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During the Tudor period we have the passage from the middle ages to the modern age , this passage was called “RENAISSANCE” all over Europe because it was a rebirth from a period of obscurity and superstition , as the Midde Ages were considered .
During the Tudor periodwehave the passagefrom the middle agesto the modernage, thispassagewascalled “RENAISSANCE” alloverEuropebecauseitwas a rebirthfrom a periodofobscurity and superstition,as the MiddeAgeswereconsidered.
The recoveryof art, literature and philosophyofancient, bagan in Italy in the XIV centurybutarrived in England in the late XV century, because in thatplacetherewas a long periodofwars, like the HundredYears’War and the Warsof the Roses.
ECONOMY At the social level the Renaissance witnessed the raiseof a newclass, the merchants, whichweremiddle-classpeople interested in commerce, trade, in the economicdevelopment and in the colonialexpansion. Theywerenotnobles. Thisclassbecamerichnotonlywithcolonialexpansion, with the markets and for the tradesoutside England; butalsothanktoProtestantReformation, in factCatholicmonasteriesweredissolved and theirlaudswereconfiscated and sold tothisnewclass.
NEW TERRITORY At the geographicallevelthiswasanageofimportantdiscoveries, like in America in 1492, whichchanged the oldconceptionof the world and showedhow the earthreallywas. Theyalsogavenewpossibilityofcommerce and sometimesthiscountrieswererichofmetals or exoticproducts.
CULTURE In thisperiodhumanisttriumphedovermedievalscholasticism. Britishscholarswentto Italy tostudy. The Italian Renaissance spread to England throughnumeroustranslations and improved the English language. The mostpopularcompostion in the Renaissance,wasthe sonnet,introducedinto English literaturethroughtranslationsof the textsofPetrarca. With the translationof the Bible and the liturgygavenewprestigeto the English language.
SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES At the scientificleveltherewerenewdiscoverieswhichcaused a real devolution in the common vision of the Universe. The mostimportantofthemwasCopernicus’one , in his book “On the devolution of the Sphares”, whereheshowedthat the Sunwas at the centreof the Universe and the Earth and otherplanetswentaroundit.
CENTRALITY OF THE MAN Actually man startedtorealizethathewasveryintelligentbeingwho,throughscince, cuoldnotonlyknow the organizationof the world and of the Universe, buthecouldalsochangeit and improveit.