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Updates on CIRA VISIT, SHyMet and VLab Training

Updates on CIRA VISIT, SHyMet and VLab Training. GOES-R / JPSS COMET Working Group Meeting 7 Nov. 2013. Outline. Summary of VISIT / SHyMet activities in the last year. Planned VISIT / SHyMet training for the upcoming year. Summary of international training activities.

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Updates on CIRA VISIT, SHyMet and VLab Training

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  1. Updates on CIRA VISIT, SHyMet and VLabTraining GOES-R / JPSS COMET Working Group Meeting 7 Nov. 2013

  2. Outline • Summary of VISIT / SHyMet activities in the last year. • Planned VISIT / SHyMet training for the upcoming year. • Summary of international training activities.

  3. Training Participation • VISIT training metrics (since 11/1/2012): • 183 teletraining participants. • 471 recorded version participants (i.e. LMS completions) • SHyMet course completions (course debut): • Intern: 313 (April 2006) • Forecaster: 22 (January 2010) • Tropical: 7 (August 2010) • Severe: 37 (March 2011)

  4. Promoting GOES-R and VIIRS examples on the VISIT Satellite Chat30 minute monthly virtual sessionon a Wednesday 16:30 UTC and 20:30 UTChttp://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/training/visit/satellite_chat/Focus: imagery and products that highlight recent events AUGUST SAL Dust Idaho Fires GOES-12 decommission SEPTEMBER Flooding in Colo. and N. Mexico Tropical briefing OCTOBER W. Coast fog S. Dakota blizzard Northeast severe weather

  5. CIRA/NRL cloud layers and snow SPoRT/ NASA False color snow CIMSS/ NASA/EUMETSAT False color snow CIRA GOES cloud and snow

  6. Benefits • Informal - interaction, comments, and questions are encouraged • Showing products leads to requests for products, blog entries, case studies… • Guest contributors • More interaction among trainers

  7. Planned VISIT-like activities supported by GOES-R • Continue to administer / maintain teletraining and recorded modules (on LMS). • Teletraining session on sky cover forecasting. • R & D on ORI (Orographic Rain Product) along with updated training. • Assistance with GOES-R projects training activities: • Assist the SME’s in development / administration of training.

  8. Planned SHyMet Activities in collaboration with CIMSS • Develop a new course “GOES-R Instruments and Products”. • Leverage existing training at CIRA, CIMSS, COMET, SPoRT, NESDIS, etc. • Include a wide variety of topics on related GOES-R: • Air Quality, Space Weather, Hydrology, Precipitation, Convection, Lightning, Fog/Stratus, Cloud Coverage, Fire Weather etc. • New modules to support a need (eg. Snow RGBs) • Leverage ideas and materials from/to the international community • Continue the VISIT satellite chat • Include VISIT / SHyMet training in COMET ESRC

  9. Direct and indirect international training support Direct CIRA involvement utilizing VISIT structure • To run monthly virtual focus group • To participate in virtual training events of the WMO Virtual Laboratory and the VLab management group Indirect CIRA involvement: • Support of the WMO VLab Technical Support Officer (VLab TSO)

  10. WMO VLab Technical Support Officer (TSO) activities • Assist the establishment and maintenance of Regional Focus Groups and their activities • Support the planning of regional training events • Maintain and enhance the VLab Web presence and Moodle Web site http://vlab.wmo.int/ • Cooperate with the VLMG Co-Chairs to organize the VLMG virtual and face to face meetings • In coordination with the VLMG Co-Chairs, prepare the VLab annual report to CGMS and ET-SUP • Engaged in conferences, workshops, other learning activities.

  11. WMO VLabTSO funding history • Brazil initiated TSO position ~July –Dec 2009 • GOES-R support: Jan 2010 – Feb 2012 • JPSS support: March 2012 – March 2014 • NWS International Affairs Office partial support: July 2012 – February 2013 • WMO Trust Fund established August 2012 Member contributions: EUMETSAT, Korea, others • CIRA/WMO contract established September 2012

  12. CIRA direct international training efforts history • Prior to FY11, supported by GIMPAP • Since then supported has come from GOES-R, JPSS, and SHyMet

  13. Total months to date: 116 Mean number of countries participating: 11

  14. Total months to date: 116 Mean number of participants: 29

  15. NOAA-WMO Train the TrainersWorkshop on GEONETCastand Related Systems6-7 April 2013 College Park, MD.(weekend before NOAA Satellite Conference) • Goals: • Illustrate the importance of using satellite data for disaster risk mitigation. • Discuss installation and use of GNC as a means of sending applied satellite data and training material.

  16. Training Needs Taken from summary slides by Kathy-Ann Caesar

  17. VLab Virtual TrainingGEONETCast- Americas3, 4, 5 December 201313:30 UTC English 15:30 UTC Spanish Topics: • Introduction, operations, and capabilities of GEONETCast (GNC); WMO Regions III and IV Satellite Data Requirements • Disaster mitigation products and the importance of GNC as a risk-reducing global data access system; Input from current and potential users. • Software for visualization;  Introduction to GOES-R

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