TOEIC • This semester you should take a TOEIC test, and provide your teacher with the results. It must be taken at some point during the semester (March 1 – June 16) and be either the KMU practice TOEIC test or the YBM official TOEIC test. You may take the test as many times as you like, but please only submit one test score – it must include your name, the date and score. Your teacher will tell you when you must submit your score by. This is worth 5% of your participation grade. • 이번학기중 반드시 토익시험을 치르고 해당교수님께 성적표를 제출해야합니다. 3월1일~6월16일 중 반드시 토익테스트를 치뤄야하며, 인정되는 토익점수는 KMU 시행토익이나 YBM 시행토익입니다. 토익시험 응시횟수 관계없이 가장 높은 성적을 제출하면됩니다. 성적표는 반드시 이름과 날짜 및 점수가 표시되어야합니다. 담당 교수님이 성적표 제출날짜를 알려줄것이며 이는 과목 성적의 5%를 차지합니다.
KMU TOEIC Dates KMU TOEIC (practice): Registration Test Date Receive Score (등록기간)(시험일) (점수확인일) 4/10 - 4/11 4/19 4/25 5/8 - 5/9 5/17 5/23 5/29 - 5/30 6/7 6/13 Contact info: http://web.kmu.ac.kr/fli/ (053) 580-6348 Price: 5,000 won, 동영관 (DongyoungGwan; International Education Bld.) Room # 136
YBM TOEIC Dates YBM TOEIC (official): Registration Test Date Receive Score (등록기간)(시험일)(점수확인일) 3/31-4/24 (late reg.) 4/27 5/16, 3pm 3/10 - 4/13 5/10 5/29, 3pm 4/14 - 5/7 (late reg.) 3/31 - 4/27 5/25 6/13, 3pm 4/28 - 5/22 (late reg.) Contact info: http://exam.ybmsisa.com/toeic/ (02-2279-0505) Price: 42,000 won/ 46,200 won (late reg.), Internet
TOEIC Scoring You will be awarded the following percentage to go towards your final grade based on your TOEIC result: No test or failure to submit a test score = 0% 250 and below = 1% 251-349 = 2% 350-449 = 3% 450-549 = 4% 550 or higher = 5%