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Jennifer Stewart. Character Reporter who tried to find out the true story. Character Reporter who knows there is more to the story that what is in the paper. Mr. Duval. Character Anyone who has served in the Armed Forces, support patriotism. Veterans. The Rotary. Character
Jennifer Stewart Character Reporter who tried to find out the true story Character Reporter who knows there is more to the story that what is in the paper Mr. Duval Character Anyone who has served in the Armed Forces, support patriotism Veterans The Rotary Character club of small business people who share ideas to help their town’s economy
Dr. Seymour Character Willing to be underhanded to try and make himself look good Philip Malloy Character Presents an image being patriotic that isn’t true Ted Griffen Character Only one who wins in the story at the end Character wants to be a better teacher but there isn’t any funding to help Miss Narwin
Character Only does what is necessary to get by, always blames others, not responsible Philip Malloy Dr. Palleni Character The one responsible for the suspension, in charge of discipline Character Thought Philip was someone he wasn’t and supported Miss Narwin as a nice teacher Allison Doresett Character Worried about the school budget and making the school look good in the community Dr. Seymour
Mr. Lunser Character Laid back, allows the students to bend the rules in his class Philip’s Parents Character Don’t take the time to investigate the situation fully Dr. Doane Character Principal at Harrison High School Character an English teacher for 21 years who thinks the school has her back Miss Narwin
Philip Malloy Character Class clown, starts the problem by being irresponsible Dr. Palleni Character Never faces any consequences for the suspension decision Dr. Doane Character Former student of Miss Narwin who helps to ruin her career Dr. Seymour Character Uses Miss Narwin as a scapegoat in order to save the school’s image
Dr. Seymour Character The superintendent of the schools, reports to the school board Philip’s Parents Character Don’t listen or communicate with each other Ted Griffen Character Neighbor of the Malloy's who is running for school board Miss Narwin Character ends up being the scapegoat in the story
Philip Malloy Theme Honesty is the best policy Dr. Palleni Theme If you can blame someone else, you can save yourself Allison Doresett Theme aren’t always what they appear Theme Sometimes you have to sacrifice one person for the good of the group Dr. Seymour
Mr. Lunser Theme: Beating around the bush will keep you out of trouble Philip’s Parents Theme: Be sure to get both sides of the story before you go off half-cocked Dr. Doane Theme: Deciding what is necessary at the moment may cost more than you realize Miss Narwin Theme: Don’t count on others to stand up for you; stand up for yourself
Theme: If you can make it look good on the surface, people will not see the problems Dr. Seymour Philip’s Parents Theme: Take the time to listen to the people in your lives Ted Griffen Theme: Sometimes opportunity gives us an advantage Miss Narwin Theme: Life isn’t always fair and timing is everything
Jennifer Stewart Theme: If you don’t ask the right questions, you won’t get the right answers Theme: There is usually more to the story that what is on the surface Mr. Duval Theme: Don’t be judgmental or believe everything second-hand Veterans The Rotary Theme: You have to know what is going on in your community to make a difference
My company sent a _____________ about what hours we would be working on the holidays. memo-randum If you don’t _________ your money better, you won’t have any money for your vacation. budget I have to ________ $50 of my monthly salary to my retirement fund. allocate In order to _________ better movement in the halls, we got big dogs to chase the kids. facilitate
My mom is always telling my sister and me to stop ____________ with each other. bickering It was _________ at the mall the day before Christmas. bedlam The kids were running ___________ down the streets screaming loudly. pellmell I am sure that the ____________ will choose the right candidate. electorate
The senator has to report to his ____________ about the new laws and amendments. constituents The amount of _______ at public colleges is much less than private ones. tuition The ___________ of the money will be the poor children in Africa. beneficiaries I had to be _______ with my brother and tell him to take a shower; he stinks! blunt
My dad was so mad when I was late that he ____________ and grounded me for a year! blew his stack It really _____________ when my parents found out that my brother secretly dropped out of college. hit the fan I only have one shirt and a pair of pants because my mom cut my wardrobe_______. to the bone If you learn to _____________ you will probably get farther ahead in life. go along, get along
I got a brochure with the __________ of the Amazon trip. particulars I hope that you will ___________ lunch today because I am broke! spring for You have to be _________ to be sure you don’t get caught off guard. vigilant It is __________ to send Mrs. Carpenter a present for Christmas if you want a good grade! vital
When it is all about money and a show and not really what is important bread and circuses My mom told me to stop being a ________ and act right. nuisance death warmed over Why are you so pale and tired looking? You look like __________. I had enough ________ to stay up all night and do my work but not to stay awake in class! stamina
Stop that ___________ or you’ll be headed to the principal’s office! insolence It really __________ when someone buys me ice cream! bucks me up in my bad books You will be _______ if you keep turning your work in late. Let bygones by bygones I decided to _____________and not hate that girl who stole my boyfriend when I was younger.
