JOBY JOHN jobykeelath@gmail.com
SQ4R • SQ4R is an effective strategy to help all students get the information that they need from text books. • It works for average, learning disabled and gifted students. • SQ4R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, wRite and Review.
This method can be applied to any subjects and can be used individually. • The SQ4R method came about in 1930s. • It was popularized in mid 1940s by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his book Effects Study. • “S” stands for survey. It involves skimming and scanning a chapter or assignment to get an idea of what the material is all about and how it is organized.
“Q” stands for question. It involves writing a question (who, what, when, where, why ) for each heading and sub heading in an assignment. • “R” stands for read. • Students read the paragraph or paragraphs under a particular heading or sub heading to get an answer to the question they developed.
“R” stands for recite. • Once a section under a heading have been read, student should recite aloud in their own words and answer to their questions for it. • If a student does not know the answer, the section needs to be reread. • “R” stands for wRite.
Once the students have recited an answer, they should write it down under the question. • They may also write down brief notes or examples under the question, if needed for better understanding. • “R” stands for review. • It is to be done after answers to all questions have been written down.
The review includes skimming over the headings and sub headings again, reciting the important ideas under each heading and answering all the questions.
Debate is one of the most effective techniques of group instruction where both active participation and passive listening are involved.
DEBATE • Debate is not possible on every topic of study. • This technique can be employed successfully only for teaching topics involving controversies, where views can be expressed both for and against the issue to be discussed. • In this technique the teacher selects speakers for and against the issue, guides and prepares them for the same and finally gets it staged for providing realistic experiences to the rest of his students.
While preparing a debate the following points are to be remembered: *Topic and date must be informed in advance .*Topic should be clear, simple and interesting,involve controversies.*Speakers to be selects from the class and divide into two groups.*The chairman is to be nominated in advance.*The arguments must be arranged in logical sequence.
The following procedure may be adopted in the conduct of a debate;*Speakers in favor of the issue are seated at the right hand side of the chairman and those against, at the left.*The number of speakers will be determined in advance.*Chairman gives a short introductory speech on the issue.
*After all the active participants have finished, the issue is thrown open to the audience. *Leaders of both sides are given chance to sum up the arguments of their respective groups. *The arguments of both sides are summarized by the chairman. *The issue is put to vote and the results declared.
WHAT ARE THE SKILLS NEEDED? • *public speaking • *Critical thinking • *Note taking • *Organizing • *Researching • *Writing • *Listening • *Team work
MERITS *Audience get impetus to think and to reflect. *Each individual speaker can improve his competencies for expression and confidence. *Promotes constructive group activity. *Develops spontaneous and logical thinking as well as speaking. *Develops the competencies for influencing people.