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a, an ,in p without, negative asexual ab p away from abnormal acr r extremity, peak acromegaly ad, ac, as, at p to, toward adduct aden r gland adenoids aer r air aerobic algia s pain dentalgia angi r vessel angioplasty aniso p unequal anisocytosis
ante,pre p before anterior anti, ant, ob p against antibiotic arthr r joint arthralgia atresia s without an opening proctatresia blast r bud, growing neuroblast blephar r eyelid blepharoptosis bi p two bilateral bio p life biology brachi r arm brachial artery
brachy p short brachydactilism brady p slow bradycardia carcin r cancer carcinogen cardi r heart cardiologist carp r wrist extensor carpi caud r tail cauda equina cele s hernia omphalocele cent p hundred centimeter centesis s puncture-aspirate fluid amniocentesis
cephal r head cephalization cept s take, receive receptor cervic r neck cervical collar cheil r lip cheiloplasty cheir, chir r hand chiropractor chol r bile, gall cholecystectomy chondr r cartilage chondrocytes chrom r color polychromatic chron r time chronic
cide s kill homocide circum p around circumcision cis s cut incision co, com, con p with, together congenital col r colon colonoscopy colp r vagina colposcope contra p against contraceptive cost r rib intercostals crani r skull craniotomy
cry r cold cryophilic crypt r hidden cryptorchidism cutan, cut r skin subcutaneous cyan r blue cyanosis cyst r bladder cystitis cyt r cell cytoplasm cyte s cell erythrocyte dacry r tear dacryorrhea dactyl r fingers, toes polydactylism
de p away from dehydrate denia s pain cephalodenia dent, odont r tooth dentalgia derm, dermat r skin dermatitis desis s fusion arthrodesis dextr r right dextrocardia dia p through diarrhea dips r thirst polydipsia dis p apart dislocate
dors r back dorsal duct r carry conduction dys p bad,difficult dyspnea e, ex p out, out from excise ect, exo, extra p outside extracorporeal ectasia s expansion corectasia ectomy s cut out appendectomy edema s swelling cephaledema emesis s vomiting hyperemesis
emia s blood hypoglycemia en p in,on encapsulated encephal r brain encephalitis end p within endoscopy enter r intestine gastroenteritis epi p upon epidermis erg r work energy erythr r red erythrocytes esthe r sensation anesthetic
esthen r weakness myesthenia eu p good euthanasia febr r fever afebrile flex r bend flexor gastr r stomach gastroscopy gen r produce genetics gingiv r gums gingivitis gloss r tongue hypoglossal glyc, glu r sugar glucose
gnath r jaw micrognathism gnosis s knowledge diagnosis gram s record cardiogram graphy s making a record angiography grav r heavy myesthenia gravis gynec r female gynecology hem, hemat r blood hematemesis hemi, semi p half hemispherectomy hepat r liver hepatic vein
heter r different heterogenous hidr r perspiration hidrorrhea hist r tissue histology home, hom r same homeostasis hydr, hydra r water dehydration hyper p over, above hyperkinetic hypo p under, below hypodermic iasis s condition psoriasis iatr r physician pediatrician
infra p beneath infraorbital inter p between intercellular intra p within intracranial irid r iris iridectomy is r equal isotonic ist s one who pharmacist itis s inflammation gastritis kary r nut, nucleus eukaryote kerat r cornea keratoplasty
kil p thousand kilogram kin r move kinesiology lacrim r tear lacrimal glands lact, galact r milk lactation lapar r abdomen laparoscopy laryng r larynx laryngitis later r side bilateral lepsy s seizures narcolepsy leuk, leuc r white leukemia
lingu r tongue sublingual lip r fat lipid lith r stone otoliths logist s one who specializes cardiologist logy s study of physiology lysis, lytic s break down/dissolve paralysis macr p large macrophage mal p bad malnutrition malacia s abnormal softening osteomalacia
