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Enhancing Workplace Well-being for Professionals

Discover the impact of physical, mental, social, and financial well-being in the workplace. Learn how to manage stress, leverage strengths, and boost energy for a fulfilling professional life. Take a true or false quiz to test your knowledge on workplace well-being. Embrace stress as a friend and explore practical strategies to enhance your overall well-being at work.

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Enhancing Workplace Well-being for Professionals

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  1. Workplace Well-being Project Professionals

  2. Workplace well-being how people feel, how they function in a workplace, and how they evaluate their work lives as a whole.

  3. Workplace well-being Physical Having good health and enough energy to get things done daily Mental Having a positive attitude on what you do and being motivated to achieve your goals Social Having supportive relationships and love in your workplace Financial Effectively managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security

  4. True or false quiz Stress, anxiety and depression are the third biggest cause of sickness absence in the UK 1 False • They are the biggest. • Work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounts for 44% of work-related ill health and 57% of working days lost, in 2017/18. • Health and Safety Executive, 2018: Work related Stress, Anxiety and Depression Statistics in Great Britain

  5. True or false quiz Mental ill health costs UK employers an estimated £33-42 billion per year 2 True For the UK economy as a whole, these costs are up to £94 billion per year. Deloitte, 2017: Mental Health and Wellbeing in Employment Investors in People, 2018: Managing Mental Health in the Workplace

  6. What do we measure in the study? 3 2 4 1 The ASSET scale

  7. Overall results

  8. Results highlight High-risk items Work Practices Organisation Personal/ Interpersonal • Performance feedback • Training to do the job • Excessive travel time • Difficult clients • Unsocial hours • Unrealistic deadlines • Enjoyment of job • Dull and repetitive work • Work relationships with colleagues and boss

  9. Personal Interventions Strengths Energy Embrace

  10. Practice your Strengths 1 Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. (2004) Figure source: https://www.makelifegr8.com/meaning-purpose/

  11. Recommendations • Identify your strengths • Tab into your strengths to handle work challenges • Use your strengths in different ways

  12. Manage your Energy NOT your time 2

  13. Recommendations Create daily habits to renew energy Loehr & Schwartz, 2009

  14. Embrace Stress 3 “Your biggest enemy is NOT stress, but your belief that stress is BAD for you!”

  15. Recommendation Sources: https://www.clonlara.org/2016/09/27/mindset-stress-management/

  16. By: Kim Jae Hong

  17. Research Team Prof Paul Bowen Dr Clara Cheung Ms Jocelyn Davis Prof Keith Cattell

  18. Find me on Twitter: @ClaraMCheung2 • Get in touch: clara.cheung@manchester.ac.uk Thank you!

  19. References Measurement of signature strengths https://www.viacharacter.org/account/register Measurement of energy levels https://www.humanperformanceinstitute.com/ How to make stress your friend https://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend?language=en Manage your energy not your time https://hbr.org/2007/10/manage-your-energy-not-your-time

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