetics

  31. Petroleum Tenure & Wells Selected Theme Maps Mineral Activitymining, coal, industrial mineral, refining & Smelting operations

  32. GSC & GSB Geology Map Indexes Selected Theme Maps Terrain Map Indexsurficial geology & terrain mapsDigital Version of (Open File 1992-13)

  33. BCGS Benefits Operational for 5 years Built & maintained at low cost Free Internet access to comprehensive data Capable of delivering any georeferenced data Remote map authoring over the Web Link to and from other MapGuide sites Create your own maps for display Vector, raster & point data downloads

  34. Professional Geoscientists maintain, support, & offer training on the site Excellent client feedback BC & Yukon Chamber of Mines Award 1999 Service to the Public Award 2001 Top Website at Ministry of Energy & Mines Other jurisdictions adopting site style Efficient and Flexible Satisfy client requests for custom queries & maps Rapid addition of new data & changes to existing data BCGS Benefits

  35. BCGS Thank You & Please Visit www.em.gov.bc.ca/MapPlace For Your On-line Exploration Toolbox

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