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Strengthening Town-Twinning for Sustainable Tourism in Kuşadası & Sinaia

Enhancing administrative and implementation capacities through sustainable tourism platform for sister cities exchange. Building capacity in town-twinning relations and international cooperation. Establishing town-twinning participation platform. Developing City-to-City Cooperation Program. Improving project management capacities. Promoting gender mainstreaming. Creating good practices sharing network. Establishing memorandums of understanding on sustainable tourism.

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Strengthening Town-Twinning for Sustainable Tourism in Kuşadası & Sinaia

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  1. (TR/2014/DG/01/A1-02/050)Strengthening Town Twinning via Sustainable Tourism with Participatory Approach in Kuşadası and in Sinaia Town-Twinning Participation Platform Meeting & 2nd Informative Meeting Dr. DuyguDalgıçUyar Town-Twinning Expert 26 June 2019 / Kuşadası - Sinaia

  2. Strengthening Town Twinning via Sustainable Tourism with Participatory Approach in Kuşadası and in Sinaia

  3. Strengthening Town Twinning via Sustainable Tourism with Participatory Approach in Kuşadası and in Sinaia Overallobjective: To improve administrative and implementation capacity of local authorities and related stakeholders through establishing sustainable tourism platform for stimulating exchange between sister cities. Specific Objective 1: To improve capacity of local authorities and related stakeholders in town twinning relations and international cooperation. Specific Objective 2: To organize and strengthen town-twinning process in which city institutions and civil society organizations participate to represent themselves and their interests. Specific Objective 3: To constitute an approach of town-twinning relations for Kuşadası and Sinaia cities through developing City-to-City (C2C) Cooperation Program base on sustainable tourism.

  4. Specific Objective 1: To improve capacity of local authorities and related stakeholders in town twinning relations and international cooperation. • Estimated Result 1.1: Town-twinning capacities with participatory approach of sister cities are developed. • Activity 1.1.1. Kick of meeting is organized, study visit in Kuşadası is conducted. (14-15 February) • Activity 1.1.2. Contact persons in each municipality are identified. • Activity 1.1.3. Three informative meetings with main stakeholders are organized in both cities. (1 March) • Activity 1.1.4. Information kit for town twinning training program is published. (Draft - May) • Activity 1.1.5. Town twinning and international cooperation training program is conducted. (14 May)

  5. Specific Objective 1: To improve capacity of local authorities and related stakeholders in town twinning relations and international cooperation. Estimated Result 1.2: Project management capacities of sister cities are developed Activity 1.2.1. Information kit for project management training program is published. (Draft - May) Activity 1.2.2. Project management training program is conducted.(15-16 May)

  6. Specific objective 2. To organize and strengthen town-twinning process in which city institutions and civil society organizations participate to represent themselves and their interests to one another. Estimated result 2.1. Gender Mainstreaming attitude/ approach in sister cities is improved. Activity 2.1.1. The booklet for gender mainstreaming tools and examples at local level are published. (Draft - May) Activity 2.1.2. Gender mainstreaming training program is conducted.(17 May) Estimated result 2.2. Good practises sharing network is established. Activity 2.2.1. Good practises in each city are determined. (Draft format prepared) Activity 2.2.2. A common action web page under legal websites of Kuşadası and Sinaia municipalities is designed.

  7. Estimated result 2.3. Town-twinning participation platform is established in each sister cities. Activity 2.3.1. The principles of town-twinning participation platform are determined. (Prepared) Activity 2.3.2. Three Skype meetings of town-twinning participation platform are conducted with participants from both cities. ( 26 June)

  8. Specific objective 3. To constitute an approach of town-twinning relations for Kuşadası and Sinaia cities through developing C2C Cooperation Program base on sustainable tourism. Estimated result 3.1. “C2C Cooperation Program” is developed and sustainability of program is ensured. Activity 3.1.1. Information kits for C2C cooperation and sustainable tourism training program is published. Activity 3.1.2. C2C cooperation training program is conducted. Activity 3.1.3. Sustainable tourism training program is conducted. Activity 3.1.4. SWOT analyses for sustainable tourism within the frame of C2C Cooperation Program in each city are conducted and reported. Activity 3.1.5. C2C Cooperation Program based on sustainable tourism is prepared.

  9. Estimated result 3.2. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Sustainable Tourism was signed between Kuşadası, Sinaia, Cluj and Söke municipalities. Activity 3.2.1. The principles of MoU on Sustainable Tourism among Kuşadası, Sinaia, Cluj and Söke municipalities are determined. Activity 3.2.2. Final conference is organized and MoU on Sustainable Tourism among the four municipalities are signed. .