You really __________ that project. You can’t do anything right! botched I saw a fight on TV and the one guy really ____________ and ended up in the hospital! took a licking to level with someone In order_____________, you have to tell the truth and be honest. Fedrico is a __________ to be the next president of Colombia. Shoo in
I cannot __________your having two girlfriends at once! condone Harrison, New Hampshire Where you would find Philip and Miss Narwin My __________ with you is that you never ask me what I want! gripe My brother went off___________ and ended up in a fight. half- cocked
At the ___________ the veterans like to share stories of wars and where they’ve been. American Legion There was a _______ situation at the rally that lead to 12 people going to jail! raucous scapegoat She became the ___________ because she wouldn’t stand up for herself and could easily be taken advantage of. He was making progress,_________ slowly, and knew she would marry him if he was persistent. albeit
People will ______ the situation if you say you were right! miscontrue Theme Make sure you have all the facts, both sides of the story, before you make a judgment or decision The Malloys Theme What goes around goes around - do unto others as you would have them do unto you Philip Malloy Theme: Don't make a mountain out of a molehill - don't let a small situation snowball into a huge irrelevant incident Dr. Palleni
Juan felt a lot of __________toward Pablo because he got a 100 on the test while Juan failed. animosity Ted Griffen said _________, “I will not raise taxes!” emphatically If you get________ then you probably can’t be fired from your teaching job. tenure I took a six month ____________ and went to study Italian in Italy. sabbatical
Conflict: Lack of communication Philip and his parents Philip and Miss Narwin Conflict: Purpose of education Conflict: No clear communication on the problem or how serious it was; what he really wanted Philip and Dr. Palleni Miss Narwin and Dr. Doane Conflict: who to support, the teacher or the school system/ administration
Philip and Miss Narwin Conflict: Doesn’t like the class or the teacher Philip and his dad Conflict: Wants to share similar interests but other things get in the way Conflict: Unable to connect on any level Philip and Allison Conflict: who to blame for the incident; what's important at school,- the show or education Miss Narwin and Dr. Seymour
Philip and the track team Conflict: One is let down because the other party isn’t responsible Conflict: How to help each other without giving away too much private information Ted Griffin and Dr. Seymour Philip and other students Conflict: Who to support and believe; hurt feelings Miss Narwin and the Malloys Conflict: Lack of communication leads to misconstrued info.
