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SMART GROUND is a project that aims to enhance the availability and accessibility of data and information on secondary raw materials in the EU territory. It provides a user-friendly database, decision support tools, and market place for stakeholders involved in landfill mining and waste recycling.
SMART data collection and inteGRation platform to enhance availability and accessibility of data and infOrmation in the EU territory on SecoNDary Raw Materials General presentation of SMART GROUND project – Networking Activity REPAiR H2020 projectConsortium meeting 16 October 2017 Warsaw, Poland
1. SMART GROUND ID • Project Start Date: 01 October 2015 • Project Duration: 30 Months • Total Budget: 2.5 Mln • EC contribution: 100% • 14 Partners from 5 EU countries • H2020 - Waste 4c - 2014 www.smart-ground.eu
2. State of the Art Enormous number of operational landfills www.smart-ground.eu
3. SMART GROUND Objectives www.smart-ground.eu
4. Mining Europe - from waste to profit www.smart-ground.eu
5. Waste Relevant for SMART GROUND 9% 29% 32% www.smart-ground.eu
6. Characterization of Pilot Sites • Construction & DemolitionWaste • MunicipalWaste • Miningwaste www.smart-ground.eu
7. Estimating the Potential of Pilot sites SMART GROUND Methodology: Quantitative indicators related to the investments & economical utilization of SRM: actual research, sampling & laboratory analysis to verify the potential of the landfills. Contacts with operators or associations to guarantee co-operation. Collection of information about landfill and SRM flows: number of closed/active landfills, types & ages 1 2 Collection of indicators from landfills and processing plants 3 www.smart-ground.eu
8. WP Structure WP6 Management WP4 Implementation - Training - Networking WP5Dissemination & Exploitation www.smart-ground.eu
9. Tools Enhanced Landfill Mining Toolkits Decision Support Tool Available at: www.smart-ground.eu/training-dst.php Available at: www.smart-ground.eu/training-toolkits.php www.smart-ground.eu
9. Enhanced Landfill Mining Toolkits • Present necessary information for stakeholders interested in conducting an Enhanced Landfill Mining project www.smart-ground.eu
9. Decision Support Tool • Provides: • Economic evaluation • Environmental assessment • Social valuation for a proposed ELFM project • Five MSW compositions (or input own) • Typical/own parameters • Nine ELFM scenarios differing in level of processing and technological effort • Selection criteria • Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) www.smart-ground.eu
9. Decision Support Tool Best scenario results www.smart-ground.eu
9. Decision Support Tool scenario results overview www.smart-ground.eu
9. Decision Support Tool Metals, CRM, REE amount and value estimation www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GROUND Platform Uniqueuser-friendly database Cartography-satelliteimagery SMART GROUND Reports & Statistics AdvancedSearch & Retrieval Data from EU Open Database INSPIRE & ISO Compliant www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GROUND Market Place & NeedsFulfilled Constructors and civilengineering: Identify companies that provide recycled materials for construction. Legislators: Decision making for evaluating feasibility from environmental point of view Regulatory compliance and regulation adaptation Citizens: More transparency and access to general information about landfill mining and its evolution Provide data for their statistics MARKET PLACE Decision makers: Decision making for evaluating feasibility from environmental and financial point of view Offer their available SRM, consult the price of SRM of other landfills, and identify potential demand and recycling companies Optimise extraction and mining operations Academia: Find suitable data to feed their analysis and research To easy the exchange of experiences, knowledge and results To spread the results of their research Students: find information and data to develop their works and research work at college Managers of waste recycling companies: Find suitable waste material provider. www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GOUND database www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GOUND database www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GOUND database www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GOUND database www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GOUND database www.smart-ground.eu
10. SMART GOUND database www.smart-ground.eu
11. SMART GROUND homepage www.smart-ground.eu