  10. Capacity Building Activities Training programmes which are; 1.1. Town-twining and international cooperation, 1.2. Project management, 1.3. Gender mainstreaming, 2.1.C2C cooperation 2.2. Sustainable tourism, (25-30 participants) 14 – 17 May Kuşadası 16 August – 15 September Sinaia

  11. Capacity Building Activities Participants: Max 25-30 participants • Representatives of Kuşadası Municipality, Sinaia Municipality, KODER, ATRO, • Kuşadası Chamber of Commerce, Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Tourism, Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB), Association of Ecosystem Protection and Nature Lovers, Kuşadası Women’s Initiative on Production and Operation Cooperative (KUŞAKK) and • Cultural Center Carmen Sylva – Sinaia, National Center for Tourist Information and Promotion Sinaia, National Organization of Romanian Scouts –“Peles –Sinaia”, Sinaia Museum “CastleStirbey”, International Conference CentreSinaiaCasino

  12. Training programmes which are; 1.1. Town-twining and international cooperation, 1.2. Project management, 1.3. Gender mainstreaming,

  13. Town-Twinning Participation Platforms will be established for the action and will gather together in 4th, 7th and 10th months. Action leaders, contact persons, town twinning expert, and action assistant will facilitate these meetings. Main responsibility of the platform will be providing guidance on town-twinning relations at local level. And, Kuşadası and Sinaia Municipalities will be responsible from running secretarial works. The Skype meetings will increase communication and interaction between the target groups in each city. With the help of the activity, the stakeholders in Kuşadası and Sinaia will be informed on activities planned and conducted by their associates. It is expected that the activity would also encourage the target groups to share their knowledge and experiences after implementation of this action

  14. Town-Twinning Participation Platforms The Platform in Kuşadası will consist of representatives from

  15. Town-Twinning Participation Platforms The Platform in Sinaia will consist of representatives of And other relevant institutions may be invited to meetings of the Platform whenever possible.

  16. The Principles of Town-Twinning Participation Platform

  17. The Principles of Town-Twinning Participation Platform • mutual respect between all actors as the basis for honest interaction and mutual trust; • respect for the position of local authorities with whom responsibility and accountability for decision making lies; • openness, transparency and accountability; • responsiveness, with all actors providing appropriate feedback; • gender equality and equal participation of all groups including those with particular interests and needs, such as young people, the elderly, people with disabilities; • accessibility through the use of clear language and appropriate means of participation, offline or online, and on any device.

  18. Fundamentals of participation in town-twining platform • Different phases of the town-twining cooperation process being undertaken by the local authorities invested with the necessary power should be open to participation. • Adequate information should be provided in a timely manner allowing for substantive input while decisions are still reversible. • Local authorities should plan and manage active participation and clearly define the objectives, actors, process and timeline, as well as the methods used.

  19. Fundamentals of participation in town-twining platform • Local authorities should provide up-to-date, comprehensive information about the town-twining cooperation process and procedures for participation. • The timeline allocated should provide, other than in exceptional and well-defined circumstances, sufficient opportunity to properly prepare and submit constructive contributions. Similarly, recourse to restricted procedures and/or procedures involving a limited number of actors should be made only in exceptional circumstances and for which reasons are given.

  20. Types of participation • Information; At all stages of town-twining process, all appropriate information should be presented in clear and easily understandable language and in an appropriate and accessible format, without undue administrative obstacle. Local authorities should provide the widest possible access, to key documents and information. Information is relevant for all steps in town-twinning process. • Consultation; Consultation allows local authorities to collect the views of professional organizations, NGOs, schools, public institutions and civil society at large on a specific topic as part of an town-twining procedure. Consultation may be carried out through various means and tools, such as meetings, public hearings, focus groups, surveys, questionnaires and digital tools.

  21. Types of participation • Dialogue; Dialogue is a structured, long-lasting and results-oriented process which is based on mutual interest in the exchange of opinions between local authorities, public institutions, professional organizations, academy, NGOs and civil society at large. • Partnership;Various types of partnerships involving local authorities, public institutions, professional organizations, academy, NGOs and representatives of civil society may be suitable at different stages of the town-twinning process and may include partnerships relating to the implementation of town-twining cooperation.

  22. Estimated result 2.2. Good practises sharing network is established. Activity 2.2.1. Good practises in each city are determined. Activity 2.2.2. A common action web page under legal websites of Kuşadası and Sinaia municipalities is designed.

  23. The outline format for good practices (Draft)

  24. The outline format for good practices (Draft)

  25. The outline format for good practices (Draft)

  26. The outline format for good practices (Draft)

  27. Thank you for attention and contribution

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