Allison Doresett In the end… forgets Phil; mad at him for his treatment of Narwin; she and Todd start a petition In the end… never held responsible for anything that went wrong, though he was a big part of Dr. Palleni Jennifer Stewart In the end… Prints the story with the facts she gets though it is slanted In the end… Spend all of the college money they had saved the Malloys
In the end… goes to FL to be with her sister; still thinking about resigning Miss Narwin In the end… doesn't get the budget passed Dr. Seymour In the end… Still hate Miss Narwin and think she should be fired Veterans In the end… Doesn’t print the story because bigger news comes up Mr. Duval
In the end… wins a seat on the school board Mr. Griffen In the end… Realizes a class clown is just a fool Allison Doresett In the end…goes to a private school; no track team, loses his friends, spends his college money, no Allison; doesn't know the words; more teasing Philip Malloy Coach Jamison In the end… Realizes Philip won’t follow his advice; track team without Philip
In the end… loses a good teacher and the respect and trust of Miss Narwin Dr. Doane Theme When you are in the right, stand up for yourself and what you believe - don't count on others to do it for you Miss Narwin Theme Take responsibility for your actions and face the possible consequences Philip Malloy Coach Jamison Character Gave out good advice that wasn’t taken until too late
Miss Narwin Ironic Situation best teacher at the school and yet b/c of the article, everyone wants her fired. Ironic Situation Narwin was made out to be the scapegoat so the budget could pass and no one even came out to vote for it. Dr. Seymour Ironic Situation The story was about his right to sing the SSB and he doesn't even know the words. Philip Malloy Ironic Situation a former student of Narwin was part of the group that was against her in the end. Dr. Doane
Miss Narwin Ironic Situation finally decided to get her story out, it was pushed aside for other breaking news. Ironic Situation Saw that it wasn’t the whole story but didn’t get the true story out to the public Mr. Duval Ironic Situation Wants to go to the Olympics and ends up at a school without a track team Philip Malloy Allison Doresett Ironic Situation Starts a petition to support Narwin and against Philip
Ironic Situation Felt suspension is counterproductive but is blamed for the suspension Miss Narwin Ironic Situation Wanted Philip to go to college but weren’t even concerned about his grades The Malloys Anyone who has served in the Armed Forces, support patriotism Veterans club of small business people who share ideas to help their town’s economy Mr. Duval
According to the original memo, what was the rule for the playing of the Star Spangled Banner? Silent, respectful attention Why can't Philip try out for the track team? Failing a class, no pass, no play Breaking a rule – disrupting a class, twice in 1 week Why does Philip get suspended from school? What was Miss Narwin's perception of Philip when she first met him at the open house? A middling student, nice boy
Do just enough to get by What is Philip's plan to getting things done at school in most of his classes? Why does Miss Narwin apply for a summer grant program? To take a class to improve her teaching What does Coach Jamison try to teach Philip? To get along, you need to go along, do what you need to whether you like it or not It is cut to the bone and will need personnel and other cuts if it doesn’t pass Why is it vital, in Dr. Seymour's opinion, to get the budget passed the second time?
He tries to annoy her to get his class changed What happens every time Philip is in Miss Narwin's class? Why does Philip think he isn't passing English class? Miss Narwin doesn’t like him What does Philip's dad always use to try and talk to Philip about his problems? Track metaphors and examples, what they have in common Disappointed and let down, she has never asked for anything in 21 years How does Miss Narwin feel when she doesn't get her grant?
Talk to the school or teacher What do Philip's parents never do throughout the whole story? When Miss Narwin says that Dr. Seymour is only interested in "bread and circuses," what does she mean by that? Only cares about making money and putting on a big show, not academics Avoiding the issue, not answering the question If you "beat around the bush" you are doing what? His problem is minor, he has other bigger problems to worry about What is Dr. Palleni's attitude toward Philip's behavior when he comes to his office?
Her students score higher on standardized tests, she is a Master teacher What does Dr. Doane tell Miss Narwin that lets her know she is their best teacher? When Miss Narwin says that Dr. Seymour is only interested in "bread and circuses," what does she mean by that? Only cares about making money and putting on a big show, not academics Not take responsibility, say it was someone else What does it mean to "pass the buck?" Not in a position of power there; could be he is a hypocrite Why doesn't Philip's dad stand up to his boss at his job like he tells Philip to do?
What Philip’s dad is always telling him to do that he himself doesn’t do Stand up for his rights What does Palleni ask Philip to do so that they can forget the whole incident? Apologize to Miss Narwin and the class The vice principal in charge of discipline Who actually suspends Philip? Not only is it bad, but it will make the situation worse If something is "counterproductive," what does that mean?
