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Apache Kafka Plugin The plugin enables us to reliably and efficiently stream large amounts of data/logs onto HBase using the Phoenix API. Apache Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a messaging system, but with a unique design. So, at a high level, producers send messages over the network to the Kafka cluster which in turn serves them up to consumers like this: We are providing PhoenixConsumer to recieves the messages from Kafka Producer. Blog: http://kalyanbigdatatraining.blogspot.com/ www.orienit.com 9703202345
Prerequisites: • Phoenix 4.8.0+ • Kafka • Installation & Setup: • Download and build Phoenix 4.8.0+ • Follow the instructions as specified here to build the project as the Kafka plugin. Blog: http://kalyanbigdatatraining.blogspot.com/ www.orienit.com 9703202345
Phoenix Consumer for RegexEventSerializer Example: Create a kafka-consumer-regex.properties file with below properties serializer=regex serializer.rowkeyType=uuid serializer.regex=([^\,]*),([^\,]*),([^\,]*) serializer.columns=c1,c2,c3 jdbcUrl=jdbc:phoenix:localhost table=SAMPLE1 ddl=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SAMPLE1 (uid VARCHAR NOT NULL,c1 VARCHAR,c2 VARCHAR,c3 VARCHAR CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY(uid)) bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 topics=topic1,topic2 poll.timeout.ms=100 Blog: http://kalyanbigdatatraining.blogspot.com/ www.orienit.com 9703202345
Phoenix Consumer for JsonEventSerializer Example: • Create a kafka-consumer-json.properties file with below properties serializer=json serializer.rowkeyType=uuid serializer.columns=c1,c2,c3 jdbcUrl=jdbc:phoenix:localhost table=SAMPLE2 ddl=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SAMPLE2(uid VARCHAR NOT NULL,c1 VARCHAR,c2 VARCHAR,c3 VARCHAR CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY(uid)) bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 topics=topic1,topic2 poll.timeout.ms=100 Blog: http://kalyanbigdatatraining.blogspot.com/ www.orienit.com 9703202345
Phoenix Consumer Execution Procedure: • Start the Kakfa Producer then send some messages • bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic topic1 • Start the PhoenixConsumer using below command • HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$(hbaseclasspath):/path/to/hbase/conf hadoop jar phoenix-kafka-<version>-minimal.jar org.apache.phoenix.kafka.consumer.PhoenixConsumerTool --file /data/kafka-consumer.properties • The input file must be present on HDFS (not the local filesystem where the command is being run). Blog: http://kalyanbigdatatraining.blogspot.com/ www.orienit.com 9703202345
Configuration: Blog: http://kalyanbigdatatraining.blogspot.com/ www.orienit.com 9703202345
Configuration: Blog: http://kalyanbigdatatraining.blogspot.com/ www.orienit.com 9703202345
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