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Arbitre Consulting, Inc. Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP). ICAP. An ICAP Overview The ICAP is an adaptive behavior assessment, also referred to as a “functional assessment.” The ICAP is different from an intelligence test or categorical assessment for the following reasons:
Arbitre Consulting, Inc. Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP)
ICAP An ICAP Overview • The ICAP is an adaptive behavior assessment, also referred to as a “functional assessment.” • The ICAP is different from an intelligence test or categorical assessment for the following reasons: • No IQ is produced so scores used for eligibility must be based on the two standard deviations rule (equivalent to a Mental Age of 12 years in adults). • Does not focus solely on disability categories since no diagnosis is required or produced. • Measures tasks that are required for successful daily living. • The ICAP is easy to administer and not excessively time consuming. • Parents, guardians and individuals actively involved in the consumer’s life provide input as respondents.
ICAP • The ICAP has measurable psychometric properties: its reliability and validity is the best of the commercially available instruments. • The ICAP produces a “level of service needed” score that can be defended. • The ICAP is not a “historical document;” it is a “point in time” measurement of a consumer’s skills and behaviors. • The ICAP and the SIB-R were developed from the same standardization sample. In the hands of the same clinician they will yield nearly identical results on an individual.
ICAP The ICAP: • Spans early childhood to adult • Is relevant for racially, culturally or ethnically diverse populations. It measures skills and when they are absent due to cultural expectations the outcome of the assessment reflects that absence of skill. • Is applicable to all special needs populations • Was nationally normed on both children and adults with typical development– 1,840 participants ages 0 – 50 years • Assesses functional abilities • Has 77 adaptive behavior items divided into four areas: Motor Skills; Social and Communication Skills; Personal Living Skills and Community Living Skills • Assesses adaptive and maladaptive behaviors
Arbitre Consulting, Inc. MISSION STATEMENT • The mission of Arbitre consulting is to produce valid and reliable adaptive behavior assessments for individuals with special needs.
Arbitre Consulting, Inc. Project Overview 1. Implement the ICAP assessment with the waiver population. 2. Ensure that data collected from the ICAP is reliable. 3. Ensure that the ICAP data is securely stored and is readily available to the State.
Arbitre Consulting, Inc. • Arbitre Consulting has completed ICAP’s in the following states: Wyoming 2000 – 2004 Alaska 2001 – present Delaware 2003 – present Arbitre Consulting has completed over 20,000 assessments since established in 2000.
Arbitre Consulting, Inc. • The entire Management Team and Quality Control staff has been formally trained to use the ICAP by Bradley Hill, former managing ICAP author, until his death in November 2005. • Arbitre Consulting interviews 3 identified respondents for every ICAP. Respondents are identified by the Case Manager, with input from individuals, families and providers. • The ICAP has developed an established protocol that produces valid and reliable results • Validity: Is it appropriate for it’s intended use • Reliability: You get the same answer twice • Arbitre Consulting uses an established protocol which has been highly successful across many states, various program settings and many different cultures and languages. • Each assessment follows a uniform procedure to ensure consistent data for every consumer in their respective setting.
Arbitre Consulting, Inc. Validity • An assessment instrument is valid if it is appropriate for its intended use – does it measure what it is developed to measure. • Data integrity is what establishes the validity of an assessment. • Each and every ICAP produced by ACI follows the protocol and process to ensure data integrity.
Arbitre Consulting, Inc. Arbitre Consulting, Inc. produces valid and reliable ICAP assessments through data integrity which includes: • Extensive Clinician Training for each ICAP question • A 50 page Clinical Operations manual unique to Arbitre Consulting • Established an effective ICAP protocol used with every ICAP assessment completed by an ACI employee • Quality Control Specialist review of each ICAP produced by ACI employees
ICAP Respondents What an ICAP Respondent can expect: • 3 respondents are identified by IPMG Case Managers for each consumer receiving and ICAP assessment • Respondents will be contacted by IPMG when they have been identified as a respondent • ACI Clinician will phone and set up an interview time • The ACI Clinician will ask 77 skills questions that the respondent will know simply through his/her experience with the consumer • Each interview is done individually to ensure confidentially and promote each respondents own experiences with the consumer
Who is a respondent? A respondent is… 1. Someone who sees and/or works with the consumer on a regular basis (3-5 times per week) 2. Respondents should be selected from all areas of the consumers life (home, work/school, direct care staff) 3. A respondent’s experience with the consumer is the only requirement for an ICAP interview 4. An ICAP interview is 20 – 30 minutes long
ICAP Questions/Assistance OASIS-ICAP Help Lines • OASIS-ICAPHelp@fssa.in.gov • Local: 317-234-5222 • Toll free: 888-527-0008