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Learning Segmentation by Random Walks: A Spectral Approach

Explore the use of random walks in spectral segmentation, understanding the Ncut algorithm, finite Markov chains, spectral properties, and the application of random walks in graph partitioning. Discover the relationship between graph theory, stochastic processes, and matrix algebra.

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Learning Segmentation by Random Walks: A Spectral Approach

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  1. Markus Herrgard UCSD Bioengineering and Bioinformatics CSE 291 Fall 2001Marina Meila and Jianbo Shi:Learning Segmentation by Random Walks/A Random Walks View of Spectral Segmentation Random walks and spectral segmentation

  2. Overview • Introduction: Why random walks? • Review of the Ncut algorithm • Finite Markov chains • Spectral properties of Markov chains • Conductance of a Markov chain • Block-stochastic matrices • Application: Supervised segmentation Random walks and spectral segmentation

  3. Introduction • Why bother with mapping a segmentation problem to a random walk problem? • Utilize strong connections between: • Graph theory • Theory of stochastic processes • Matrix algebra Random walks and spectral segmentation

  4. Applications of random walks • Markov chain monte carlo: • Approximate high dimensional integration e.g. in Bayesian inference • How to sample efficiently from a complex distribution? • Randomized algorithms: • Approximate counting in high dimensional spaces • How to sample points efficiently inside a convex polytope? Random walks and spectral segmentation

  5. Segmentation as graph partitioning • Consider an image I with a similarity function Sijbetween all pairs of pixels i,jI • Represent S as graph G =(I,S): • Pixels are the nodes of the graph • Sijis the weight of the edge between nodes i and j • Degree of node i: di = jSij • Volume of set AI: volA= iAdi Random walks and spectral segmentation

  6. Simple example Similarity matrix Data with both distance and color cues Random walks and spectral segmentation

  7. The normalized cut criterion • Partitioning of G into A and its complement is found by minimizing the normalized cut criterion: • Produces more balanced partitions than regular graph cut • Approximate solution can be found through spectral methods Random walks and spectral segmentation

  8. The normalized cut algorithm • Define: • Diagonal matrix D with Dii = di • Laplacian of the graph G: L = D – S • Solve the generalized eigenvalue problem: Lx = Dx • Let xL be the eigenvector corresponding to 2nd smallest eigenvalue L • Partition xL to two sets containing roughly equal values  graph partition Random walks and spectral segmentation

  9. What does this actually mean? • Spectral methods are easy to apply, but notoriously hard to understand intuitively • Some questions: • Why does it work? (see Shi & Malik) • Why this particular eigenvector? • Why would xL be piecewise constant? • What if there are more than two segments? • What if xL is not piecewise constant? (see Kannan, Vempala & Vetta) Random walks and spectral segmentation

  10. Interlude: Finite Markov chains • Discrete time, finite state random process • State of the system at time tn: xn • Probability of being in state i at time tn given by: • Probability distribution for all states represented by the column vector (n) • Markov property: Random walks and spectral segmentation

  11. Transition matrix • Transition matrix: • P is a (row) stochastic matrix: • Pij 0 • jPij = 1 • If at tn the distribution is (n) at tn+1 the distribution is given by: Random walks and spectral segmentation

  12. Work Play Sleep Example of a Markov chain Random walks and spectral segmentation

  13. Some terminology • Stationary distribution  is given by: • Markov chain is reversible if the “detailed balance” condition holds: • A reversible finite Markov chain is called a random walk Random walks and spectral segmentation

  14. Spectra of stochastic matrices • For reversible Markov chains the eigenvalues of Pare real and eigenvectors orthogonal • Spectral radius (P) = 1 (i.e. ||1) • Right (left) hand eigenvector corresponding to 1=1 is x1=1 (x1=) Random walks and spectral segmentation

  15. Back to Ncut • How is Ncut related to random walks on graphs? • Transform the similarity matrix S to a stochastic matrix: • Pij is the probability of moving from pixel i to pixel j in the graph representation of the image in one step of a random walk Random walks and spectral segmentation

  16. Relationship to random walks • Spectrum of P: • The generalized eigenvalue problem in Ncut can be written as: • How are the spectra related? • Same eigenvectors: x =xP • Eigenvalues:  = 1-P Random walks and spectral segmentation

