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Update PURPA OPUC proceedings

Update PURPA OPUC proceedings. Bend, November 3, 2005. Carel DeWinkel, Renewable Energy Division. OPUC Order UM 1129/ May 13, 2005. 10 MW standard contract eligibility threshold Use the manufacturer’s nameplate capacity Maximum standard contract of Twenty years.

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Update PURPA OPUC proceedings

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  1. Update PURPA OPUC proceedings Bend, November 3, 2005 Carel DeWinkel, Renewable Energy Division

  2. OPUC Order UM 1129/ May 13, 2005 • 10 MW standard contract eligibility threshold • Use the manufacturer’s nameplate capacity • Maximum standard contract of Twenty years. • Allowing fixed pricing for the first 15 years, but requiring the selection of a market rate for the last 5 years • Full avoided cost, whether intermittent or firm

  3. OPUC Order UM 1129/ May 13, 2005 (cont) • Three pricing options: • fixed price • the dead-band method • the gas market forecast • Contracts do not terminate if the federal PURPA is repealed • All kinds of Security, Insurance and Indemnity requirements • There will be a second phase of this docket, including “development of negotiation parameters and guidelines for non-standard QF contracts”

  4. OPUC Order UM 1129/ Schedule • Phase I • Utilities contracts submitted in July • Lots of compliance issues, workshop just this past Tuesday • Hearing set for February 2nd. • Phase II • Feb 20, Simultaneous direct testimony • April 18-19, Hearing

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