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What do we mean by ‘Channelling’. Article 8.4 of Directive 97/78. Control of products which are to be monitored pursuant to Community legislation from the border inspection post of arrival to the establishment at the place of destination. What procedures have to be followed for channelling?.
Article 8.4 of Directive 97/78 • Control of products which are to be monitored pursuant to Community legislation from the border inspection post of arrival to the establishment at the place of destination
Dispatched from the border inspection post of arrival to the establishment at the place of destination under the supervision of the competent authority in leakproof vehicles or containers sealed by the competent authorities.
Under customs supervision until they reach the place of destination in accordance with procedure T5 as laid down in Commission Regulation 2454/93 implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code, in conjunction with the ……CVED
The official veterinarian (OV) at the border inspection post concerned shall inform the veterinary authority (LVU) in charge of the establishment at the place of destination of the consignment of the place of origin and the place of destination of the product via the (TRACES) network
The products shall undergo, in the establishment at the place of destination, the treatment defined in the relevant Community legislation
The official veterinarian at the place of destination (LVU) orin the case of raw material for manufacture of pet food, pharmaceutical or technical products the official veterinarian responsible for an intermediate warehouse, shall be informed by the management of the establishment of destination or of the intermediate warehouse of the arrival of the product at its destination
The official veterinarian at the place of destination (LVU) shall within 15 days notify the official veterinarian at the border inspection post (OV) that the consignment arrived.
He (LVU) shall carry out regular checks to ensure that the products have arrived at the establishment of destination, in particular by checking the entry records.
Summary of requirements • Transported in leak-proof containers • Containers sealed by competent authority • Under T5 control • BIP vet to inform destination vet via TRACES • Products to undergo required treatment • Destination establishment to confirm arrival to their vet • Destination vet to inform BIP vet within 15 days • Destination vet to check establishment ‘s records to see consignments have arrived
What products for human consumption are subject to channelling?
Head-on, ungutted tuna • Directive 97/78 article 17 allows for checks to be done by BIP staff at the factory if located within 75km of BIP and goods are channelled.
What products not for human consumption are subject to channelling?
Channelled Animal By-products • Bones and bone products for technical use • Hooves and hoof products for technical use (includes hoof and horn grist) • Horns and horn products for technical use (includes horns for walking stick handles) • Raw (unprocessed) material for petfood manufacture (inc. NZ) • Raw (unprocessed) material for pharmaceutical use (not NZ) • Raw (unprocessed) material for technical use (not NZ)
Category 2 rendered fats for oleochemical purposes • Fat derivatives NFHC • Gelatine for photographic use if contains Category 1 material (ref. Commission Decision 2004/407) • Untreated whole blood for petfood, pharmaceutical or technical use (i.e. raw material for petfood / technical use) • Some untreated blood products
Blood products NFHC not channelled: • All treated blood products • All avian blood products – treated and untreated • Serum of equidae • Certain untreated blood products of Artiodactyla , Perissodactyla and Proboscidea exc equidae • Blood products NFHC that are channelled • Untreated whole blood for petfood / technical use • Certain untreated blood products of Artiodactyla , Perissodactyla and Proboscidea exc equidae
Treated blood products for technical use from Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla and Proboscidea, including their crossbreeds - not channelled. (Reg 2008/523 amending Reg 1774/2002) Treated means: • (i) heat treatment at a temperature of 65 °C for at least three hours, followed by an effectiveness check, • (ii) irradiation at 25 kGy by gamma rays, followed by an effectiveness check, • (iii) heat treatment of at least 80 °C throughout their substance, followed by an effectiveness check, • (iv) animals other than Suidae and Tayassuidae : change in pH to pH 5 for two hours, followed by an effectiveness check;
Untreated blood products of Artiodactyla , Perissodactyla and Proboscidea exc equidae Foot and mouth disease, swine vesicular disease, classical swine fever, african swine fever Must be from country or region where no cases (as relevant to the species concerned) have been recorded for 12 months Not channelled: • Where vaccination against these diseases (as relevant to the species concerned)has not been carried out for at least 12 months, Channelled: • Where vaccination against these diseases (as relevant to the species concerned) is being officially carried out. (All untreated blood products must also be from countries free of rinderpest, peste de petits ruminants and rift valley fever for >12 months and no vaccination carried out)
Untreated blood products of Artiodactyla , Perissodactyla and Proboscidea exc equidae Vesicular stomatis and Bluetongue (where relevant to species concerned) Not channelled: • If from country or region where no cases of vesicular stomatitis and bluetongue (including the presence of seropositive animals) have been recorded for 12 months, and • vaccination has not been carried out at least 12 months, Channelled: • If vesicular stomatitis or bluetongue are present or • Vaccination has been carried out in last 12 months
Untreated blood products of Artiodactyla , Perissodactyla and Proboscidea exc equidae - Summary In principle, if vaccination being used to control certain diseases such as FMD, ASF, CSF, Bluetongue or Vesicular stomatitis then channelling is required to control the risk. See Reg1774/2002 as amended by Reg 2008/523 for detailed import requirements
Keep Register Example of register of channelled consignments
Inland LVU has confirmed arrival of goods by completing the ‘Control’ tab on TRACES.
