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You’ve Got Style!

You’ve Got Style!. DISC Personality Workshop. Life Purpose Pyramid. Review of Life Purpose Elements. (How do you make yourself choice?). What happens when these are aligned with God’s divine (“karios”) opportunities. Development of gifts, abilities & strengths.

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You’ve Got Style!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. You’ve Got Style! DISC Personality Workshop

  2. Life Purpose Pyramid Review of Life Purpose Elements (How do you make yourself choice?) What happens when these are aligned with God’s divine (“karios”) opportunities Development of gifts, abilities & strengths Relationship with others; generally where character is worked out Unique individual calling based upon gifting, etc. Christlikeness Relationship with God

  3. Life Purpose Clues ConvergenceExperiences Patterns Life Purpose Themes ConvergenceExperiences Life Purpose Clues Life Purpose Target

  4. Discerning the Fingerprints of God

  5. Psalm 139:13-16 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

  6. DISC based upon work of… William Marston – Emotions of Normal People (1926)

  7. The Six Blind Men of Indostan

  8. Preliminary thoughts… • We are often a blend of 2-3 styles. • Every style is equally gifted, valuable & capable of leadership. • Our styles may change, somewhat, depending on the context or demands of the environment. However, we can generally identify a predominant style in which we prefer to operate. • Every strength overused can become a weakness. • Each style has “fruit of the spirit” growth opportunities. • We need to value & affirm each others strengths, and minimize & compliment each others weaknesses.

  9. D Product Oriented Active / Outgoing I View Environment as Unfavorable/Negative View Environment as Favorable/Positive 3% 11% Faster Paced People Oriented Lead Task Oriented Feel more powerful than environment Feel less powerful than environment Manage Slower Paced C S Passive / Reserved Process Oriented 17% 69%

  10. D Product Oriented Active / Outgoing I Play Work Choleric Sanguine 3% 11% Opposites Opposites People Oriented Task Oriented We often are blends Opposites Opposites C S Melancholy Phlegmatic Passive / Reserved Process Oriented 17% 69%

  11. D Dominant/Driver General Characteristics • Direct • Decisive • High Ego Strength • Problem Solver • Risk Taker • Self-Starter • See the big picture

  12. D Dominant/Driver Value to Team • Bottom-line organizer • Maintain focus on goals • Push group toward decisions • High value on time • Challenges status quo • Innovative • Instinctive initiators/directors

  13. D Dominant/Driver Possible Weaknesses • Oversteps authority • Argumentative • Dislikes routine • Attempts too much at once • Impatient Greatest Fear • Being taken advantage of

  14. I Influencing/Inspiring General Characteristics • Enthusiastic • Trusting • Optimistic (sees the cup half…) • Persuasive • Talkative/Conversationalist • Impulsive/Spontaneous • Comfortable with expressing emotion

  15. I Influencing/Inspiring Value To Team • Creative problem solver • Gifted brainstormer • Great encourager • Motivates others to achieve • Positive sense of humor • Negotiates conflicts; peace maker • Instinctive communicators

  16. I Influencing/Inspiring Possible Weaknesses • More concerned with popularity & social dimension than tangible results • Inattentive to detail • Overuses gestures and facial expressions • Wants to talk more than listen Greatest Fear • Rejection

  17. S Stable/Steady General Characteristics • Good listener • Team player • Supportive • Steady; predictable • Understanding; Friendly • Common sense • Possessive

  18. S Stable/Steady Value To Team • Reliable/dependable • Loyal team player • Compliant towards authority • Good listener • Patient, empathetic, supportive • Good at reconciling conflicts • Finds the simple way of doing things • Instinctive relators

  19. S Stable/Steady Possible Weaknesses • Resists change • Takes a long time to adjust to change/make decisions • Sensitive to criticism • Holds a grudge • Difficulty establishing priorities Greatest Fear • Loss of security/stability

  20. C Compliant/Correct General Characteristics • Accurate; Analytical • Fact-Finder; Precise • Detail oriented • Conscientious • Careful; Cautious • High Standards • Systematic

  21. C Compliant/Correct Value To Team • Perspective: “The anchor of reality” • Conscientious and even tempered • Thorough in all activities • Gathers, criticizes and tests information • Quick to sees potential problems, pitfalls • Quality control • Follows through on details • Instinctive organizers

  22. C Compliant/Correct Possible Weaknesses • Needs clear-cut boundaries/rules • Bound by procedures/policies/methods • Gets bogged down in details • Prefers not to verbalize feelings • Will give in rather than argue • Can be critical/perfectionistic (Sees the cup 1/2…) Greatest Fear • Criticism

  23. D Product Oriented Active / Outgoing I Choleric Sanguine 3% 11% Force of character / Clear direction Persuasion / Inspiration People Oriented Task Oriented CONTROLS/LEADS BY: Support / Slowing things down Data / Analysis C S Melancholy Phlegmatic Passive / Reserved Process Oriented 17% 69%

  24. D Product Oriented Active / Outgoing I Choleric Sanguine 3% 11% Autocratic managers – great in crisis Participative managers – influence & inspire People Oriented Task Oriented MANAGEMENT STYLE “Do it yourself” managers – create & maintain systems Participative managers – accomplish goals via relationships C S Melancholy Phlegmatic Passive / Reserved Process Oriented 17% 69%

  25. D Product Oriented Active / Outgoing I What Who Do it… My Way Do it… The fun way People Oriented Task Oriented Just do it! You can do it! Task Orientation Do it… The right way Do it… The easy way Do it right! We can do it! C S How Passive / Reserved Process Oriented Why

  26. D Sensitivity to the Feelings of Others I C S

  27. D Releasing Stress I C S

  28. D Recovery from Stress I C S

  29. Debrief Questions • What was most helpful to you in learning about these personality styles? • What are the personal implications for: • How you relate to God? • Your character? • Your personal relationships? • How you work with each other in the program? • Your vocation, career, calling • As leaders & managers?

  30. D Product Oriented Active / Outgoing I Expressive Talkative Accepting Encouraging Optimistic Persuasive Sense of humor Encouraging Thinks out loud Great ideas Direct Clear Confident Outspoken Brings focus To the point Big picture Decisive Directive People Oriented Task Oriented Communication Strengths Soft spoken Reserved/quiet Concise/accurate Asks great questions Logical Systematic Sincere Genuine Soft spoken Sensitive/Gentle Easy going Personal Friendly Accepting Diplomatic Strives for harmony C S Passive / Reserved Process Oriented

  31. D I Work on gentle approach Focus more on spouse’s feelings, opinions, ideas than task, projects Resist having to “win” every argument Resist sarcasm Talk less; listen more Speak slowly Complete your thoughts, sentences Be careful of interrupting & dominating conversations Communication Growth Tips Work on expressing thoughts, opinions, feelings Focus less on facts, logic & more on spouses feelings, concerns Criticize less; praise more Don’t run from conflict Be more direct/assertive in interactions Work on expressing thoughts, opinions, feelings Initiate conversation more C S

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