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]p¯-\m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p- SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶

]p¯-m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p- SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶. IjvSX ]«n-Wn CÃm¯ m«n mw IÀ¯m-shm-cp-¡p¶ kt´mj ho«n mw tXP-tÊdpw taml Inco--S-§Ä [cn¨p mw cmP-cm-P-tip-thmSp IqsS hmgpta. ]p¯-m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p- SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶.

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]p¯-\m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p- SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ]p¯-\m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p-SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶

  2. IjvSX ]«n-Wn CÃm¯ \m«n \mw IÀ¯m-shm-cp-¡p¶ kt´mj ho«n \mw tXP-tÊdpw taml\ Inco--S-§Ä [cn¨p \mw cmP-cm-P-t\ip-thmSp IqsS hmgpta

  3. ]p¯-\m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p-SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶

  4. \oXn kqcy tim`-bm-se-¶-Ã-en-cpÄ amdnSpw `oXn-bp-a-\o-Xn-bp-a-§nà teihpw kt´mj tim`\w B \à \mfp-IÄ temIw `cn-¨oSpw IÀ¯m-hn--\m-fpIÄ timIwtcmKw bp²w{Iq² PmXnIfn³hn¹hw t]mIp-sa-Ãm-ta-ip-cm-P³ `qhn hmgp-SÝlX

  5. ]p¯-\m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p-SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶

  6. kXy-ip² ]mX-bn \S-¶p-h¶ ip²-·mÀ hos-ÞSp-¡-s¸« kÀÆ ssZh--a-¡fpw DÃm-k-tLm-j-ambv kotbm\n h¶nSpw ZpxJw s\Sp-hoÀ¸pw kÀÆhpw XoÀ¶nSpw \nXy-\nXy kt´mjw inc--Ên lm hln¨hÀ \nXy-X-bv ¡p-Ån adbpw Xocpw Imehpw

  7. ]p¯-\m-sa-cp-i-te-an-se¯pw Ime-tamÀ¡p-SÝlX C²-c-bn³ tJZ--saÃmw amªp-t]m-Ipt¶

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