What is the T5 procedure? (Example T5)
T5 Procedure • Importer/agent completes T5 in duplicate, filling in all relevant boxes. • Original is to accompany goods to place of destination • Copy is to be retained by Customs (customs control copy) 2. Importer/agent submits the original and copy to Customs at the port who authenticate the T5 by: • confirming the details match those on the Customs entry • checking it has been fully completed • stamping both the original & the copy T5 • Original is returned to importer/agent • Copy is sent to Customs central clearance
T5 Procedure • Importer/agent submits original T5 (or faxed copy) to Border Inspection Post 4. Border Inspection Post will: • Check that the goods do require a T5 • Match the T5 with the CVED • On the CVED complete Box 33 (Channelled goods) and Box 37 (Details of controlled destinations) • Enter the T5 number in Box 42 of CVED • Return the original of T5 to the importer/agent to accompany the goods to their approved destination
Importer/agent forwards original T5 and CVED to destination establishment. • On arrival of goods at destination establishment, consignee /operator of establishment sends T5 to Customs who: • Match original T5 with copy • Check goods listed on T5 have arrived according to available evidence (Examples of suitable evidence include cleared Customs import entry and a delivery note or copy of the written arrival notification which is sent by operator of destination establishment to the veterinary officer) • Complete T5 to confirm goods arrived. File If check unsatisfactory or if original T5 not received, Customs notified. If Customs cannot verify arrival of the goods they will notify BIP
T5 Procedure 8. Destination Customs office: • visits or makes other checks to verify arrival of goods at destination establishment
Example of letter to person responsible for the load detailing action required
EU returns – POAOs of EU origin returned from third countries. Article 15 of Directive 97/78
EU returns – Article 15 Directive 97/78 • A Member State shall authorise the re-importation of a consignment of products of Community origin which was refused by a third country, if: (a) the products are accompanied: • (i) either by the original certificate or a copy authenticated by the competent authority which issued the certificate accompanying the products, together with • details of the reasons for refusal • a guarantee that the conditions governing the storage and transport of products have been observed, stating that the products concerned have not undergone any handling; or • in the case of sealed containers, by a certificate from the carrier stating that the content has not been handled or unloaded;
Would you request any commercial documents? If so, which ones?
Additional documents (good practice) • A copy of the invoice, packing list and bill of lading that accompanied the consignment on export • A copy of the invoice (if any), packing list (if any) and bill of lading accompanying the consignment on its return trip. • A copy of any surveyors report, any rejection notice or other relevant document
Directive 97/78 – Checks required • (b) the products in question (shall) undergo a documentary and identity check and, in the cases provided for in Article 20, a physical check. [Article 20: where it is suspected that veterinary legislation has not been complied with or there is doubt as to: • (a) the identity or actual destination of a product; • (b) whether the product corresponds to the guarantees laid down in the legislation for that kind of product; • (c) compliance with the animal or public health guarantees laid down in Community legislation; (the vet shall) carry out any veterinary checks the veterinarian or authority deems appropriate in order to confirm or rule out suspicion.]
Reverse of CVEDBox 33 completed Destination details in box 37T5 number in box 42
Example of returned consignment. Canned fish sent to Ghana but returned for commercial reasons