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0. Faculty Senate 2009-2010 Duane Windsor, Speaker Administrators Forum. Speaker and Deputy are elected from within the Senate. What the Faculty Senate is and does. Focus and working agenda of the Faculty Senate for the academic year 2009-2010.
0 Faculty Senate 2009-2010 Duane Windsor, Speaker Administrators Forum • Speaker and Deputy are elected from within the Senate. • What the Faculty Senate is and does. • Focus and working agenda of the Faculty Senate for the academic year 2009-2010. • Status report on upcoming schedule of Faculty Senate events addressing study of the possibility of a merger between Rice and Baylor College of Medicine (BCM). • Questions and answers (as I talk and at the end). Presentation on the Latest Research kfairf aifiar 1 10 Nov. 2009
What the Senate Is • The Faculty Senate, in consultation with and advisory to the President, makes academic policy decisions and recommendations. • ● Established in 2005 by the faculty to succeed the previous system of a Faculty Council and voting Plenary Faculty Meetings. • ● The term-limited 30-seat Senate comprises (presently) 26 elected representatives (on staggered 3-year terms), 2 representatives appointed by the President on advice of the Speaker, and the President and Provost (ex officio). • ● The election constituencies are four academic schools, three professional schools, assistant professors (by sets of schools), non-tenure-track teaching faculty, and research faculty. • ● The Senate elects annually a Speaker (Duane Windsor, Business), Deputy Speaker (Jim Young, Engineering), Senate Executive Committee (to set Senate meeting agendas), and a Nominations & Elections Committee (to operate elections for the Senate and the University Promotion & Tenure Committee). • ● The Senate has a Constitution, Bylaws, and Meeting Rules.
The regular business of the Faculty Senate: ● Recommends faculty membership on and receives reports or recommendations of University standing committees (Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum); and appoints Senate working groups to study various issues and make recommendations. ● Responsible for conducting confidential appeals, grievances, and hearings concerning faculty members through a Convenor (a Senate member) using Senate panels. ● Helps to conduct periodic faculty reviews of academic Deans with respect to reappointment. ● Three constitutionally required meetings annually: President’s State of the University Address (October 22, 2009). Degree Approval (January 28, 2010). Degree and Academic Honors Approval (May 14, 2010). 1B What the Senate Does (Regularly)
● Study “grade inflation” and awarding of academic honors. ● Study how appeals, grievances, and hearings are handled. ● Study how the new periodic faculty reviews of academic Deans with respect to reappointment have gone concerning process. ● Study how degree programs, majors, and minors are created and changed at both undergraduate and graduate levels. ● Study how the Honor Council system might be strengthened in collaboration with that student-operated body. ● Study some aspects of teaching, including how teaching awards are made. ● Review whatever recommendations come from University standing committees to the Senate. ● Inquire (informally) into certain other issues to see if there is need for a Senate working group. 2 Focus and Working Agenda 2009-2010
Faculty study of the possible Rice-BCM merger: Faculty Merger Review Committee (FMRC) is presently revising its earlier interim report (published with certain other documents at the Senate website). November 11 – Scheduled meeting of the Senate Executive Committee is an open session with Senators and faculty. November 18 – Scheduled meeting of the Senate is an open session with faculty. November 23 – Meeting of the faculty called by the Speaker to receive various reports and discuss how to proceed. 3 Schedule of Upcoming Events
An internet search for Rice University Faculty Senate should bring you to our website http://www.professor.rice.edu/professor/faculty_senate.asp? SnID=1572058955 4 Questions and Answers