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Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund

Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund. 2013 Campaign Training “The Giving Gateway” www.usecf.state.ut.us. 2013 Campaign Theme. 2013 Campaign Timeline. Utah State Employees Charitable Fund Organization. 2012 Statistics. $375,247 total given 1,490 donors

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Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund

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  1. Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund 2013 Campaign Training “The Giving Gateway” www.usecf.state.ut.us

  2. 2013 CampaignTheme 2013 Campaign Timeline

  3. Utah State Employees Charitable Fund Organization

  4. 2012 Statistics $375,247 total given 1,490 donors 212 donators comprise the 1% Club “EACH PLEDGE HELPS” *Statistics can be found on the website

  5. CoordinatorDuties

  6. CoordinatorDutiesContinued

  7. Solicitor’s Duties

  8. Getting Started • The link to the Charitable Contribution is www.usecf.state.ut.us . • After going to the website click on “Pledge Online” found on the left hand side. • You will be taken to the login screen where you enter the user ID and password used for your timesheet (your LAN password).

  9. Selecting Type of Contribution • Once you have logged in, you can select either “Payroll Deduction Contribution” or “One Time Contribution”, which allows you to donate by check or cash.

  10. PayrollDeduction vs. One-time Donation • Payroll Deduction Contribution – This contribution is taken out of your payroll each pay period during the upcoming calendar year. The receipt will also show it is tax deductible for the upcoming year. If you select this option, you can see what the annual donation amount will be as well as what the deduction per paycheck will be. • One-time Contribution – This contribution is given by check or cash and needs to be turned in to your Department Coordinator with a copy of your printed receipt. The receipt will show it is tax deductible for the current year.

  11. Selecting Charities • To copy your contributions from last year’s campaign, click on the box titled “I want to copy last year’s contributions into this year.” • Otherwise, enter or search for charity codes, enter amounts, and add entries.

  12. Submitting Contributions • Once you have selected the charities and the amounts you want to pledge, you will need to confirm your donation before it is final.

  13. Printing YourReceipt • After confirming your donation, a receipt will appear on the screen. • Print the receipt at this time as it will not be available to print again. • When you have printed your receipt, press the “Finished” button and your contribution will be complete.

  14. To Summarize….(for Employees) • Go to the online website to make your pledge – www.usecf.ut.usSAVE YOUR RECEIPT • The payroll deductions occur January 2013 through December 2013 • If you choose a one-time contribution: • Make checks or money orders payable to: “Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund” • Attach a COPY of your receipt to your check and take to your Department Coordinator • One-time contributions apply to the 2012 tax year

  15. Instructions for Department Coordinators • The following pages include instructions for: • Setting yourself up as a Department Coordinator • Resetting An Employee’s Record • Making Manual Changes • Campaign Result Reports • Completed Contributor Donations Reports • Incomplete Contributor Donations Reports • Campaign Information Forms • Comparing Contributions Pledged to Monies Received • Pledge Summary Form for One-time donations • Campaign Information Form • Campaign Treasurer Contact Information

  16. Setting Yourself up as a DepartmentCoordinator • When you log in on the first day of the Campaign, you will see the following screen. • At this time, update your information in the Department Maintenance screen (see next slide).

  17. Setting Yourself up as a DepartmentCoordinator(continued) • Enter your name, email and phone in the appropriate entry boxes • Press the submit button • This will save your information as the department contact for your agency

  18. Resetting An Employee’s RecordWhen is this used?When changes need to be made to an employee’s pledge, and when a receipt needs to be printed • Click on “Manage Department’s Donators” • Enter the first 3 characters of the last name with the 1st letter in caps • Enter the EIN# • Click on “Reset Employee Record” • You will get a confirmation that the record has been reset • Changes can now be made manually.

  19. Making Manual ChangesWhen is this used?When a receipt needs to be re-printed, when changes need to be made to an employee’s pledge, or when you need to enter an employee’s donation yourself • Click on “Manage Department’s Manual or Paper Donators”. • Enter the EIN# • Click “Continue” • You are now in the employee’s record • Select either the “Payroll deduction” option or the “One-time donation” option, depending on their pledge • You are now back to where their original information was entered.

  20. Making Manual Changescontinued • Scroll down until you get to the section which shows their donation/s • Here you can delete charities, edit so you can change an amount, add a charity, etc. • To complete the pledge, you need to submit the donation and then click “confirm”. • After confirming, you can now print a receipt.

  21. Campaign Result Reports • Department Coordinators have access to the Campaign Result Reports which include: • Completed Contributor Donations • Incomplete Contributor Donations • To access these reports on the website: • Sign in as though you were making your own pledge. • Select “Administration” • Select “Campaign Result Reports” • The “Completed Contributor Donations” report shows all of the employees who have contributed from your department • The “Incomplete Contributor Donations” need to be monitored frequently so problems can be resolved throughout the Campaign.

