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Incontro Nazionale Neurofisiologia: Nuove Strategie “Controversie sulla diagnosi e terapia del dolore neuropatico” Palermo, 29-30 novembre 2012.
Incontro Nazionale Neurofisiologia: Nuove Strategie “Controversie sulla diagnosi e terapia del dolore neuropatico” Palermo, 29-30 novembre 2012 May QST offer useful infos for the diagnosis of neuropathic pain? Yes David YarnitskyNo Valeria TugnoliDiscussants: Marcello Romano, Stefano Tamburin,
Conclusions Stefano Tamburin Palermo, 29-30 novembre 2012
QST for NP diagnosis: pros QST may document loss-of-fx changes in small fibers and central pain pathways (EDX may not)
QST for NP diagnosis: pros QST maydocumentloss-of-fxchanges in smallfibers and central pain pathways (EDX maynot) QST may help toapply the NeuPSIGalgorithmfor the diagnosisof NP (EDX may help too)
QST for NP diagnosis: pros QST maydocumentloss-of-fxchanges in smallfibers and central pain pathways (EDX maynot) QST may help toapply the NeuPSIGalgorithmfor the diagnosisof NP (EDX may help too) QST may separate NP fromnociceptive pain (?)
QST for NP diagnosis: pros QST maydocumentloss-of-fxchanges in smallfibers and central pain pathways (EDX maynot) QST may help toapply the NeuPSIGalgorithmfor the diagnosisof NP (EDX may help too) QST may separate NP fromnociceptive pain (?) QST mayfollowpts up (naturalhistory, treatment)
QST for NP diagnosis: pros QST maydocumentloss-of-fxchanges in smallfibers and central pain pathways (EDX maynot) QST may help toapply the NeuPSIGalgorithmfor the diagnosisof NP (EDX may help too) QST may separate NP fromnociceptive pain (?) QST mayfollowpts up (naturalhistory, treatment) QST mayexploregain-of-fxchanges (EDX doesnot)
QST for NP diagnosis: pros QST maydocumentloss-of-fxchanges in smallfibers and central pain pathways (EDX maynot) QST may help toapply the NeuPSIGalgorithmfor the diagnosisof NP (EDX may help too) QST may separate NP fromnociceptive pain (?) QST mayfollowpts up (naturalhistory, treatment) QST mayexploregain-of-fxchanges (EDX doesnot) QST maypredictdevelopmentof NP in pts at risk
QST for NP diagnosis: pros QST maydocumentloss-of-fxchanges in smallfibers and central pain pathways (EDX maynot) QST may help toapply the NeuPSIGalgorithmfor the diagnosisof NP (EDX may help too) QST may separate NP fromnociceptive pain (?) QST mayfollowpts up (naturalhistory, treatment) QST mayexploregain-of-fxchanges (EDX doesnot) QST maypredictdevelopmentof NP in pts at risk QST maypredictresponseto NP drugs
QST for NP diagnosis: cons No standardized and widely accepted QST protocol and normal range of values
QST for NP diagnosis: cons No standardized and widelyaccepted QST protocol and normal range ofvalues Test-retest and interobserverreproducibility are unclear
QST for NP diagnosis: cons No standardized and widelyaccepted QST protocol and normal range ofvalues Test-retest and interobserverreproducibility are unclear QST cannotdefine the anatomicallevelofchanges (EDX and EPs can)
QST for NP diagnosis: cons No standardized and widelyaccepted QST protocol and normal range ofvalues Test-retest and interobserverreproducibility are unclear QST cannotdefine the anatomicallevelofchanges (EDX and EPs can) QST is a subjectivemeasure (aswellas pain, VAS and NRS)
QST for NP diagnosis: cons No standardized and widelyaccepted QST protocol and normal range ofvalues Test-retest and interobserverreproducibility are unclear QST cannotdefine the anatomicallevelofchanges (EDX and EPs can) QST is a subjectivemeasure (aswellas pain, VAS and NRS) QST cannotdifferentiaterealfromsimulated and psychogenicchanges (medico-legalissues)
QST for NP diagnosis: cons No standardized and widelyaccepted QST protocol and normal range ofvalues Test-retest and interobserverreproducibility are unclear QST cannotdefine the anatomicallevelofchanges (EDX and EPs can) QST is a subjectivemeasure (aswellas pain, VAS and NRS) QST cannotdifferentiaterealfromsimulated and psychogenicchanges (medico-legalissues) QST istimeconsuming, expensive, needs a long training and isavailableonly in specializedcenters
Principal limitations of methods for studying small fiber function
QST for NP diagnosis: cons No standardized and widelyaccepted QST protocol and normal range ofvalues Test-retest and interobserverreproducibility are unclear QST cannotdefine the anatomicallevelofchanges (EDX and EPs can) QST is a subjectivemeasure (aswellas pain, VAS and NRS) QST cannotdifferentiaterealfromsimulated and psychogenicchanges (medico-legalissues) QST istimeconsuming, expensive, needs a long training and isavailableonly in specializedcenters QST cannotsubstitutebedsideevaluation (aswellas EDX)