  17. Simple example Transition matrix P=D-1S Similarity matrix S Random walks and spectral segmentation

  18. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of P Random walks and spectral segmentation

  19. Why the second eigenvector? • The smallest eigenvalue in NCut corresponds to the largest eigenvalue of P • The corresponding eigenvector x1=1 has no information about partitioning Random walks and spectral segmentation

  20. Conductance of a Markov chain • Conductance of set A: • If we start from a random node in A(according to ) this as the probability of moving out of A in one step Random walks and spectral segmentation

  21. Conductance and the Ncut criterion • Assume that the random walk started from its stationary distribution • Using this and Pij = Sij/di we can write: Random walks and spectral segmentation

  22. Interpretation of the Ncut criterion • Alternative representation of the Ncut criterion: • Minimum NCut is equivalent to • minimizing the conductance between set A and its complement • minimizing the probability of moving between set A and its complement Random walks and spectral segmentation

  23. Block-stochastic matrices • Let  = (A1,A2,…,Ak) be a partition of I • Pis a block-stochasticmatrix or equivalently the Markov chain is aggregatable iff Random walks and spectral segmentation

  24. Aggregation • Markov chain defined by P with state space iIcan be aggregated to a Markov chain with a smaller state space As and a transition matrix R • The k eigenvalues of R are the same as the k largest eigenvalues of P • Aggregation can be performed as a linear transformation R = UPV Random walks and spectral segmentation

  25. Aggregation example Aggregated transition matrix R Transition matrix P Random walks and spectral segmentation

  26. Why piecewise constant eigenvectors? • If Pis block-stochastic with kblocks then its kfirst eigenvectors are piecewise constant • Ncut is exact for block-stochastic matrices in addition to block diagonal matrices • Ncut groups pixels by the similarity of their transition probabilities to subsets of I Random walks and spectral segmentation

  27. Block-stochastic matrix example Transition matrix P Piecewise constant eigenvector x Random walks and spectral segmentation

  28. The modified Ncut algorithm • Finds k segments in one pass • Requires that the k eigenvalues of Rare larger than the other n-k spurious eigenvalues of P • Compute eigenvalues of P • Select k largest eigenvectors • Use k-means to obtain segmentation based on the keigenvectors Random walks and spectral segmentation

  29. Supervised image segmentation • Training data: • Based on a human-segmented image define target probabilities • Features: • Different criteria fqijq=1,…,Q that measure similarity between pixels iand j Random walks and spectral segmentation

  30. Supervised segmentation criterion • Model: • Parametrized similarity function: • Optimization criterion: • Minimize Kullback-Leibler divergence between target transition matrix P* and P()=D-1S () • Corresponds to maximizing cross-entropy: Random walks and spectral segmentation

  31. Supervised segmentation algorithm • This can be done by using gradient ascent in : where Random walks and spectral segmentation

  32. Training segmentation 2 (by color): 1=-0.19, 2=-4.55 Training segmentation 1 (by distance): 1=-1.19, 2=1.04 Toy example Distance “Color” (or intensity) Random walks and spectral segmentation

  33. Toy example results Training segmentation 1 (by distance): Test data Training segmentation 2 (by color): Random walks and spectral segmentation

  34. Application real image segmentation • Cues: • Intervening contour: • Edge flow: Random walks and spectral segmentation

  35. Training Random walks and spectral segmentation

  36. Testing Random walks and spectral segmentation

  37. Conclusions I • Random walks perspective provides new insights to the Ncut algorithm: • Relating the Ncut algorithm to spectral properties of random walks • Interpreting of the Ncut criterion in terms of conductance of a random walk • Proving that Ncut is exact for block stochastic matrices Random walks and spectral segmentation

  38. Conclusions II • Is any of this useful in practice? • Supervised segmentation method • Comparing different spectral clustering methods in terms of the underlying random walks • Choosing the kernel to allow for effective clustering (approximately block-stochastic) • New clustering criteria, e.g. bipartite clustering Random walks and spectral segmentation

  39. References • Kemeny JG, Snell JL: Finite Markov Chains. Springer 1976. • Stewart WJ: Introduction to the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains. Princeton University Press 1994. • Lovasz L: Random Walks of Graphs: A Survey. • Jerrum M, Sinclair A: The Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method: An Approach to Approximate Counting and Integration. Random walks and spectral segmentation

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