mania s madness pyromania mast, mamm r breast mastectomy megaly s enlargement splenomegaly melan r black melanoma men r monthly amenorrhea mes p middle mesentery meta p after/beyond metacarpals meter s measure thermometer metr r uterus endometriosis
micr p small microscope milli p 1/1000 millimeter morph r shape, form metamorphosis my r muscle myometritis myc r fungus onychomycosis myel r marrow, spinal cord myelogram myring r eardrum myringtomy multi p many multipara nas r nose nasopharynx
necr r dead necropsy neo p new neoplasm nephr, ren r kidney hydronephrosis neur r nerve neuralgia noct, nyct r night nocturia null r none nulligravida oo r ova, egg oogenesis ocul r eye monocular oid s resembling mucoid
olig p scanty, few oliguria oma s tumor neuroma omphal r umbilicus omphalorrhea onc p tumor oncology onych r nail onychocryptosis oophor r ovary oophorocystectomy opia s vision myopia ophthal r eye ophthalmologist or r mouth oral
orchid r testes orchidectomy orexis r appetite anorexia orth r straight orthodontist osis s abnormal condition blastomycosis osme s smell anosmia oste, oss r bone ossicle ostomy s create an opening colostomy ot, aur r ear otitis otia s ear macrotia
para r to bear primapara path r disease pathogen pathy s disease encephalopathy pect r chest pectoralis major ped r child pediatrician penia s poor; deficiency leukocytopenia peps r digest pepsin pepsia s digestion dyspepsia per p through percutaneous
peri p around peritubular pexy s surgical fixation nephropexy phag r swallow; eat aphagia pharmac r drug pharmocology pharyng r throat pharyngitis phas r speak; say tachyphasia phasia s speak; say aphasia philia s love; attraction hydrophilic phleb r vein phlebitis
phobia s abnormal fear hydrophobic phon r voice aphonic phren r diaphragm phrenic vein pil, trich r hair trichoglossia plasia s formation hyperplasia plasm s substance cytoplasm plasty s make; shape rhinoplasty plegia s paralysis hemiplegia pnea s breath tachypnea
pneum r air; breath pneumothorax pneumon r lung pneumonectomy pod r foot podiatrist poly p much; many polypeptide post p after postmortem pre p before prenatal presby p old presbyopia primi p first primigravida pro p before prognosis
proct r rectum proctologist pseud r false pseudostratified psych r mind psychology ptosis s prolapse; drooping hysteroptosis pulmo(n) r lung cardiopulmonary py r pus pyorrhea pyel r kidney; pelvis pyelonephritis pyr r fire; fever antipyretic quadri r four quadriplegia
re p back; again regenerate retr p behind retrosternal rhin r nose rhinoplasty rrhagia s burst; forth metrorrhagia rrhaphy s suture; sew herniorrhaphy rrhea s flow; discharge otorrhea rrhexis s rupture splenorrhexis salping r tube (fallopian) salpingitis sanguin r blood exsanguination
scler r hard arteriosclerosis scope s instrument for viewing arthroscope scopy s visulization laryngoscopy sect r cut dissection sept r contamination antiseptic sial r saliva polysialia some, soma s body lysosome spasm s twitching blepharospasm stasis s stop; control hemostasis
sten r narrow; constricted pyloricstenosis stomat r mouth stomatitis strict r draw tight vasoconstriction sub p under sublingual super, supra p above superior syn, sym p with, together parasympathetic tachy p fast tachyphasia tax r order; arrange ataxic ten r tendon tenorrhaphy
therapy s treatment hydrotherapy therm r heat hypothermia thorac r chest thoracocentesis thromb r clot thrombocyte tome s instrument to cut osteotome tomy s to cut laparotomy tox r poison toxemia trache r windpipe tracheomalacia trachel r neck (uterus) tachelorrhaphy
traumat r wound traumatology tri r three triceps brachii tripsy s crushing nephrolithotripsy troph r turn ectropion trophy s development hypertrophy ur r urine uremia uria s urine hematuria vas r vessel vasectomy vert r turn retroverted
vesic r bladder vesicocele viscer r internal organs evisceration vita r life vital