  22. Incomplete Contributor Donation Report • To clear up incomplete pledges: • The Department Coordination should assist the employee in finalizing their contribution: • By manually deleting or confirming their pledge • Select “Manage Department’s Manual or Paper Donators” • Enter EIN; then click “Continue” • Enter pledge directly into the employee’s record

  23. At end of Campaign…..Comparing Contributions Pledged to Monies Received • By Tuesday, following the close of the Campaign, Department Coordinators will receive an email from the Campaign Treasurer. He will provide a list of employees who made one-time pledges on the website. • As you enter the collections on the Pledge Summary Form, mark off the employees who made donations on the website. • If, by the deadline, you have not received a check from employees who pledged online, you must contact them to verify if they want to donate. If they have changed their mind, delete their pledge on the website (this is done by resetting their record and manually adjusting it). • If you receive pledge forms and money for employees who are NOT on the list, you will need to enter their information into the website manuallyso the website list matches the Pledge Summary Form and money you submit.

  24. Fill Out Pledge Summary Formfor One-time Donations THIS FORM CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEBSITE ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE UNDER “Forms & Training” FOR DEPARTMENT COORDINATORS. • Enter the name, EIN#, and amounts for each contribution • Please mark the cash column or enter the check # received as well. Dept. Coordinator Information Employee Information

  25. Filling Out the Campaign Information Form • Verify and complete Campaign Information Form • Sign the form • Send the form with the Pledge Summary and Receipts to the Treasurer

  26. Submitting Campaign Information Formsto the Campaign TreasurerDeadline: November 13 As soon as the campaign ends, send all Summary sheets and the Campaign Information Form, along with the pledge forms, checks, and cash, to: • Darrell Meier • 2013 USECF Campaign Treasurer • 801-545-5622 • Department of Corrections • State Mail Box 4100 • 14717 Minuteman Drive, Draper, UT.

  27. Fund DriveFrequently Asked Questions • What am I suppose to do as a department coordinator? • Be a resource for solicitors and employees • Manually enter pledges as needed • Reset and edit employee accounts as needed • Provide status reports for your department • Monitor/resolve incomplete reports • Submit one-time payments to Campaign Treasurer • How can I help an employee edit their donations if they’ve already finalized and submitted? • Reset their account • Can I get a status report showing what our agency has donated? • Yes; go into Administration/Campaign Result Reports/Complete Contributor Donations

  28. Fund DriveFrequently Asked Questions continued - 2 • What if an employee just wants to fill out a hard copy form for payroll deduction and not pledge online? • Have employee submit a hard copy pledge to Department Coordinator • Manually enter their pledge on the website anytime during the Campaign • What if an employee changes their mind and doesn’t want to donate? • Reset the employee account and manually delete • What do you do if someone is on the incomplete list? • Contact the employee to determine their intent • Help them complete or manually delete their entry • How do I submit one-time payments to the Campaign Treasurer? • Prepare Summary sheets and Campaign Information Form • Attach pledge forms, and checks or cash to these two forms • Send to the Campaign Treasurer

  29. Fund DriveFrequently Asked Questions continued - 3 • Why isn’t the charity I want to donate to listed on your master list? • They did not apply for this year’s campaign but may be invited to apply for 2014 • My donations from last year are showing up. What if I don’t want to donate to the same organizations? • Do not check the box “I want to copy last year’s contributions into this year” • Be sure to scroll down a little further to enter the charity codes you wish to donate to • How do I know if I’m finished and my donations were processed and completed? • You’ve printed your receipt • The Department Coordinator can also check the “Completed Contributor Donations” report

  30. Fund DriveFrequently Asked Questions continued - 4 • When will the payroll donations I’m submitting now actually be withdrawn? • January through December 2013 • Is there a way to get an official receipt from the charity we donated to so we can claim the deduction on taxes? • This is not possible because checks sent to the charities include a total of all employee pledges designated to that specific charity. • We’ve invited charities to send Thank You letters to be posted on our website • If I failed to print the receipt when I donated, can I still get one? • Prior to the close of the Campaign, the Department Coordinator can reset the employee account to print the receipt. Data is no longer available for printing receipts after the Campaign officially closes. • At tax time, the employee, however, can use the last payroll statement of the previous year which shows the entire amount contributed to charities.

  31. More Questions?

  32. Contact Information 2013 Campaign Director Victoria Schoenfeld– Department of Administrative Services 801-538-3215 vschoenfeld@utah.gov 2013 Campaign Treasurer • Darrell Meier – Department of Corrections • 801-545-5622 • dmeier@utah.gov www.usecf.state.ut.us

  33. Thank You. . . • For being here today • For accepting your assignments • For all you do to make this year’s Charitable Fund Drive a great success

  34. Clip Art (to help with your campaign) 100%

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