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Keeping Schools Safe Lesson #3 Pg. 335-340

Keeping Schools Safe Lesson #3 Pg. 335-340. Keeping Schools Safe. Objective 1: Identify and describe types of bullying, repercussions from bullying, and how to resolve any problems associated with bullying.

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Keeping Schools Safe Lesson #3 Pg. 335-340

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  1. Keeping Schools SafeLesson #3Pg. 335-340

  2. Keeping Schools Safe • Objective 1: Identify and describe types of bullying, repercussions from bullying, and how to resolve any problems associated with bullying. • Objective 2: Identify and describe types of hazing, repercussions from hazing, and how to properly address the issues associated with hazing. • Objective 3: Identify and describe sexual harassment, repercussions from sexual harassment, and how to properly address the issues associated with sexual harassment. • Objective 4: Identify and describe gangs, why someone might join a gang, and activities gangs take part in. • Objective 5: Describe and apply what schools and students are doing to keep safe.

  3. Open Book Quiz • Lesson #2 pages 335-340. • Pass out Lesson Quiz #47 and a red scantron to each student. • FOR THE SCANTRON: • Under the subject line on the scantron, please write Ch. 13 Quiz, lesson #3

  4. Facts • Do you think violence in schools has increased or decreased? Why? • Actually, it has decreased…. • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) physical fights at school have dropped 9% • Students who carry weapons decreased from 26.1% to 17.1% • Timeline of school shootings starting at 2008: • http://www.usnews.com/news/national/articles/2008/02/15/timeline-of-school-shootings • http://bullying.motivationalsmalltalk.org/news/school-shootings/timeline-of-school-shootings/

  5. Issues of School Safety • Violence- • The threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property. • 1) Bullying and Hazing • Bullying- The act of seeking power or attention through the psychological, emotional, verbal or physical abuse of another person. • Bullying is often meant to exclude someone from a group, while… • Bullies look for peers that are.. Emotionally weak, different, or who do not have many friends. • Bullies • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De89lMG7pOM • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7WllPVA-A4

  6. Issues of School safety continued… • Hazingis an attempt to include someone through an initiation process that can be physically, emotionally and psychologically abusive. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9xbP18_0B4 • Glenbrook Powder-Puff Hazing • http://www.wgntv.com/videogallery/73491273/News/Suit-details-alleged-hazing-assaults-at-high-school * Maine West High school Hazing • What would you do in this situation? • Actions you can take against bullying… • Hold your head high, look at the bully straight in the eye • Walk away • Tell a trusted adult, do not give up • If it gets physical, stay calm and get help

  7. Issues continued… • 2) Sexual Harassment • Uninvited and unwelcome sexual conduct directed at another person. • Harassment is unethical, and causes embarrassment, discomfort, and emotional pain • Federal law says sexual harassment is ILLEGAL! • 3) Gangs • A group of people who associate with one another to take part in criminal activity. • Common gang activities include; vandalism, robbery, defacing public property (graffiti), and selling drugs. • May bring drugs or weapons to school, endangering those around them

  8. Reducing the Risk of Violence • Recognize the warning signs (pg. 337 fig. 13.2) • An informed teen knows strategies for dealing with individuals who are exhibiting dangerous behaviors • Has difficulty controlling anger • Uses alcohol or other drugs • Harms animals • Constantly talks about weapons or violence • What can you do? • Know strategies • Report violent crimes, or those who are carrying weapons • Use refusal skills to resist peer pressure • Choose your friends wisely

  9. What are schools doing? • Zero-Tolerance Policy • Can result in expulsion of students who participate in violence or who are found with drugs or weapons. • Installing metal detectors • Examining backpacks, or lockers • Having “closed” campuses, no one can leave or enter, unless through the main entrance • Security guards, or cameras • Peer-Mediation • A process in which trained students help others students find fair ways to resolve conflict and settle their differences.

  10. Class Activity • With a partner (or a group of 3) brainstorm at least 4 unsafe situations that teens may face • For each situation, write down ways teens should respond to each situation. • These can be short skits, examples, stories, anything that you feel gets the point across. • We will share a few, if you have a skit, feel free to perform it!

  11. Interactive Study Guide • http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/free/0078726549/359995/InterActCh13Ls2.html

  12. Show online video • Cruel Schools, Bullying and Violence. • Pass out worksheets and scantrons for students to record their responses on.

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