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Embark on a quest to understand human existence, Catholic identity, and the significance of roots in this enlightening exploration. Discover the essence of salvation, God's master plan for humanity, qualities of holiness, and the importance of tradition in passing on faith. Delve into the inspired scriptures, the life of Jesus, and the communion of saints as you reflect on your spiritual journey. Prepare for confirmation by pondering your relationship with Jesus, the importance of prayer, attending mass, and serving others in the Catholic faith.
Focus Questions • What does it mean to be human? • What does it mean to be a Catholic human? • What does it mean to be rootless? • Why is it important to have a grasp on our individual histories? • Reflection: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rId6PKlDXeU • How does the song address these themes? • What is the “hopeless wanderer”?
The Master Plan Copy and Respond • How was God’s plan of salvation fully revealed? • What is God’s plan for us? • How is this plan carried out? • What are some qualities of a holy person? • Where can you find the written story of God’s plan of salvation?
The Master Plan Responses • In the life, death and resurrection of Jesus • To free us from sin and death, redeem us, and make it possible for us to share in eternal life • Through baptism and faith in the risen Jesus, through the Holy Spirit • Kindness, compassion, humility, gentleness, patience , forgiveness, love
The Book • What part of the Bible do both Jewish and Christian people believe is inspired? • What is it about? • What do the inspired Christian scriptures reveal? • What books in the New Testament are you familiar with?
The Book Responses • Old testament • God’s relationship with the Jewish people before Jesus came • The life and message of Jesus, the beginning and growth of his church • Varied reponses
A Living Faith • What do we mean by tradition? • What is the definition of tradition? • How is this tradition passed on?
A Living Faith responses • Beliefs taught by the church that have been passed down by word, by customs and example • Tradition is passed down by the Church’s prayers, liturgy, writings and talks and also by the way we live
DO NOW 10/18- A Moment with Jesus • The four gospels occupy a very important place in the New Testament and church • Take 5 minutes to find a story in which Jesus is talking. Quietly read the story • Answer: What is the overall message? Why are these stories so important?
Your Spiritual Family • What do we call all members of the church? • Which three groups does the Communion of Saints include? • Which groups on earth are called to holiness and helped by God? • How should we treat them?
Responses: • The Communion of Saints • Those in heaven, purgatory and on earth • All • As brothers and sisters
Project 1 • Due November 13th • Letter Requesting confirmation (outline on page 4) • Write your reasons for requesting sacrament: • Who is Jesus Christ to you? • Are you receiving the guidelines for confirmation? How? • Why are prayer, attending mass, and serving others necessary in being a confirmed catholic? • Confirmation name/gifts and talents if already decided