Why doesn’t Philip take the option offered him by Palleni and avoid the suspension? Can’t let him win, pride gets in his way, wants his way What happens when Mrs. Malloy talks to Mr. Palleni? Everything is as clear as mud Never believed that suspension was the answer, too harsh How did Miss Narwin feel about the consequences Mr. Palleni gave Philip? She thinks the school will take care of her, complacent in her situation after 21 years Why doesn't Miss Narwin do anything further with the situation herself?
What did Miss Narwin plan to do when Philip returned from his suspension? Have a heart to heart talk with him Talk to Narwin, ask for extra work, change his attitude What did Coach Jamison suggest to Philip so he could qualify for the track team? Could help him get elected to the school board Why is Ted Griffen concerned about Philip's situation? What does Miss Stewart do to confirm the information the Malloy's have given her? Talks/calls all the people involved to get their comments on the story
Why does Dr. Palleni send out the homeroom memo change after he told Philip he wouldn't unless he apologized? He wanted Philip to do something first; to keep the power in his court What do the Malloy's think when Philip is transferred out of Miss Narwin's homeroom? They admitted that they were wrong and Philip was right The right questions weren’t asked; people wouldn’t give information Why are there so many errors printed in the newspaper story? Why are Philip's parents so excited about being in the paper while Philip isn't? He doesn’t want to draw attention to the issue since he knows it’s a lie
A wire service that buys and sells stories around the world What is the Associated Press? Everyone around the country gives their opinion on the story What happens when the story gets on Jake Barlow's Radio Program? To find some “dirt” on her so he can blame the problem on her Why does Dr. Seymour ask for the files on Miss Narwin? Why does each person change the memo written about the incident? So that it sounds like Philip is the problem not the school
Goes and talks to students who were there What does Dr. Doane do to try and get some more information on the incident? What do Young Americans for America and the Society of the Preservation of Free Speech have in common? Support patriotism What is Miss Narwin's response when she finds out that the story is in newspapers all across the country? She is shocked and can’t believe it What attitude do the students at the school have toward Miss Narwin? Everyone likes her and thinks she is a good teacher
Once the story is out and his homeroom is changed, what does Philip say he'll do? Go talk with Miss Narwin to try and pass her class How she is ruining the youth of today and should quit Several teachers and veterans send telegrams to Miss Narwin to express what? They give him a hard time and hassle him; joking in some ways What is the attitude of the students at school toward Philip when he returns? She says to be fair and even handed to all concerned; really to try and smooth things over Why does Dr. Doane move Philip from Miss Narwin's class?
Why is the changing of homeroom and class good for Phil but bad for Miss Narwin? He gets what he wants, she looks at fault Move, change schools, live with aunt, private school What does Philip want to do so he doesn't have to face the kids at school? Who was the one person at the school that always was supportive of Miss Narwin? Coach Jamison What is ironic about the school budget not passing? Only 21% of the people even cared enough to come out and vote
If someone is blamed for the problems of others when it isn't their fault, they are considered what? a scapegoat People who have served in the military The American Legion is an organization made up of whom? Miss Narwin was Dr. Doane’s teacher in high school What is the connection between Dr. Doane and Miss Narwin? To help him to advance his campaign for school board How does Ted Griffen use Philip's story?
What is Dr. Seymour's biggest concern with the school system? The school budget and appearances A lack of listening and not communicating What is the biggest problem Philip and his parents have? Miss Narwin was Dr. Doane’s teacher in high school What is the connection between Dr. Doane and Miss Narwin? To help him to advance his campaign for school board How does Ted Griffen use Philip's story?
What actually causes the whole situation to start? Philip not doing his work Friends, school, college money, self respect What does Philip sacrifice by not doing the right thing from the beginning? Allison, Miss Narwin, Philip, the Malloys, Coach, track team Which characters were negatively affected by Philip's actions in the story? They offered Miss Narwin a sabbatical, meaning she would do what? Time off of work with pay to do some studying or research
What do Mr. and Mrs. Malloy never do throughout the whole story? Call the school or talk to the teacher Being a pest, causing problems, bugging people What does it mean if you are being a nuisance? Who is never held responsible for their actions in the suspension incident? Dr. Palleni Which character didn't appear to take school too seriously? Bernie Lunser