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Exploring the Link Between Morality and Religion: Insights from Moral Philosophy

This summary delves into the connection between morality and religion, discussing theories like the Divine Command Theory and the Theory of Natural Law. It examines how individuals perceive morality within and outside the realm of religious beliefs and addresses specific moral issues influenced by religion. The discussion raises questions about the source of moral values and the role of religion in shaping moral perspectives.

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Exploring the Link Between Morality and Religion: Insights from Moral Philosophy

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  1. Does Morality depends on Religion? Summary of Elements of Moral Philosophy (Rachels), Chapter 4 Course: Technology, Research and Ethics Group 3: Benny, Tao, Ruth

  2. 4.1 The presumed connection between Morality and Religion(Tao) • Inseparable:Commonly, people believe that morality can be understood only in the context of religion • the nonreligious: The universe seems to be a old,meaningless place,devoid of value and purpose • the religious :The world was created by a loving all-powerful God to provide a home for us. In turn, we were created in his image, to be his children. Thus the world is not devoid of meaning and purpose.

  3. 4.2The Divine Command Theory (Tao) • This theory says that morally right means commandes by God and morally wrong means forbidden by God. • Dilemma: Is conduct right because gods command it, or do gods command it because it is right? 1 Regarding God’s commands as arbitrary 2 a standard of right and wrong that is independent of god’s will and command.

  4. 4.3 The Theory of Natural Law(Benny) • The world is a rational order • Moral laws derived from natural order • Confusion of is and ought • Moral knowledge independent of religion

  5. 4.4 Religion and Particular Moral Issues (Ruth) • Moral views not derived from religions commitments • Abortion: The Scriptures ‘unclear’ • Abortion: Church Traditions ‘changing views’ • Reinterpretation by every generation to support it’s favored moral views • Morality and religion are different

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